Double node events never affect surveys, they usually mention that specifically in the event info page each time they include double nodes for events. Did mine like normal while the event was happening no difference from the usual yields.
Plentiful harvest does affect them but its all down to RNG, sometimes it won't proc once doing a survey other times all but one node might proc and give you double mats usually with somewhere in between, definitely feels lower overall than the 50% chance the tooltip info says at least to me it does anyway.
It is definitely lower than 50%. Data show closer to 40%, as tmbrinks noted above.
Kevin went off to check on that well over a year ago now. I hope he’s ok!
So I think the base rate is 18 per node, with a possibility of 2 extra (like how normal nodes can give you 1 or 2 extra), with the times 2. Were the calculations done using a base of 20 or with this in mind?
I'm not one to doubt @tmbrinks but it was just a thought I had in passing
Surveys are never included in the double node drops, this is why I only do them after the event ends. Plentiful harvest does work on survey nodes. But it's percentages of doubling the nodes can be strange at times.
Ever since all my characters became max skill level crafters, I have noticed I got more double nodes from my new surveys. This leads me to believe the chance to get the ~50% for double nodes is only for max level crafters surveys. And a lower % chance for lower level crafters surveys. But this might just be superstition.
All things mentioned in your ETA, I have as well on all my characters(except some very rare alchemy ingrediënts). Also doing the surveys on my main master crafter who knows almost all motifs.
I have only drawn and done surveys on max level crafters for the past few years (since well before CP 2.0 came out), and the few times I’ve tested PH (with a few hundred surveys each time), I have not gotten the 50% advertised. I think the best I did was 43% or thereabouts.
One of the things I noticed in my pulls is that a survey can have no nodes proc PH or up to 5 nodes proc PH, but never all 6 doubled in a single survey. I would have expected the chances of doubling none to be equal to the chances of doubling all, if the chance were 50%, but somehow no survey ever had all its nodes doubled for me. Could be coincidence, but after nearly a thousand surveys it strikes me as a bit odd.
ETA: By max-level crafters I mean fully 9-trait in every craft, including jewelry, with all enchanting and alchemy achievements (which were character-specific at the time). My main has had all crafting achievements since CP 2.0, and I do the surveys on them, since they have all the wayshrines unlocked. So I do not think PH chances are the proper 50% even with all possible things maxed out.
For 1000 surveys change to get at least one with all nodes doubled with max Plentiful Harvest slotted is about 0.9999998552643653838614786942... rather close to 100% if tooltip is correct. But we already know in this game tooltips are not reliable and even devs do not know what the real changes are.
Change to get all nodes doubled for one survey should be 1/64 and run of 45 surveys should have 50% change to have at least one.
I have gone nearly a thousand surveys now without one being all doubled, which makes more sense to me when the rate is closer to 40% than 50%. Others have had different results, of course, and I’m glad to hear it does happen. But it does not happen as often as it should, since I have had plenty of surveys (many times double digits) with no nodes doubled.
I have gone nearly a thousand surveys now without one being all doubled, which makes more sense to me when the rate is closer to 40% than 50%. Others have had different results, of course, and I’m glad to hear it does happen. But it does not happen as often as it should, since I have had plenty of surveys (many times double digits) with no nodes doubled.