I was a bit scared that i maybe didnt follow the prompt of the archive correctly, but im happy to hear that my question got answered. i notice the forums dont get as much discussion when these archives come out, but there is some discussion outside the forums, and we do appreciate the effort and the time the loremaster takes to do these.
OgrimTitan wrote: »Still, I'm angry my question wasn't used. I believe Julianos/Hermaeus Mora connection was very interesting to discuss. I made a pass on Archanists Archive because I was waiting for Heramaeus Mora-oriented one with a relevant question ready and was dumped. Chrysamere one wasn't exactly relevant to Endless Archive directly but was used (I'm glad it was used, don't get me wrong), but Julianos one wasn't, or Akatosh one (not mine).
MafiaCat115 wrote: »
I definitely agree that your's would've been great to see an answer to. Questions that go deep in the lore and explore interactions between deities are the ones I'd love to see answered. I wish more questions were answered for these archives in general, too, since there's so many great questions brought up that more or less get ignored when they're not selected for the article. As a desperate Jyggalag fan, I'm over here hoping that one day I'll get some new lore for my favorite Prince (and hoping that Tho'at Replicanum is connected to Jyggalag or his library somehow given how crystalline they are like Knights and Priests of Order).
I can't help but wonder how the questions are chosen. Is it on the grounds of choosing ones the general player base would understand versus going for deep ones that only the lorebeards would get? Or ones that an answer can be quickly brought up based on what's in the series already?