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impact of vet ranks in the long run in PVE.

Hello guys,

playing true the vet ranks made me think about the impact the vet ranks actually have in the long run PVE wise in this game for new players that will join the game after few months.

So basically 1 vet rank equals 10lvl's. Atm it goes up to vet10 = lvl 150.

Next month Craglorn will be released with a increase of the vet cap to vet12 = lvl 170.

Now imagine players joining the game after 6 month's, and there is a vet rank 18 = lvl 230. I don't see the fun for those players to actually have the nerfs to take on the grind to that lvl. It don't encourages players even trying, because they know it is a long long way to go to reach that lvl to play content together with there friends like dungeons and raids, 4 man content. Most players don't have that much time to play and it will take them forever to reach that cap, but by that time they will quit the game because it is just a long grind, way to much.

PVE progression should be hit max lvl, enjoy the beautiful dungeons and not restrictions on vet ranks like atm and the gear that drops there. It only make's those lower vet dungeon's a 1 time experience before players move on. Players wane play with friends, to gear up for the raids and play some nice challenging raid content together, that is the final goal for every pve player.

For those that ask and what about quest? well i think players have seen enough of them from lvl 1 to 50 and vet1 to vet12 by that time craglorn hits. And Endgame is not about just doing quest and having a blast to have a repeatable felling all the time. Endgame is all about challenging dungeon's and hard trails/raid that keeps players interested, that only matters.

PVP wise i totally see vet ranks fit into the game some kind old school rank system that wow had back in vanilla if i may say it like this. Because it is kinda like that, if u think about it. It rewards u for the grind to max vet rank, has some feeling that u achieved finally something.

This is not a flame war, just some things that i think more players will realize sooner or later also.

What do u think about it? and should zanimax change some thing regarding those Vet ranks for PVE?

  • TheJadeFist
    Looking at my from my view, its kinda excited as well as daunting to realize that I just got to v1 and its gonna take nearly as much quests/ zones to get to v5 and then on to v

    I mean I honestly could have hit 50 alot faster, but even taking my sweet time and listening to most of the quests dialogue and exploring and stuff, i mean less then a month to 50, I need something to keep me going.

    So I don't think its bad to have a higher cap.
  • Depechenova
    Cash. The only thing that's driving this game. The 30 days will be coming to and end soon and most have made up there mind on what there willing to pay for. The nerf bat is rdy. Patches will be brought out and this game will go down to patch such and such is or will kill the game.
    When zenimax see the figures over the next what ever months they'll decide and then change there style to rake in the cash its lost / or the cash they'll gain.

    So imo the vet lvls thing will change and the xp needed will be dropped eventually, coz the cash = no customers thing for the amount of grind= the fun of actually playing this game speaks volumes.

    Most of the top MMOs I have played over the years, and every big title there is ALL have had the nerf bat to rake in the cash. PPl leave ppl join, the circle of the mmos life.

    And just when u'll get used to all of the changes , threaten to quit, leave , then join again in 6 months , then leave again, The dudes in zenimaxs board room pull the plug and put it on Free to play. And start charging for micro transactions. Paying for quests , swords, hat and other trinkets or equally worthless tat to keep you putting your hand in your pocket.

    Basically yes am saying , get rdy for changes over the next 6 months, and I reckon xp grind will be one of many
    Edited by Depechenova on April 29, 2014 7:47PM
  • StoneSilence
    1 VR level might take as along as 10 regular levels to pass, but does not make you 10 levels more powerful. It's closer to making you 1 level stronger per each VR level you gain.
    Just as an example - at VR1 you can get a weapon that does 102 damage, a VR10 weapon will do 127-130ish. That's less than 30% increase. Similar to the difference between a lvl 16 and a lvl 24 weapon.

    Also definitely not all PvE players want to level up in the blink of a eye just to repeat the same dungeons and raid events over and over and over forever. That's more of a FPS mentality.

    I personally am story-driven and do dungeons once and move on, unless a friend needs help. I am glad there is enough content to keep me playing 2+ months lvl1-VR10, instead of getting to max level in a couple of weeks.

    Being max level should mean something, and should take time and effort. Ideally the game should be designed so when you are a lvl 5 newbie and see a VR player they should inspire "awe" and give you something to aim for, instead of thinking "Meh, I will be there next week."

