Should I discard my Templar???

  • Drekor
    yogarogue wrote: »
    I have recently been reading a number of discussions on the forums discussing the overall "underpoweredness" of Templars at veteran levels...

    I am currently level 24 and really enjoying my build/the gameplay. However, if by the time I reach endgame it will become almost impossible to solo/perform in groups as dps or tank/pvp, I would rather not invest the time and energy into this class.

    My question is, can I get a real rundown from someone with experience in the Templar class and their time spent in the veteran levels?

    NOTE: I am not a healer, strictly looking to pve tank, and perform well in pvp.
    If you aren't looking to be a healer then the templar is not really ideal but who knows what balancing changes are on the horizon.

  • kalilkareem
    Soul Shriven
    There are four roles in the game (tank, healer, ranged, melee). There are four classes. Go figure.

    I just hope they give us some management tools for magicka and fix the "smart" heals so we can at least heal reliably.
  • Gaudrath
    Sun Shield. Get some spell reduction and that's pretty much it. Stack it with rune focus, S&B, even Brawler... you won't have issues tanking. You won't be able to move a lot, but why move a lot when tanking. Just enough so you don't stand in the Bad Stuff.

    Used to sport a full heavy armor set, now I wear mostly light because we can overcharge our armor and spell resistance at a drop of a hat.

    Really not sure why people complain about Templars... then again, I see people spamming skills and dumping their stat pools in vet ranks, so I guess that's why. I cringe whenever I see someone opening with Jabs, spamming Silver bolts etc... They should know better by now.
  • djosh79cub18_ESO
    I've been leveling sword and board in prep for vet after following many recommendations on the forum. Its going well but I am finding the change from range kiting to melee awkward and not very fluid. I was looking forward to getting Bash but tbh I have a feeling it will be nerfed soon.

    I think I will go back to my destro staff line with a look at your temp sorc build. It also makes more sense as I am mainly a healer but finding the building the heavy armor tanky aspect conflicting. I am doing better when I kite and use those ranged spells, mixed in with some fighter guild. There was some talk of pulsar getting nerfed too.. .any chance of that?

    Yea, I've found the Mage style Templar more effective for being my DPS "off build" being a main healer. Since pretty much ALL of my stats are dumped into health and Magicka, I really lack the stamina/gear to make bash or stamina abilities anywhere near effective. I've mixed it up at times with having Silver Bolts on my bar for stamina dumps....but don't get more than 3 casts of it maybe. Personally, I just save my stamina for dodging and breaking CC.

    Pulsar is getting a nerf of sorts. Actually, its more so that the Destruction Expert passive is getting a nerf. Unless I've missed some other patch note, then the Destruction Expert passive will no longer proc from DoT effects or proc multiple times from a single cast.

    As it stands now, you can pretty much Pulsar your way to full magicka and have little to no downtime in multiple mob pulls with 280 magicka returned per kill.
  • lavendercat
    i decided to make a templar because i wasnt doing very well with nightblade.

    i liked nightblade alot but im not very good at moving around. i thought with a templar maybe i can heal myself and take more damage, and not have to move so much.

    i seem to be doing ok with it but im only a low level at the moment.
    hello :)
  • Napkins
    I would just stick with any class you enjoy playing. This game is still new and i'm sure every single class will see some changes in the future (for better or worse).
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Napkins wrote: »
    I would just stick with any class you enjoy playing. This game is still new and i'm sure every single class will see some changes in the future (for better or worse).
    Yes, I totally agree.
    In addition, the OP is actually having a lot of fun with their templar, they've only gotten worried after reading various post on the forums here. And we all know how unbiased and factual forum opinions are :wink:
    Definitely stick to what you like, and don't worry about what anyone else is saying/thinking, as long as you're having fun. After all, it's a game.

    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Axer
    Sure. They are very effective tanks.

    Do well in pvp:
    Not really. Not in the sense youll be able to win 1v1 battles in melee combat against equally skilled/geared DKs/Sorcs. They can do very well as healers for sure in pvp, but you mentioned you didnt want to play a healer.. So yea..

    If you want to dominate both pvp and pve tanking.. Yea, reroll as DK.
    Edited by Axer on May 18, 2014 8:30AM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    yogarogue wrote: »
    I have recently been reading a number of discussions on the forums discussing the overall "underpoweredness" of Templars at veteran levels...

    I am currently level 24 and really enjoying my build/the gameplay. However, if by the time I reach endgame it will become almost impossible to solo/perform in groups as dps or tank/pvp, I would rather not invest the time and energy into this class.

    My question is, can I get a real rundown from someone with experience in the Templar class and their time spent in the veteran levels?

    NOTE: I am not a healer, strictly looking to pve tank, and perform well in pvp.

    you absolutely can do this. just because dk is more optimal tank is no reason to discard templar; this game has three very different playstyles pve/dungeon/pvp and dedicated tank is only good for dungeons. they have announced that for trials people will need to be divers and switch styles to be most optimal. I love my templar and feel that a lot of the information on the class is not from people who play it. im in vet level content and sword board vamp support templar is fing awesome. personally I switch to healer for dungeons because templar can way out-heal all other class and dk make better tanks,but I tank/dps cryodiil and pve; sometimes a group cant find a dk tank and I just switch my abilities and gear. I feel like if you morph lots of abilities and have multiple gear sets templars can be good at dps/support, tank or healer. plus at some point you will probably want to play some pvp for endgame and having support abilities is a great plus, you dont want to be on the front lines 100% of the time. Another plus for templars is the devs recognised that they could use a boost. so ,while they are looking at possibly toning down some other class skills( which todays patch will do for dk talons), eventually when new class skills are released( which as been stated will happen) it should be looking good for us templars.
  • Goregrinder
    Only if you're playing Reanimator.

