
Hello people
So recently I have begun to level up my enchanting skill. I am currently a VR3, so I was not able to use any of my enchantments on my gear till recently. When i was able to make enchantments that matched the level of my gear, I went to make magick enchantments on my armor but noticed the purple VR1-3 enchantments i made weren't that much better than the white ones i bought. Its not seeming like its worth it to raise enchantments. AMi just doing something wrong or is this skill just not worth it?
  • Kuratla
    What aspect runes are you using for your magicka boost glyphs? Ta, Jejota, Denata, Rekuta or Kuta? The white drops in the game are probably around the same quality as ones made using the Ta rune. Once you get into the higher tier aspect runes, the difference between crafted and dropped glyphs becomes obvious. Enchanting is definitely worth it... for beefing up your characters or just for making money (because Enchanters are in pretty high demand). I made 40,000 gold just yesterday from someone wanting VR12 legendary glyphs.
    V14 Templar Argonian Healer, V12 DK Orc Tank, V2 Sorcerer High Elf DPS, V1 Templar Breton DPS, V1 Nightblade Bosmer DPS, and 3 low levels.

    Check out my ESO journal["http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/66004/kuratla-s-eso-journal"]
  • thelordoffelines
    I was using rekuta. The base magick buff of my enchantment was 75 while the white purchasable ones were 66 but when i added it to an item it only came out to a plus 3 magicka difference between the made one and the bought white one.
  • cjmarsh725b14_ESO
    I was using rekuta. The base magick buff of my enchantment was 75 while the white purchasable ones were 66 but when i added it to an item it only came out to a plus 3 magicka difference between the made one and the bought white one.
    The problem may have been the gear you were enchanting. You only get the full enchanting effect on head, chest, and legs so the difference is much more noticeable than on the other pieces of gear.
  • Food4Thought
    Enchanting is such a pain in the @$$ to level, the skill is actually in demand. The problem I have is gettign the resources needed to level it more while still having the resources to sell gryphs that people want.

    May be by the time I get to the final VR levels the enchantment nodes will give me what I am looking for, but for now I'm struggling just to get this skill off the ground.

    I am still not sure yet if tackling this skill from the get go was the smart approach or waiting until I had gotten to the VR zones to do it was the better way.
  • cjmarsh725b14_ESO
    Enchanting is such a pain in the @$$ to level, the skill is actually in demand. The problem I have is gettign the resources needed to level it more while still having the resources to sell gryphs that people want.

    May be by the time I get to the final VR levels the enchantment nodes will give me what I am looking for, but for now I'm struggling just to get this skill off the ground.

    I am still not sure yet if tackling this skill from the get go was the smart approach or waiting until I had gotten to the VR zones to do it was the better way.
    I've maxed all the professions and enchanting was the hardest by far. The experience gain is brutally slow and for the last ten levels or so I ended up buying white dropped glyphs from people who were aoe farming in the vr1-3 zones. The most effecient way of doing it would be to trade crafted glyphs with another enchanter. If you really want to maximize your resources I'd suggest looking up the xp values online or dowloading an addon that shows your crafting xp for each decon. Good luck!
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