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NB VR3 impossible?

So, I hit VR3 and now face packs of mobs with 4-5 npcs. Spellcasters and warriors doing abilities etc. Total facestomp me to the ground in my current build. (Im abusing the shadow cloak, concealed blade thing).

What sort of build do i need to run as NB to kill these packs?
  • daveben007b14a_ESO
    I mainly use the syphon tree along with either bow/resto staff 5 mobs can be overwhelming but doable up to 6 if I have veil ult ready to go.

    And obviously always start by taking out casters and watch for the heavy attacks, blocking every one of them. If there is a healer in the pack make sure you get up close right away to interrupt.
    Edited by daveben007b14a_ESO on May 28, 2014 4:55PM
  • LariahHunding
    I'm running NB in VR3 right now. I mostly confronting 2-3 npcs. Where are you running into the 4-5 packs? I've only seen "3-npcs have-to's" in tight spaces. I mostly avoid 4-packs or greater.

    Honestly, I believe that all classes ( which is not true) should have trouble with 4-5 mobs with 5 being damn near impossible.

    It does *** me off when I see other classes burning down 4-6 mobs in less than 5 seconds, not because they can, but because I can't.

    Edit: I nearly 3/4 ways through VR3, but I have died more in this zone than all other zones together, mostly from being carelessly, with staggering into any mob(s) zone while fighting others. Kiting is hard in this zone without tripping other mobs.
    Edited by LariahHunding on May 28, 2014 5:03PM
    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • LunaRae
    Post your abilities and stat distribution, and armor+spell res. When I was VR3 I had 1650 spell res and 1400 armor, 2000hp, with vr1 armor all upg. to green quality with health enchants. I'm playing dual-wield w/ killers blade, shadowy disguise, rapid strikes, veiled strike, focus attacks and bolstering darkness as my ult. There's lots of ways I can play it out, usually I'll sneak it and insta-gib a mob with veiled strike - then target any healers/mages > archers > tanks. Depending on how hot it's getting I may just take the hits and regen enough HP from killers blade, or I may need to go invis and get another it in with veiled strike. If it's a boss and veiled strike has no effect I usually swap it out for siphon strikes (for resource regen). Bolstering darkness is a great get out of jail free card as I can tank almost any standard dps from mobs, use that time to either regen my magika/stamina with siphon strikes or just dps targets down.

    If you want help though you need to post what abilities you're using, what your stats are at and how you initiate fights. Do you interrupt healers or just let them heal through all of your dps? Do you block heavy attacks or just let them smack you? Do you run out of magika/stamina with no way in your build to recover it?

    Need waayyy more info to help you out :smile:
    Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
    Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
    Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
    Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
  • Pancake-Tragedy
    I haven't met a pack of more than 3 mobs that I needed to kill for any reason other than public dungeons. If you must face these packs, veil of blades helps a lot, while also keeping regeneration/mutagen/rapid regeneration active.
    Pancake Tragedy - Sorcerer
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Youre trying to solo a group public dungeon, arent you? I wouldnt bother with killing the mobs. Just spam cloak past them - will save you time :P
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on May 28, 2014 6:15PM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • jambam817_ESO
    Youre trying to solo a group public dungeon, arent you? I wouldnt bother with killing the mobs. Just spam cloak past them - will save you time :P

    Quoted for truth... I actually have used this a lot after hitting VR1. ( i have a Magika "Bloodmage"-ish nightblade who uses Destro, Resto and NB abilities.)

    I actually haven't had trouble with the VR mobs, i found them a bit... easy? But of course i started doing the "newbie" island in my VR1 zone, so im sure thats still a bit scaled back even in VR levels. If i can stomach the never ending quest grind to get through VR levels, maybe I'll see what the issue is.

    Got kinda scared with all the doom and gloom about Nightblades not being able to do VR content. Even thought about re-rolling. we'll see!
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    So far (vr3) its more or less doable with the medium/dw/cloak spam build. About 1/3 the kill speed of a dk tho when facing 3 mob packs.
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Pewpie
    Youre trying to solo a group public dungeon, arent you? I wouldnt bother with killing the mobs. Just spam cloak past them - will save you time :P

    Yeah that was probably it :P

  • Commonpain
    Youre trying to solo a group public dungeon, arent you? I wouldnt bother with killing the mobs. Just spam cloak past them - will save you time :P

    Perfectly possible with any class, if you have the right gear/skills.

    Start with a Resto Staff HOT, then switch to Destro Staff, cast Inner light, Immovable, Volcanic Rune, Pulsar, Pulsar, Pulsar, Volcanic Rune, Pulsar, Pulsar, Pulsar.

    If its a daedric/undead group (like most of the public dungeons) you may also use Evil Hunter or turn undead.

    And dont forget to pack some mana pots if you run oom... Oh and for tough situations a ready aoe ultimate can't be wrong (should be ready at every 2nd group)


    btw if you may ask, i do this as templar with 7/7 heavy ||| destro/resto ||| 2/3 Mana 1/3 Health, but i definately use no class skill (but ulti) for groups > 3
  • Pewpie
    I just go with the spam cloak solution and run past everything... guess it is working as "intended" for NB. At VR 6 now btw.
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