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how to charge up ultimate?

Hi there, thanks for your help in advance! :smile:

Each class has 3 skill lines and 3 corresponding ultimates. I understand that the ultimate on the hot-bar gets charged during battle. How? Is it charged by using only those skills that correspond to the ultimates or just any class skill will do?

Finally, is it possible to see a numerical percentage on the charge level of the ultimate? I think I only see a white shade slowly filling the ultimate square for now.

Have a great day in Tamriel! :smiley:
  • Daggers
    After 2 betas and 5 days Early Access I'm still not sure :) It seems to charge with any attack hit -- I don't play a healer so I can't say if healing counts, but I would hope so as there are Healing Ultimates. You can get skill morphs that increase the rate of Ultimate buildup (Nightblade has some nice ones for this).

    For numerical percentages, check out the Add Ons. I use Foundry Tactical Combat, which might be a bit too different for some players but it's very useful if you like to see more of what's going on in a fight, and it puts a percentage above the Ultimate icon :)
    The best things in life make you sweaty.
  • SirAndy
    Also don't forget that you only get ultimate points for fights with mobs that are in your level range or above.
    If a mob is several levels below you and you don't get any XP from them, you also don't charge your ultimate when attacking them.
  • Copenhagen
    Agree with andy. I'm not sure specifically which attacks charge it up, but i seem to get mine full after just a minute or two of combat.
  • tintin_milou
    OK thanks so much for your help everyone! :smiley: And I will definitely get the Foundry Tactical combat add-on!
  • keto3000
    Someone shared this info with me... not sure who the author is, but upon testing, it seems to be fairly accurate. :)
    Ultimate Ability Points:

    All Damage - Any hit you do builds at least 1 ulti.
    The amount of Ulti is not related to the damage you do, but the ability you use.

    Most DoTs build 1 ulti per tick

    Weapons- light & heavy attacks build different amts of Ulti.
    Blocking Heavy Attack: Blocking heavy attack builds alot of ulti

    Interrupting- yes

    Synergy- Yes

    Healing someone who has lowered HP will give you some Ulti.
    If they are already at full health, then, NO Ulti.
    “The point of power is always in the present moment.”

    ― Louise L. Hay
  • ArRashid
    It's a little problematic because of bugs and short-sighted decisions:

    - you can't generate ultimate from hitting lower level enemies (aka if you're helping out guildies in a dungeon, you can just throw it away, since it will stay at 0%. Also useless when you want to do dungeons you've skipped - because you didn't have time or they had bugged quest)

    - last time I went inside public dungeon (Bangkorai), I couldn't generate any ultimate either. And the mobs were not too much bellow my level either (mobs OUTSIDE the public dung DID generate ultimate)
  • vicNBitis
    I doubt even Zenimax knows for sure. Think it was still in beta when a Nightblade posted a video of them pulling multiple(2 I think) packs in a public dungeon and generating enough ultimate to stack/chain Veils of Blades. Zenimax reacted promptly(a week or so) to nerf ultimate regen so it was no longer possible. I'm pretty sure the reason wasn't the multiple pack pulling because DKs and Sorcs were doing that at launch. DKs were pulling 4-5 packs which if my maths is correct is twice what the NB in beta was doing. Anyways, after 2 months of live it looks like we're back to where we were in beta with ultimate gain so wildly fast that we can stack ultimates.

    plus ça change
  • cjmarsh725b14_ESO
    If you're running trials you can equip a resto staff and spam regeneration until you have your ulti ready for the next boss.
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