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Dizzying Swing

Does this Uppercut morph lowering target damage output by 20% effect Bosses?
  • Tzikness
    Soul Shriven
    I would also like to know the answer. Sometimes I don't see the shadowed nameplate that indicates reduced damage against boss types, so I have a feeling that if they are immune to the knockback then the reduction doesn't occur. Which makes me just shake my head in disgust.

    Anyone know for sure?
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    I don't think it does. Never noticed it anyways.
  • Andy22
    jones52j wrote: »
    Does this Uppercut morph lowering target damage output by 20% effect Bosses?

    No, this is based on actual tests on bosses.

    The skill states, that it reduces the "effected target" and by "effected" they mean the target that gets the knock-back first. Bosses are immune to cc, so the knock-back does not apply and so the secondary part will also not work.

    Same goes for any similar skill, the NB agony skill needs to "run out" before the secondary DoT will start, since the first part is a stun the second part can't trigger either on bosses.

    So basically any debuff that "explicitly" rely on a cc to land first, will not work on bosses. The dependency is often hard to understand, since the tool-tips are so badly formulated.
    Edited by Andy22 on May 27, 2014 9:32AM
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Needs fix if you ask me. Its fine that CC doesnt work on bosses but the other effects need to work.
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    uppercut and its morphs are one of the only good skills in the 2hander line. if the animation didnt take 2 seconds for a 1 second skill it'd be alot better.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    uppercut and its morphs are one of the only good skills in the 2hander line. if the animation didnt take 2 seconds for a 1 second skill it'd be alot better.

    Yea i left in-game feedback that Uppercuts cast time should be reduced to like .5 seconds and decrease the knockdown time to 2 seconds. Its too easy for an enemy player to move out of uppercut range, or just move behind you, and cancel the skill out. it can be slow for when NPC's use it, like every skills already is, but for players it needs to be faster especially for a melee ranged skill.

    I am tying to get it to work for me in PvP, but too often does the skill get canceled out because of range and enemy movement.
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