    I do wish there was some scaling mechanic where if you are in a group, you could either get beefed up when playing with higher level players, or they get "weakened" to your level, while both you and them get drops appropriate for their real level.
    Edited by StoneSilence on April 29, 2014 8:09PM
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Funny how you talk for every single PvE players ... and is totally wrong , which is normal when someone tries to do something so absurd.

    I dont have the time , and to a point the patience , that is required to raid and so on anymore.

    So now i mostly play solo , will probably join my guild some of the 4 man runs, but that is it.

    I hope they add content that has unique rewards for solo PvE players , cause not everyone is going to raid and all that.

    Now , i have no idea how it is like at vet10 , but i wonder if there is anything like that up there , or if they will be adding only group content for now.

    I do agree that it takes far too long. Honestly , at this point , if i get bored of my templar and decide i want to play something else , i would rather just quit the game and go play something else, cause im not lvling a new char all the way again.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 29, 2014 8:07PM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • MkChkn
    They will nerf it once subscriptions start to dwindle. Until then I'll enjoy the actual challenge of the Vet levels. I've stopped playing other MMORPGs because of the sole focus of endgame content. Once the nerfs hit I'll stop and head back to Dark Souls 2.
  • tdgeddesub17_ESO
    They needed something to take up the time till crag came out, but they knew if they nerfed it so soon that the players who made it to 10 would be pissed. So now we are in interim, waiting for a nerf to vr level xp. By we, I mean people who don't want to grind 170 levels of xp. It's ok if yall like that, we all have our opinions. At least agree that VR rank should be beneficial, yet optional.
  • Vuron
    They needed something to take up the time till crag came out, but they knew if they nerfed it so soon that the players who made it to 10 would be pissed. So now we are in interim, waiting for a nerf to vr level xp. By we, I mean people who don't want to grind 170 levels of xp. It's ok if yall like that, we all have our opinions. At least agree that VR rank should be beneficial, yet optional.

    It really has nothing to do with the XP. The entire VR level mechanic came in to being because the game was originally designed to have 3 races per faction and you were tied to that faction. A large number of TES single player vets and PvE vets complained that they would be missing out on 2/3 of the content if they were allowed to only play one faction without having to create alts.

    The 50+ and 50++ (Cadwell's Silver and Gold) were put into place to allow players to experience the other faction content without having to create alts. The system is built around gaining about 1 level per zone. Doing all the quests, delves, anchors, and bosses will get you almost exactly 1 level per zone.

    I wouldn't count on them changing the XP too much. It defeats the purpose if you can hit VR10 after going through 4 zones of PvE. Of course, you can always level from doing PvP, VR dungeons, etc, but you will still need to go through the main quests lines of Silver and Gold to advance.

    For the record, my personal opinion was that they should have kept the 3 races per faction and kept the other alliance areas off limits to your character. If you wanted to experience the other 2, than create an alt. Don't force those of us that don't like to quest to have to go through 10 more zones of quests.
    Edited by Vuron on April 30, 2014 3:21PM
  • tdgeddesub17_ESO
    Heh we kinda went back and forth on two posts.

    I think we're pretty much in agreement in the big picture honestly. It's just frustrating to me as I have 5 days left on my sub and I don't really want to leave, but that combined with all the other stuff that bugs me (no pun intended) I'm just not paying 15 a month for that
  • Jadakin
    The main issue I think and tend to agree with is on the PVP front. The disparity between VR1 and VR10 is too great. It should be closer aligned with some advantage offered on the top end of the bell curve.

    Having an additional 100 levels of PVE content to quest through I don't see as an inherent negative. I do think it's an issue to ask PVPers to go through that because to them it comes off as a grind. They're forced to go through the content just so they can be competitive in PVP. I have a suggestion (since flattening the power between VR1 - VR10 is prob not going to happen) and it comes from DaoC. Tier the campaigns. Make 1-49 a tier. 1-3 Vet, 4-6, 7-9, and 10.

