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Bolt Escape Counters

So I keep hearing Sorcs try to justify Bolt Escape by saying "it has counters" but they never say what they think it is. The only "counter" I can think of is have a buddy on a horse and hit him with Manuevers and see if he can finish the sorc off, besides that I can't think of a single counter. All charges are slower than it. The pull wouldn't work because the sorc is ofcourse holding down block. Can't CC because again the sorc is holding down block and even if he isn't he just breaks it and is immune. Roots and snares don't do anything. So please tell me what these elusive counters are because there isn't a darn skill in the game that can actually counter it. This is actually a serious question to, I want to hear why some people think this skill didn't deserve to be nerfed (personally I think the nerf was too soft also but thats not the point.)
  • xDonMega
    Best counter...

    QQ until they break the ability.
    Edited by xDonMega on June 9, 2014 9:57PM
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