All of the complaining. And before you start with the "you obviously aren't experiencing..." crap, I have and am. My main is a Night Blade, my alt is a Templar. I have had to wait DAYS to continue quest lines due to bugs, I've been locked out of my account, my inbox riddled with gold spam and the bots have yanked all my crafting supplies. But you know what? I still love this game. And while I understand wanting to make your concerns heard and validated, it's gotten a little ridiculous. We can't even have threads talking about future hopes for the game without dissatisfied players blowing up about prioritizing the current game content over what we hope to see in the coming updates and expansions.
Can we keep the complaining to the bug/ragequit threads and let the constructive/positive threads go unmolested? Is that really such problem? There are still some of us out here having fun.