    For those that actually enjoy the PVE content I find it harder to understand the issue. All I get from that side of the complaint is that it takes too long to finish the game. And I find that mentality in an MMORPG a shame. Just my opinion.
    Edited by Jadakin on April 30, 2014 5:31PM
  • Ikata_Stormcloud
    Soul Shriven
    The only thing that really worries me - is WHEN does this stop? v12? v20? v150? I get that the extra vet content needs to feel rewarding but what I don't want to have to do is grind a but load to get to v10/12 when crag gets here, grind a load more for legendary tempers, make a full set of legendary gear and weapons only to find out that in a months time I'm going to have to do it all over again when the next lot of vet content comes out and we get two more ranks.
    One of the biggest feelings of achievement in games like these is hitting max level. Getting to that point where you can go YEAH I have hit max level now I get to work on getting the best gear and things around. Vet ranks really don't feel like that, it feels like an endless grind into oblivion - not the plane - actual oblivion.
    Edited by Ikata_Stormcloud on April 30, 2014 7:08PM
  • ZiRM
    If they are going to just keep adding VR's it's going to be utterly even more tedious and boring than it is already. I'm only vet rank 4 and the thought of VR 12, 15 etc. just makes me sick. LOTRO kept adding levels etc. and it just killed it for me. I hate to be a doom and gloomer, I enjoy playing and the game but stop with the dangling carrot methods.
    I like to feel a sense of finishing something and continuously adding levels before the core game is even fixed and solid is just a big sign that says... $$$$ GRAB!
    To heck with craglorn, fix your game first and polish it up so you can finish quests. The exploiters and bots are laughing at you ZOS. I have 4 days left of my first month.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Mothanos
    My biggest concern is how alt unfriendly this game realy is...
    If you want to level an alt your going trough the same contend and 200+ hours worth of quests you already completed.

    No other way to level up in this game then the same boring quest grind and zones.
    I have a V1 bosmer and a V3 High Elf but i am getting burned out from all those quests.
    From level 1 to 50 i enjoyed my personal story and disliked the normal quests.
    At V1 this stops completely as you do not have a main story to follow.

    It takes way to much time to level up in this game and there are no alternatives to play this mmo then to quest quest quest and do more quests....
    if we would be able to level trough dungeons and even PVP then i would gladly take that option.

    But at this point the game is way to shallow and mindnumbingly borring to do that stuff all over again.
    Already had enough on my main from all the pointless quests.
    Zenimax should open up this mmo to play the game you want to play it and not be forced to go trough 200+ hours questing.

    Oh and new Veteran Ranks incomming lawl.......not even a month after release.
    This is lazy game design..sorry to cry about this people :(
    I am althoholic :disappointed:
  • Jadakin
    Mothanos wrote: »

    Oh and new Veteran Ranks incomming lawl.......not even a month after release.
    This is lazy game design..sorry to cry about this people :(
    I am althoholic :disappointed:

    Craglorn is all new content though with the Vet Ranks coming. How is that lazy game design?

    Now doing the quests from 1-50 again? I guess I see your point. But what's the alternative? You obviously can do AoE grinding like many people have been doing. That got them to 50 pretty quick. There's the Skyshards and quests you need to do for skill points, but not sure how any of this is any different from any other MMO. In fact you have a longer leveling curve in ESO than any other recent MMORPG has had at launch. That curve is filled with quests to do and not just grinding mobs. This whole thing I just don't see it. I most certainly don't see how this is lazy design.

    Would it be lazy design if they just said no factions, do all the quests and then choose a faction when you hit Cyrodiil? How about if they removed vet ranks and said their game had 150 levels?

    Not sure what the point of all this is or why there's a problem. It seems the major issue is that the vet ranks need to go away, so your alts don't experience the same content? Why does that matter? So you can 'finish' the game faster on one character and move on to 'finishing' the game on another character faster as well? Regardless, what's your /played because if you've been doing vet rank content on two characters and actually legit on doing the quests too....holy crap that's impressive. Seriously. That's a TON of playtime. I'm over 10 days /played clearing every zone I've run into on ONE character and I'm Vet rank 3.
  • cosmin.bilgab16_ESO
    People compalining about content, that's a new one...

    At every level you got interesting quests, challenging dungeons and PVP.
    The difference between vet1 and vet10, although it takes a long time to level up, it's the same of 10 previous levels, so not that big at all.

