If you can find cheap blues, might as well decon them. I don't think there's a set chance of getting a dwarven oil from deconstructing a blue. I've gotten 3-4 in a row before, and I've also gotten 0 from deconstructing 3-4 blues before.
I'd be interested to know as well. I get that random is random, however over the course of 1000 deconstructed items, trends will present themselves. Knowing those trends helps set the worth it price for picking up random items to deconstruct.
It's certainly not any scientific data, but with 3/3 in extraction I get about 1 in 3 Dwarven Oils. So in the 30% -ish range. My Embroidery extraction with 3/3 seems a little lower, like in the 1 in 4 or 25% range.
Did they add the diminish returns on extraction like they said they did?
So extracting 100 blue items in one hr gives less then extracting 100 blue items over 4 hrs? Or was that just for refining (converting rare materials into processed)
I have no idea what the numbers are. But I would have to say that the numbers are the same for being gettign a blue resource to getting nothing at all when decon a blue item.
I am 3/3 and would also say more often than not. 75% seems about right. It's often enough that I assume I will get one and decon blue gear rather than selling it for that reason. Greens seems to be nearly 100% which is why I decon all green items worth less than 40gp.
--- HuntGod ---
Officer of the Unrepentant
75% chance on green/blue/purple. Buy any (non-wooden) blues at less than 200g, and any (non-wooden) purples at 500g or less.
Why not wooden? Because the demand for wood improving agents is far, far lower than cloth or metal improvers. This is because any one person can never wear/wield more than two wood items at a time (e.g. a shield in one wpn position, diff shield in wpn swap position). And at any given instant in time, you're wearing at most one wooden item.
If you're a woodworker, Pacrooti will send you all the wood improving agents you'll ever need.