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Weapon Skills and Stamina - not thought through

Made a mistake there, still a weird system
Right now Weapon Skills are confusing and a mess so to speak.

I found some weird mechanics while reading about different subjects people already discovered.

Its partly about mundus stones's bonusses weapon damage and stats.
The system with Weapon Damage, Spell Damage, the Crit Rates and Weapon Power is highly confusing.

If you thought Spells from Staves do Spell Damage you thought wrong.

What I thought Spells from Destruction Staff are using:

Spell Crit
Spell Damage

Magicka is used for casting yes.

Spell Crit also applies but only to 50%. All effects caused by freezing burning or electrolute use the Weapon Crit factor.
That means that when a target is burning a burn tick can only crit at the rate of your weapon crit stat.

Spell Damage is not used at all for Destruction Staff Skills. Fairly easy to test if you are a Sorcerer and have Critical Surge (or the other morph) or use 2 handed weapons and have access to momentum.

Simply buff yourself and cast an attack on a critter. A Deer a Minni-Spider or else. I use Crushing shock for that. You will see that your damage increases when you are buffed.

What does that mean for people who use Class and Weapon Skills.

((As a melee you most likely have put attributes into stamina. Your damage will be higher than a sorc with tons of Spell Damage with a Destruction Staff. But your crit wont be high if youre not wearing light armor and use mage light.))

This brings me to the conclusion that Zenimax doesn't use a very logical approach to define the game with mechanics you would normally see as a base.

Besides that you can't just stack a single stat to be most effective. You need every stat on an equal level.
Helath to survive, Magicka to cast spells and increase effects from magicka based class skills. Stamina to dodge, sprint, increase weapon skill line damage and to increase stamina based class skills.

This increases the difficulty of character creation. I've drawn my conclusion after this but didn't want to let you guys out.

Cheers, and sorry for the gold you have to spend on the shrines of mara to fine tune your character stat wise.

Correction: Staves skills are based on weapon damage and don't scale of stamina to my knowledge.
Edited by fambaab16_ESO on June 7, 2014 3:33PM
  • Still_Mind
    This Youtube channel may be of some help to you.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Shaun98ca2
    Made a mistake there, still a weird system
    Right now Weapon Skills are confusing and a mess so to speak.

    I found some weird mechanics while reading about different subjects people already discovered.

    Its partly about mundus stones's bonusses weapon damage and stats.
    The system with Weapon Damage, Spell Damage, the Crit Rates and Weapon Power is highly confusing.

    If you thought Spells from Staves do Spell Damage you thought wrong.

    What I thought Spells from Destruction Staff are using:

    Spell Crit
    Spell Damage

    Magicka is used for casting yes.

    Spell Crit also applies but only to 50%. All effects caused by freezing burning or electrolute use the Weapon Crit factor.
    That means that when a target is burning a burn tick can only crit at the rate of your weapon crit stat.

    Spell Damage is not used at all for Destruction Staff Skills. Fairly easy to test if you are a Sorcerer and have Critical Surge (or the other morph) or use 2 handed weapons and have access to momentum.

    Simply buff yourself and cast an attack on a critter. A Deer a Minni-Spider or else. I use Crushing shock for that. You will see that your damage increases when you are buffed.

    What does that mean for people who use Class and Weapon Skills.

    ((As a melee you most likely have put attributes into stamina. Your damage will be higher than a sorc with tons of Spell Damage with a Destruction Staff. But your crit wont be high if youre not wearing light armor and use mage light.))

    This brings me to the conclusion that Zenimax doesn't use a very logical approach to define the game with mechanics you would normally see as a base.

    Besides that you can't just stack a single stat to be most effective. You need every stat on an equal level.
    Helath to survive, Magicka to cast spells and increase effects from magicka based class skills. Stamina to dodge, sprint, increase weapon skill line damage and to increase stamina based class skills.

    This increases the difficulty of character creation. I've drawn my conclusion after this but didn't want to let you guys out.

    Cheers, and sorry for the gold you have to spend on the shrines of mara to fine tune your character stat wise.

    Correction: Staves skills are based on weapon damage and don't scale of stamina to my knowledge.

    Cant read this like at all. I THINK your saying Staffs use Stamina for Light/Heavy Attack Damage. If so then YES this is correct and this is done for balance reason. IE it if scaled with Magicka then Magicka users would be even farther beyond OP versus Stamina.

    Staffs ALSO benefit from the fact that Weapon Damage ALSO helps Staffs hotbar abilities. I assume this is so a Stamina build can also attempt to be a Healer hence the Magicka gain after a Heavy Attack with Restro.
  • fambaab16_ESO
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    This Youtube channel may be of some help to you.

    That guy is wrong in so many things

    In the dunmer passive video he says weapon skill spells are based off weapon damage. But they are based of weapon damage and spell damage.

    Get a weapon damage jewelry and a spell damage jewelry and see for yourself....

    Not to mention that many mechanics are still bugged to hell, he makes videos about how they work. Pointless.
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