    I can understand that having alts might get frustrating because it takes a long time, but the idea of the game was to make a character to represent you, that's why there are so many common skill lines. Alts are there in case you have too much time on your hand, but if you don't why complain?

  • Ikata_Stormcloud
    Soul Shriven
    I had a bit of an epiphany. Now don't quote me on this I could be totally wrong but here is my guess.
    We get a new tier in the crafting professions for every 5 skill levels meaning at 40 we can make items for vet levels 9 and 10. That leaves us with only two more tiers available to us, tiers 10 and 11. Now assuming that ZOS don't plan to change their skill system and bump the max skill level to over 50 that means presumably we only really have 4-6 'levels' of gear left to be crafted. It has been stated a few times in-game that the best gear you can get your hands on (aside from specific bonuses) will be the crafted stuff so I can only assume we're going to max out at somewhere between vr14 and vr16 probably vr15.
    That is unless they decide to simply overcharge that final tier and once you've hit 50 you can simply make all the gear that's ever released but to me that seems rather a silly way to go given it would put HUGE demand on those final tier materials.
  • Anastasia
    Jadakin wrote: »
    Mothanos wrote: »

    Oh and new Veteran Ranks incomming lawl.......not even a month after release.
    This is lazy game design..sorry to cry about this people :(
    I am althoholic :disappointed:

    Craglorn is all new content though with the Vet Ranks coming. How is that lazy game design?

    Now doing the quests from 1-50 again? I guess I see your point. But what's the alternative? You obviously can do AoE grinding like many people have been doing. That got them to 50 pretty quick. There's the Skyshards and quests you need to do for skill points, but not sure how any of this is any different from any other MMO. In fact you have a longer leveling curve in ESO than any other recent MMORPG has had at launch. That curve is filled with quests to do and not just grinding mobs. This whole thing I just don't see it. I most certainly don't see how this is lazy design.

    Would it be lazy design if they just said no factions, do all the quests and then choose a faction when you hit Cyrodiil? How about if they removed vet ranks and said their game had 150 levels?

    Not sure what the point of all this is or why there's a problem. It seems the major issue is that the vet ranks need to go away, so your alts don't experience the same content? Why does that matter? So you can 'finish' the game faster on one character and move on to 'finishing' the game on another character faster as well? Regardless, what's your /played because if you've been doing vet rank content on two characters and actually legit on doing the quests too....holy crap that's impressive. Seriously. That's a TON of playtime. I'm over 10 days /played clearing every zone I've run into on ONE character and I'm Vet rank 3.

    Sadly there seem to be a group of players who insist that they be allowed the 'choice' of grinding high experience mobs so they can HURRIEDLY get to max/cap. I hear some folks saying its fine, give everyone a 'choice'.

    I've generally been all about more choice also; I have no headtrips about making everyone else like to play like I do. But as I look at the last 'current' mmo's I've played and the continuous rush, rush, rush to endgame (*not to mention the ebb and flow affecting the economy of Power Leveling...) and then the baitching that there is not 'enough' endgame.

    There are also the valid cries of how few people know their jobs, know what the hell they are supposed to be doing at senior ranks mainly because they have zoomed up ten levels here and fifteen levels there, arriving at endgame with definitive lack of knowledge of their responsibility in a group. I am thinking that TESO has done it right and a little differently here by NOT allowing the option of having high exp mobs to grind on and allowing complete and total quest bypassing.

    We shall see I suppose. I am waiting with arms folded and hoping that any major revisions to the original game vision and design are very, very few. I like what we have. I actually am enjoying it very much and think it offers a lot of variety and a way of learning my preferred fighting 'type' and build very well before starting to mix it up at endgame - the point at which I ought to be expected to perform. I am fairly sure a person who reads through the majority of the main quest storylines, has a bit of on-the-job training so to speak on the way leveling from 1 - 50.

    I doubt that 99% of the player population will be so on target, so damned good at VR-1 that they should be able to just skip tra-la-la-ing to V-12 and the most challenging content. Maybe I'm wrong. I'll keep an eye out for those awesome players I think are so on top of their shiz they should just be channeled right to VR-12 and put their names in a post to Customer Service.

    Good journeys!

