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Storm Calling: Overload - Please consider the proposed change/fix

I would like to ask the developers to re-evaluate the Sorcerer skill Storm Calling: Overload.

Current Functionality: If you have Overload slotted to skill bar 1 and Overload is activated the skill bar becomes locked and the only way to unlock it is to turn off the ultimate and then switch to your 2nd skill bar. Now if you are using two different Ultimate abilities then I can somewhat agree why the devs have choosen to lock the skill bar from being able to weapon swap to the skill bar 2. BUT

Proposed Change Functionality: If we have chosen to load Overload on both skill bars then I feel that we should then be able to switch between each weapon skill bar without having to disable the ultimate ability, switch weapons, and then re-enable the ultimate. I do not think this would be overpowered because you are already slotted on both skill bars with the same Ultimate.

I've also noticed that on occasion when I activate the Overload ultimate it loads an older skill bar spec and not the spec I currently have it set to, I believe this is a bug. I will try to make a video of this and add it to this thread.

Thank you for reading and consideration in this matter.

Theodora West
Theodora West
V14 Sorcerer
  • rhubbert_ESO
    I see where you are coming from but personally I don't use many abilities while I have that ult toggled on. I play a Sorceror Tank. I either use the ranged taunt from Undaunted and kite the boss while spamming sith lightning or I use Shattering Prison for immobilizing adds and disintegrate them with sith lightning.
    Iris Umbra// Stamina Nightblade // Aldmeri Dominion
  • Erock25
    Overload gives you an entirely new and separate 3rd skill bar and it is one of the greatest things about this ultimate. You can only edit skills on this bar by activating your Overload and then pressing K to edit skills. Since you will most likely be just spamming heavy attack during your overload ultimate, it is a great bar to use for some buffs and possibly other less used abilities. Also don't forget that activating Overload costs ZERO ultimate so you can swap to this 3rd bar whenever you like as long as you are above 100% ult.
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  • Spacefiddle
    I think somewhere in here there are two things: a design choice, and a bug. I won't speak to the first, but I am pretty sure Overload is not meant to give you a "third skill bar." I've noticed this too: pop Overload and suddenly your skills have been rearranged for you.

    In a perfect world where you're just spamming your OL attacks, this would not matter. In reality, you are still cycling through some of your various CCs or utility skills and having them suddenly vanish for no reason is odd. It's especially annoying when a toggle or other persistent skill was in use, and Overload makes it go away and shut off.
  • Erock25
    I think somewhere in here there are two thi7ngs: a design choice, and a bug. I won't speak to the first, but I am pretty sure Overload is not meant to give you a "third skill bar." I've noticed this too: pop Overload and suddenly your skills have been rearranged for you.

    In a perfect world where you're just spamming your OL attacks, this would not matter. In reality, you are still cycling through some of your various CCs or utility skills and having them suddenly vanish for no reason is odd. It's especially annoying when a toggle or other persistent skill was in use, and Overload makes it go away and shut off.

    So just edit your overload bar accordingly. I certainly don't lose inner light when I go overload... And good thing I don't.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Sleepydan
    At first the devils advocate in me thought, well your overloading, your weapon attacks are replaced anyways so what's it matter what weapon your holding?

    Uhh well duh, to cast situational abilities on that second bar!

    I got nothing. When your right your right. If you have overload on both ultimates I don't think it should require a deactivation. I don't even think it should require a manual deactivation when weapon swap to a different ultimate, id think that it should just turn off for you. Qol
  • Polaritie
    Sleepydan wrote: »
    At first the devils advocate in me thought, well your overloading, your weapon attacks are replaced anyways so what's it matter what weapon your holding?

    Uhh well duh, to cast situational abilities on that second bar!

    I got nothing. When your right your right. If you have overload on both ultimates I don't think it should require a deactivation. I don't even think it should require a manual deactivation when weapon swap to a different ultimate, id think that it should just turn off for you. Qol

    When he hits weapon swap on Overload, what skill bar does it switch to? Overload has its own bar.
  • Sleepydan
    I don't know about the overload 3rd bar. I hadn't noticed it. I'm not sure if it's op, factored into the skills cost, or hardly worth anything. I'll leave those pros and cons to greater minds.

    I do think the ultimate blocking your ability to access your second set is not cool, if not overlooked and needing a hotfix
  • heyguyslol
    For one of my play styles in pve I would definitely use Overload on both skill bars. The only time I use Arch is when I fight bosses and even then I dont always need it but since I can't swap skill bars with the current mechanics I'm stuck with Arch and like I said I dont really feel the need to use it unless its a real difficult boss and i dont have a tank around. So there for I have an Ultimate ability that very rarely gets used. Having Overload available while slotting it on both skill bars would definitely get more use.
    Edited by heyguyslol on April 15, 2014 10:43PM
    Theodora West
    V14 Sorcerer
  • heyguyslol
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Overload gives you an entirely new and separate 3rd skill bar and it is one of the greatest things about this ultimate. You can only edit skills on this bar by activating your Overload and then pressing K to edit skills. Since you will most likely be just spamming heavy attack during your overload ultimate, it is a great bar to use for some buffs and possibly other less used abilities. Also don't forget that activating Overload costs ZERO ultimate so you can swap to this 3rd bar whenever you like as long as you are above 100% ult.

    Wrong, U have to be at 100% Ultimate in order to enable Overload. Second I'm unsure about the 3rd skill bar so I can not comment on that but if u can back up your statement from a dev source then I would appreciate it. Third I use this ultimate ability for the light attacks rather than the heavy because it still does great dps at range and restores mgka in those situations when you are unable to stop and use Dark Exchange. The great thing about this game is the diversity in skill spec's and play styles so there really is no wrong way to do things imo so using the light attack from the ultimate I have found to be very effective.

    Theodora West
    V14 Sorcerer
  • Mykah
    They need to fix this 3rd bar bug an make Overload stay with the skills you have equipped when activating it.
  • Moltier
    Its not a bug. You loose your weapon when activating it, so you need a new skill bar with no (now useless) weapon skills in it.
    If the ultimate would do just what the tooltip says (empower your attacks), then the skill bar should stay.

    Anyway, the skill switching shouldnt be locked. If you choosed Overload on booth bars, then it should remain active, if not, the ulti should turn off.
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