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What makes Templar tanks inferior?

The received wisdom is that Dragonknight is the best class to tank with (do anything with?) As I slog through the veteran levels on my unfortunate Templar, i'm wondering what in particular it is that makes them better.

I know that our class DPS skills seem poor, which is why I hardly use them.

The main thing Templars bring to the table is off healing. With shield out, this is basically 3 skills @‌ Veteran Rank 1 -

Honour the Dead

Heals nearby ally for 468, cost 448 magika. Instant cast.

If the recipient is below 50% health after being healed, returns 18% of the power cost every 2 seconds for 8 seconds.


Restores 137 health and 137 stamina to nearby allies for each nearby corpse (on defeat heal skill). No cost to use, just requires a corpse. Each corpse can only be used once in this way


Ultimate skill - cost 150 Ultimate
Radius 12m

Heals nearby allies for 182 every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds. When the effect ends, allies take 20% less damage for next 4.5 seconds.

At low level, Honour the dead was useful for healing allies if they blunder into red stuff when tanking the boss. The last dungeon I did, vaults of madness in Coldharbour however, was with a bunch of level 50s, who all had light armour and 1800 health. My heal didn't seem to make their health bar move , in fact I could spend my entire Magika pool just to fully heal one person.

I have a restoration staff as backup weapon. On many trash pulls, and even some bosses, the best thing for me to do is just help out with the healing.
  • Andy22
    The received wisdom is that Dragonknight is the best class to tank with (do anything with?)

    We need to differentiate between trash pulls and boss fights. In trash pulls DK is king because he has very good ae + cc abilities and a nice self heal if needed.

    DK also as very good mitigation ultimate with Magma Armor, but after the crit patch the DK can't spam this anymore, so it did become nearly obsolete on single target fights.

    Atm we have this tank ranking, assuming we have equally good players:

    Trash pulls:
    1. DK
    2. Sorc
    3. NB/Templar

    Veteran Boss fights: (we don't include the bugged "shadow tanking" of NB tanks, thats a bug)
    1. Templar/DK/NB/Sorc

    In veteran dungeons each class can build a very strong tank and i don't see a huge gap between them, just different playstyles. As example as NB i used a DW leeching tank build. DK and Templar can build very strong block/mitigation based tanks.

    Trial Boss fights:
    1. Templar
    2. DK/NB/Sorc

    Thats simply because a templar tank, brings the most group utility's to those fights. Again the margin is not huge and any class can tank trials, in fact tanking trials is much more easier than veteran bosses/trash pulls.
    Edited by Andy22 on June 6, 2014 9:21AM
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    What makes Templar tanks inferior?

    Easy question to answer.

    Due to how our abilities are spead, we need 8 slot quickbar.
    5 slot qbar works well for the other classes, but not for the Templar.

    We have the tools to our disposal, but they are not packed together like the DK ones for example.
  • t.claudio.usnub18_ESO
    Come next patch you can tank better with a two hand weapon so long as you use the new puncturing sweep anlong with brawler (cleave morph), i have done some solid testing and i take way less damage using a two hander speced in such a way.
  • jesterstear
    Come next patch you can tank better with a two hand weapon so long as you use the new puncturing sweep anlong with brawler (cleave morph), i have done some solid testing and i take way less damage using a two hander speced in such a way.

    Are they serious? So not only will people be tanking in light armour in preference to heavy, two handed weapons will offer better survivability than a shield.

    Zenimax, there's madness in your method.
  • t.claudio.usnub18_ESO
    Come next patch you can tank better with a two hand weapon so long as you use the new puncturing sweep anlong with brawler (cleave morph), i have done some solid testing and i take way less damage using a two hander speced in such a way.

    Are they serious? So not only will people be tanking in light armour in preference to heavy, two handed weapons will offer better survivability than a shield.

    Zenimax, there's madness in your method.
    not really, you will need the healing bonus passive from heavy armor and the shield scaling from Brawler (Cleave Morph), so stamina over magic, reason is the shield from Brawler scales directly from stamina not magic.
    You will be seeing 2 handed heavy armor tanks next patch.

  • jesterstear
    Come next patch you can tank better with a two hand weapon so long as you use the new puncturing sweep anlong with brawler (cleave morph), i have done some solid testing and i take way less damage using a two hander speced in such a way.

    Are they serious? So not only will people be tanking in light armour in preference to heavy, two handed weapons will offer better survivability than a shield.

    Zenimax, there's madness in your method.
    not really, you will need the healing bonus passive from heavy armor and the shield scaling from Brawler (Cleave Morph), so stamina over magic, reason is the shield from Brawler scales directly from stamina not magic.
    You will be seeing 2 handed heavy armor tanks next patch.

    Granted there should be some option to tank or offtank 2H but you're saying a 2H is going to provide more mitigation than a shield? Whilst also providing AOE and more DPS at the same time? Come on so why would anyone use a shield then for Christ sakes?

    There should be a downside. It should provide slightly less mitigation but more damage, or only provide mitigation if you stack stamina in the way that a melee dps would (thus ending up with less health).

    This is offtopic though, and isn't to do with Templars.

    I don't want to be forced to tank with a 2H, any more than I want to be forced to reroll as another class.
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