    Edited by Anastasia on May 2, 2014 12:54AM
  • Ashwynn
    Soul Shriven
    At first i thought Vet ranks were going to be really cool. But now that i am level 49 and have put almost 6 days time played on my templar, i'm starting to not like the idea as much. I think when you hit 50 the endgame should start, I shouldn't have to run through all the other factions questing zones, this totally ruins it if i want to run a character on that faction later and to be completely honest, it's lazy game design in my opinion. At most i could see this as an example. I am Daggerfall Covenant, fist area of Aldmeri Dominion is Vet ranks 1-5, first area of Ebonheart Pact is 5-10. Something like that would be so much more reasonable.

    Another thing I dislike greatly is the increase with Vet Ranks when new content comes out. This makes me not want to level another character. Because as soon at I hit the max level and get comfortable with the content, something new will emerge (Which from what i have heard they are planning to release fresh content every 4 weeks? Correct me if i am wrong!) That is *** amazing if that's true. But I don't want to have to continue leveling over and over again just top be at par with fresh content. The minimum I would like to see it, is leave it at vet 10 I will grind through all the other factions content. I just dont want to keep leveling and leveling!
  • schroed360
    I have to disagree with most of what I read except for the pure pvper.I can understand that they do not want to do all this grind and that some change could be made.But for the pve part the only important thing in my opinion is to minor the urge for reaching the cap.In my opinion this urge usually come because u want to play with your friends , guildy and that happen at cap because of the lvl disparity during lvling. Solution lvl synchronisation .With that why care to reach cap...test the new content ,yes ,but what if this content was design for let's say lvl 30 for exemple( if there is FF11 player that may remember your something). Just some idea ...But I think that this is already something they work on at least for group dungeon.
  • Mothanos
    There are so many things wrong with this mmo.....
    Sure you can ignore all the red flags and think its ll fine and dandy and we are just whining spoiled kids stamping their feet.

    ESO -40% off sales already happening 2 months post launch, if that isnt a red flag for you then you need a reality check.

    Guilds with 200+ members were 15 people are online at prime time is another one.

    9 Cyrodill campaigns empty maybe another sign ?

    Veteran design are a death march, a system to slow us down for Zenimax to create more contend.
    You like this ? good for you.
    But for tons of folks its a lazy ass game decision that brings up endless hours of pure torture.

    Its boring generic questing for days and weeks on end, and nothing inbetween to have fun.
    Thats why there are people burning trough this mmo or leaving after getting a taste of how horrible this part of the game is designed.

    Not to mention how shallow this mmo is, how the classes are designed.
    Seriously why have classes at all if you implement new veteran ranks every 4 weeks ?
    Why dint they just removed the classes to begin with if you keep increasing those agonizing veteren levels each patch ?

    There is many things wrong with this mmo.....
    Zenimax made tons of weird design choices that makes people facepalm and walk away from this game.
    Not even going to list all of it as most people that are left now are prolly the fanboys or people that still have hope it could turn around.

    This mmo is going trough a rough time already, and thats even without some real compitition.
    Wait till Warlords of Dreanor / Archeage / Black Desert are going to be released this year and the next and you can already gues that the already diminished playerbase is shrinking to a extremely small playerbase.

    You can whiteknight this mmo untill the end of time, many people did so in Warhammer online 1 day before it needed to closed down it doors.
    Fact remains that ESO is not going to be making the profits needed to sustain a healthy team of developers.

    The only carrot they have left is their 4 / 6 week patches and even that was already 5 weeks behind shedule, not to mention that Craglorn should have been in the game since Launch.

    I have a few days left on my sub and waited for a wonder....
    Well it came alright, but it wasnt ESO it was Archeage.
  • Kililin
    Please dont call 50+(+) quest content challenging or difficult, it is not.
    It just shows you are either very bad, using a badly skilled character, mistaken long and tedious for difficult or are trolling.

    It takes long, it is a mind numbing grind (so bad that mob grinding is a relief) but it is not difficult.
  • crislevin
    VR quests are not difficult, but boring, and repetitive.

    It also ruin the chance to pay an alt in a different faction.
  • bruceb14_ESO5
    I don't mind the content and don't mind the quests, but it seems endless gaining vet levels. arggggghhhhh, so slow
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