I wish they'd put the crazy hard bosses off the main storylines for regions...

Since hitting VR I have hit maybe 3 roadblock bosses in the main story quests, each time I have found someone to group with in order to get past them... I have just hit number 4 with Vox in Deshaan at VR7.

They seem to share some characteristics:

- Stun & CC abilities will not work.
- They can see through invisibility (as can their adds if they have them).
- Even in max armour and high health they can 2 hit kill.
- They seem to be able to break through blocks.

Overall they seem like lazy design where creating an interesting twist that fits the overall boss fight mechanics has been sacrificed in favour of simply crippling the player's abilities.

I'm assuming people have beaten them solo, I don't think I am going to be able to with this one... VR7 is very quiet so I can't find anyone to group with.

None of this would matter if this wasn't a key story quest - so why not consider making the silly bosses that have their own special rule changes as side bosses that those who consider themselves top players can do on a voluntary basis to achieve the 100% quesr success rate etc.

Then the rest of us can progress through the storyline against 'normal' bosses like 98% of the other bosses in the game & enjoy the story without getting to rage inducing levels of frustration and major psychotic hate for whoever designed the gosh darned encounter.

And if I find myself 5% less ready for PvP as a result it is a chance I am more than willing to take!
GM - Malazan
Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
Legio Mortuum
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    I agree, some bosses are stupid hard and should not be on a main questline. I went solo through the dungeon/caves? to get to her. Picking off the minions one by one at VR2 wasn't hard, just abit challenging to set up the mob for a fight. Then I got to Vox and died in 2 hits.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
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