Are the majority of your T-Bags Deserved, or Undeserved?

I've been spending most my time in Cyrodiil now that I've completed everything in Elsweyr, waiting for Dragonhold. And now I've re-noticed that almost every single fight I get into there's someone who NEEDS to do the crouching tango. Most times it's obviously undeserved cause I thought it was a good fight. Sometimes I can see I "deserved it" cause I AM a StamBlade trying to gank lone players and many times I lose, and I understand the common practice of a failed ganking is to bag the ganker, which I won't oppose. But the majority of the time when I'm in a legit fight where the enemy player saw me coming or engaged me themselves, and I'm giving it my all and still lose, they proceed to bag without cause.

And really all that does is land you at number one on my target list and if I see you again on the ground I will return the favor. It's only fair. If something akin to humiliation is going to continue to exist I at least adhere to some etiquette about it.
CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - Khajiiti Aficionado - The Clan
Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!

Are the majority of your T-Bags Deserved, or Undeserved? 23 votes

Yes, I (mostly) Bag those who deserve it.
ArchMikemAkromaAngelOfWrathLedJackJierdanitmilllaurieFlame_of_HadesNevidyra 7 votes
No, I Bag indiscriminately because you lost.
dtsharplesBaccaroodaThePedgebakermirRahar 5 votes
I don't T-Bag at all.
Zelosdennissomb16_ESOHumanophageInvictusApolloNordSwordnBoardmax_onlyGrim_Slaughterfishalexoopedges_endgameKhlonaAnororthad 11 votes
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