Let us buy class changing

I have no interest in replaying quests for getting new skill points for a new character. At least let us spend $100 to change classes if we want. This is about the new class coming out.
  • MagicalLija
    ZoS have already stated that there's too many technical issues with class changing tokens. We will not be seeing them for a pretty long time if ever.
  • KilianDermoth
    Technical issues can be fixed...

    If they couldnt humans would still live in trees and caves...

    Also you can just counter anything with "too many technical issues" and its almost always nonsense...
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    This is what we posted in another thread back in February on the topic. Again we understand this is not the desired response here. We'll continue to take feedback to the team, but please keep in mind this is the current stance on class change items.
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all, just wanted to follow up here since we've followed up in a few other threads about class change tokens. Currently, we do not have any plans on implementing class changes tokens. There are a number of technical challenges with implementing them, and it would take a significant amount of time to solve these challenges efficiently and safely.

    We know this isn't the desired feedback, but wanted to make sure we made our current stance clear on this.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • SirGabenOfSteamia
    Would love this feature. Technical limitations or no, I think zos would find it VERY profitable to figure it out. I'd much rather pay like 3k or 4k crowns to swap classes than to start a new character that I'm actively gonna play on and have to redo so much content for skill points or just to get those pesky quest markers off my compass, especially with the new arcanist coming up which is the first time I've considered making and playing a new class since the game came out.

    Edit: and omg having to level all my skill lines again, so much work
    Edited by SirGabenOfSteamia on March 21, 2023 3:10PM
    And so, Akatosh revealed himself to a young Gaben, and granted him purpose.
    "Grant them Steam sales," he commanded.
    And obey, he did.
  • Gadamlub14_ESO
    Would love this feature. Technical limitations or no, I think zos would find it VERY profitable to figure it out. I'd much rather pay like 3k or 4k crowns to swap classes than to start a new character that I'm actively gonna play on and have to redo so much content for skill points or just to get those pesky quest markers off my compass, especially with the new arcanist coming up which is the first time I've considered making and playing a new class since the game came out.

    Edit: and omg having to level all my skill lines again, so much work

    They make more money when players have to re purchase all the character locked crown purchases when you make a new character. That’s the main “technical limitation”
  • Quethrosar
    I don't mind leveling skills but I have already done all the zone quests, 2 months from all 9 crafter, master angular, meta this and that. I have 1 character. I have never replayed games ever. Oh and spent at least 1000$ on the store. I just want to pay $100, level the skills try it. If I don't like it switch back.
  • DocFrost72

    They make more money when players have to re purchase all the character locked crown purchases when you make a new character. That’s the main “technical limitation”

    Not sure. They'd get a lotof money with my flippant class change every few months to keep my main intact. I'd also be more incentivized to purchase outfit or armory slots for one character than the current 3 I have for my main.
  • Jestir
    I still support this

    at this point i would take a one time per account/character support based class change, even if it just worked as deleting the current character and copy-pasting everything but in the new class

    i really want to save my main from their purgatory
  • Nic727
    I don't see any technical challenge personaly.

    Race change token
    Choose new race --> Your racial skills are getting removed --> You get new racial skills with 0 xp.

    How class change token could work
    Choose new class --> Your current class skills are getting removed --> You get new class skills with 0 xp.
  • noblecron
    It might be something to do with the code that's used for race model/class model. Like animations maybe
  • Jestir
    noblecron wrote: »
    It might be something to do with the code that's used for race model/class model. Like animations maybe

    or it's the defining part of how it's saved into the server Dragonknight0111947472819927
  • WetYoda
    The "technical challenges" were identified by the Finance department.
    PC NA - GM of Atrocious Love Letter and proud owner of an imgakin monkey
  • ixthUA
    Skill lines with weaker versions of class-defining skills can be a solution. Just like we have class-less versions of minor and major buffs and debuffs.
  • SimonThesis
    I think this is one of those situations where both reasons are right. They don't want to lose money on skyshards and undaunted, psijic lines etc, but there are technical challenges. It reminds me of a story I heard back in the day there was an easy cheat where people could use a common skill changing addon to slot skills from other classes. So Zos apparently fixed it by making every skill in the game class locked. They would have to find a way to let you use skills on a different class.
    Edited by SimonThesis on April 17, 2023 5:31AM
  • Aorys
    I don't want more combat/skill bugs. Let it be
  • WiseSky
    Look at it this way....

    I will purchase 10 outfit slots
    6 armor slots
    2 Crown Exclusive Motifs as I have the other books in my inventory.

    That Alone is 21K crowns

    Not to mention a couple of key motifs from the traders too.

    All around a positive outlook for ZOS and the game economy.

    I am one of the rare ones that Gets to start the ESO journey with the Arcanist switching from my main and not have progress much at all.

    If they had a Class Change I would not want it. As this is an RPG game and the journey of a char means a lot.

    Sure let the people have the token if it they can make it.

    But Make it super expensive, as the number of Master Writs and Intricate Jewelry I will sell will be in the millions :trollface:
  • FeedbackOnly
    Quethrosar wrote: »
    I have no interest in replaying quests for getting new skill points for a new character. At least let us spend $100 to change classes if we want. This is about the new class coming out.

    You can buy skill points technically...
  • Jestir
    I will never spend money on skill points or skill lines

    I would waste a noticeable amount of money to change my mains class
  • Norith_Gilheart_Flail
    For me, I could deal with not having it provided I had the ability to toggle account wide recipes, motifs and furnishings.

    A toggle feature specified so that way it could hopefully extend to achievements and there could be a two birds one stone win for those that were bothered by AWA.
  • Princess_Lily
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Look at it this way....

    I will purchase 10 outfit slots
    6 armor slots
    2 Crown Exclusive Motifs as I have the other books in my inventory.

    That Alone is 21K crowns

    Not to mention a couple of key motifs from the traders too.

    All around a positive outlook for ZOS and the game economy.

    I am one of the rare ones that Gets to start the ESO journey with the Arcanist switching from my main and not have progress much at all.

    If they had a Class Change I would not want it. As this is an RPG game and the journey of a char means a lot.

    Sure let the people have the token if it they can make it.

    But Make it super expensive, as the number of Master Writs and Intricate Jewelry I will sell will be in the millions :trollface:

    This is exactly my reasoning. They would make bank from many of us who are roleplayers to cause an example is I just started in ESO a little while ago cause it took me that long to see it good after the beta I was in way way back and hated.

    Now arcanist which plays like much of the healers I am use to comes out and I am like F so i gotta redo everything on my main and buy outfit slots and armory slots....just charge us 20 or 30 dollars in crowns and let us do that cause I would swap my main to arcanist and my arcanist to main.

    A way to keep people from not knowing the class is lock it behind having a lv 50 of that slot on your account. So you cant buy the token unless you unlocked the achievement for hitting 50 on that class.

    Either that or make outfits and armory slots account wide cause 15 a character is steep as hell and not right. Five a slot means many including myself would buy them for a lot more characters.

    Many mmorpgs including ones older than this one with far worse coding have had tokens to change classes and such. To me this is just making them target whales who want to spend all their money or are too rich to care for pricing in the store. I am smart and limit myself but my friend I have stated has a problem cause he buys all from that store. Can you imagine paying thousands of dollars to a game that doesn't treat things right. They sell things like wolf bites overpriced in the store that you can get for free easily in the world but they can't figure out how to let people change a class.
    Edited by Princess_Lily on June 5, 2023 3:11AM
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