My experience with Molag Bal XD

Sigh...hes hard to beat

Vet1 sorc any suggestions?
Edited by jbfroik on June 2, 2014 10:36AM
  • Kykosis12
    Spoiler!!! ;) nah only kidding lol :P I've not got there yet, but i am looking so forward to it, i just hope that doesn't happen ;P
  • Hilgara
    Really? Face rolled him with my sorc but he was a harder challenge with my NB because I had zero ranged abilities (noob 1st time levelling error) but still managed ok. You just have to keep moving and use the pillars to your advantage. make him have to move round them to get to you. Keep out of his main attack and pile in just after he lands it because he takes a few seconds before he starts moving again. He has zero health regeneration so it doesn't matter how much damage you do really as long as you keep it steady and don't take damage, or at least less than your dealing
    Edited by Hilgara on June 2, 2014 10:41AM
  • Kililin
    Stay out of close combat and red
    equip resto staff
    dps is irrelevant, kite him to death
    Block blue shots from titans, they reflect to them and kill them
    Stay out of close combat and red
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