Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »Didnt you know? Zenimax shares offices with two of the biggest gold sellers in game. Im pretty sure that someone in Zenimax is working with them to get in unopposed.
Okay.. too funny...
Today... Gold Spammers name was website name. LOL
Even put a plug in Zone "look my name u know thatCheap safe trade fast"
I have to say ZOS you guys really need to step up your game. The node farmers appear to no longer be underground and easy to spot (Stand at a node in lowbie section for a few minutes). Zone chat has become more clear (Not sure if due to my spam filter or ZOS, but they still sneak by a few too funny moments.
Yes I reported him. Getting tired of doing what a 24/7 GM in game should be doing.
roflcopter wrote: »LMAO really? I still want to know why this bothers anyone. Gold Spammers / Botters are in Every game. Just work around it play / enjoy the game for what it is. As long as people buy gold they will show up.
Even if we did silence them, people would still buy gold. Selling in zone chat / botting it won't make a difference. People always look for an easy road no matter what. What is the bigger problem, them selling in zone chat or the people who buy?
Stop / Ban the buyers stops the gold sellers imo. Why do we always fixate on the wrong things >.<
Thorntongue wrote: »roflcopter wrote: »LMAO really? I still want to know why this bothers anyone. Gold Spammers / Botters are in Every game. Just work around it play / enjoy the game for what it is. As long as people buy gold they will show up.
Even if we did silence them, people would still buy gold. Selling in zone chat / botting it won't make a difference. People always look for an easy road no matter what. What is the bigger problem, them selling in zone chat or the people who buy?
Stop / Ban the buyers stops the gold sellers imo. Why do we always fixate on the wrong things >.<
Business taking a beating?