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Force Siphon - how does it work?

I'm vet 4 now, but it's never too late to learn so I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could answer some questions for me=)

I've been actively training my resto staff lately and I'm confused by this one skill. To me, the description is extremely unclear and I haven't been able to figure it out by using either. First, it should restore <x>(30 or so for me I think) ammount of health per hit for allies. I assume that means *every* hit during those 20 seconds it's active. Does that count aoe attacks as hits btw? Next, player, *I*, should recover 100% health from using it. Which is entirely unclear. Do I get +100% health every hit, too?(which sort of follows from description but is obviously not true) Do I get +100% on first hit only?(don't think that's how it works either) Do I get healed to 100% on first/every hit during those 20 seconds?

Next, morph. One makes it instacast which leaves no questions, second makes it restore 1% magicka. I tried the second one thinking percentage must increase as I practice the skill but it's rank II now and STILL claims to return 1% magicka. So...what's the point of it? My Magicka is over 2k and 1% is like...20 to me. My magicka regen is over 100 so I regen 5+ times as much every 2 seconds. What's the point of this morph? Am I missing smth or is it just as much of a joke as it seems atm?
  • Comaetilico
    1) you recover 100% ADDITIONAL healeth per attack... so for you it will be 60hp per hit while for other player it will be 30 per hit... also note that some channeled and pulsing ability (tested with flames of oblivion) activate it for every tick of damage (normal DoT only activate it on application).
    It also apply to hit from AoE but since you can have it up on only one target it will only activate once for every AoE cast (unless it is a pulsing AoE as mentioned above... for those it will activate once for every pulse as long as the pulse hit the affected target)

    2) it stay at 1% max magika per hit (higher rank only increase the healing amount)... and is already plenty good at it is... while for you as healer it will not be a real source of magika recovery (since your are not primary targeting the mob you place it upon)for dps and tank is really good... for example DK will almost cover the cost of having their flames of oblivion toggled on (in light armor flames of oblivion drop to 27 magika per second... not much on hit's own but if you actualy use other skill too the magika drain mecome straining in long fight... with this and ana avarage magika pool of 1900 you drop the cost to only 8 per second...
    It also proc out of light and heavy attack and stamina based skill... so by waving some of them between magika based attacks (dps should always wave light attack between skill use) you may actualy reach a 2% max magika per skill use... that become really helpfull especialy in long duration fight

    3) even if you didn't ask for it ^^' it is an exceptional ultimate generator... since it proc out of every hit on the target and the healing is always considered as done by you regardless of who hit the target... it will generate quite some ultimate due to it activating multiple time for second... also it can crit and crit generate additional ultimate regardless of their actuale values... so with high spellcrit and in group setting it will turn into an additional 3-6 (even more if there is plenty of use of pulsing abilities...) ultimate per second... in raid setting this value can skyroket getting even above 20 ultimate per second... that is in additiona to the ultimate you generate trough your other heals and skills ^^
  • Magdalina
    Actually, to my greatest surprise, you can have it on more than one target. At least now, I didn't have it pre-patch. I had it on 2, unsure on more.

    Anyway, thanks a ton for awesome detailed reply=P That explains a few things.
    And wait, healing generates ultimate?xD (yeah guess I'm a bit slow)

    Edit: I did some testing, and you can have it AT LEAST at 3 target at once. Any/all of them seem to give back health(guess magicka too, hard to tell at 1% tho). Also, heavy attacks definitely heal more than 60...seem to heal several times as much during the attack. Which is awesome. Unsure if it does same for magicka because cannot see it.

    I'm not sure you're SUPPOSED to be able to cast it on more than one target at once, but you now can. Which makes me think I might respec and make it instacast. Cast it on ALL the trash and be immortal=P
    Edited by Magdalina on May 30, 2014 3:07PM
  • zgrssd
    2) it stay at 1% max magika per hit (higher rank only increase the healing amount)... and is already plenty good at it is... while for you as healer it will not be a real source of magika recovery (since your are not primary targeting the mob you place it upon)for dps and tank is really good...
    Personally I do use my healign staff to attack when I have nothing else to do. Essense Drain effectively gives you a free heal and with circel of life it propably does damage equal to other staves (without weapon switch delay when going back to healing).
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • Comaetilico
    zgrssd wrote: »
    2) it stay at 1% max magika per hit (higher rank only increase the healing amount)... and is already plenty good at it is... while for you as healer it will not be a real source of magika recovery (since your are not primary targeting the mob you place it upon)for dps and tank is really good...
    Personally I do use my healign staff to attack when I have nothing else to do. Essense Drain effectively gives you a free heal and with circel of life it propably does damage equal to other staves (without weapon switch delay when going back to healing).

    you obviously trow some attack now and than (at least to rec magika :P) but what I meant is that your' not hitting the enemy every second like dps and tank ^^ your' probably firing a light attack every 3 or so second and a full attack every 10... unless you are in a really non healing intensive fight... but that is a different story (in those fight I often slot up cristal shard an alternate it with healing skill ^^')
    Actually, to my greatest surprise, you can have it on more than one target. At least now, I didn't have it pre-patch. I had it on 2, unsure on more.

    Anyway, thanks a ton for awesome detailed reply=P That explains a few things.
    And wait, healing generates ultimate?xD (yeah guess I'm a bit slow)

    Edit: I did some testing, and you can have it AT LEAST at 3 target at once. Any/all of them seem to give back health(guess magicka too, hard to tell at 1% tho). Also, heavy attacks definitely heal more than 60...seem to heal several times as much during the attack. Which is awesome. Unsure if it does same for magicka because cannot see it.

    I'm not sure you're SUPPOSED to be able to cast it on more than one target at once, but you now can. Which makes me think I might respec and make it instacast. Cast it on ALL the trash and be immortal=P

    nice to know... i only tested it in beta... don't know if it was my test done wrong or they actualy changed it but what it metter is how it work now ^^

    about ultimate... yes healgin generate ultimate... and quite a lot too ^^

    it also generate ultimate OUT OF COMBAT as long as you are healing someone else... it is quite common especialy in PvP to see groups gather and spam healing on them selves before attacking to generate ultimate than ssap out the healing skill and charge with loaded ultimates ^^'
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