    I cast Tormod's Crypt.

  • Reinmard
    Im templar healer and I love it, but you can only heal at dungeons, you cant level up with healing build.
    Biting jabs have a delay of 1s since two weeks, which it may doesnt matter at levels under veteran, but at veteran levels is for sure your death.
  • rpssunrealb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    ditch your templar and play a dk now templar was fine before this patch but for some stupid reason zenimax genious devs decided to put a delay on the main dps and tanking skill biting jabs so now the apart from healing this class is more or less a broken mess now the halfarsed devs decided that they fix it next patch when it should be hotfixed... asap. these devs are experts at losing subs
  • madangrypally

    Templars are broken and a mess atm. Nightblades are in a bad shape due to bugs and scaling issues while Templars are in a bad shape due to the entire class mechanics.

    Lacks resource management. Easy fix is to change out a passive that Restores a % of Max magicka when activating an Ultimate. (needs to be substantial).

    Fixing Puncturing strikes and its morphs NOW NOW NOW before this drives to many Templars to quit the game. Revert it back to prior patch. No one has screamed that this skill was over powered and the nerf was probably more to combat bots. Reducing its damage will be nearly as bad. If a change must be made increase its resource cost.

    ATM if I would recommend a class to a new player I would recommend Sorcs. Templars seem to be the poor abused ginger stepchild. Templars remind me of Paladins in EQs Kunark era.

  • Shaun98ca2
    Templars are broken and a mess atm. Nightblades are in a bad shape due to bugs and scaling issues while Templars are in a bad shape due to the entire class mechanics.

    Lacks resource management. Easy fix is to change out a passive that Restores a % of Max magicka when activating an Ultimate. (needs to be substantial).

    Fixing Puncturing strikes and its morphs NOW NOW NOW before this drives to many Templars to quit the game. Revert it back to prior patch. No one has screamed that this skill was over powered and the nerf was probably more to combat bots. Reducing its damage will be nearly as bad. If a change must be made increase its resource cost.

    ATM if I would recommend a class to a new player I would recommend Sorcs. Templars seem to be the poor abused ginger stepchild. Templars remind me of Paladins in EQs Kunark era.

    People complain about Resource Management WAY too much in this game. I have ZERO Resource Management issues as a Main Healer wearing 7 Heavy Armor.

    99% of people playing this game don't understand that its not about using 1-5 till combat is over. Its about using 1-5 to gain a tactical advantage whether that be increasing your DPS or increasing your Survivability.

    When NOT in dungeons sure I will use my hotbar abilities to kill faster and when Im outta mana I use Restro Staff Heavy Attacks to gain back mana on easy fights, but in a dungeon my playstyle become way more conservative as I know combat will be very difficult as DPS or a Healer.

    Im glad I don't have to have Dark Exchange on my hotbar at all times cause I DONT know how to manage Magicka, makes me feel sorry for Sorcerers...sometimes.
  • ZeroInspiration
    I see the Templar as a jack of all trades, we can DPS, tank and heal, just not as well as others (except healing where we excel). If you like versatility at the cost of maximizing results stick with Templars, otherwise roll a DK or a Sorc.
  • Tankqull
    well thought i would never say it but if you do not want to be a healer don´t play a templar.
    in every other role you are not en par with other classes, your a third class dd or tank. especially after the (ninja) changes in 1.1.2.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Shaun98ca2
    well thought i would never say it but if you do not want to be a healer don´t play a templar.
    in every other role you are not en par with other classes, your a third class dd or tank. especially after the (ninja) changes in 1.1.2.

    Just cause somebody doesn't want to play a healer doesn't mean they don't like to support which Templar has some nice support abilities that go very good with Stamina builds.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I see the Templar as a jack of all trades, we can DPS, tank and heal, just not as well as others (except healing where we excel). If you like versatility at the cost of maximizing results stick with Templars, otherwise roll a DK or a Sorc.

    i agree , which is my greatest problem right now.

    I wont reroll and i wont play a half assed class either.


    Quit the game.

    Still , it annoys me to see them nerf things that were already not that good , like the bitting jabs.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Shaun98ca2
    I think bitting jabs needed a nerf. Not the one that it accidently got but probably the slight mana cost increase.

    WHY. Well EVERYBODY say's its our "best ability". Devs have probably seen the statistics and seen that it IS better than all other Templar abilities meaning it needs to be put in line with the rest of the skills so they can get a better picture of the class's "status".

    So they get bitting jabs in line and realize Templar is falling behind or the other classes are actually ahead.

    They means now they can actually balance better. Game is a work in progress how about give them time.
    I see the Templar as a jack of all trades, we can DPS, tank and heal, just not as well as others (except healing where we excel). If you like versatility at the cost of maximizing results stick with Templars, otherwise roll a DK or a Sorc.

    i agree , which is my greatest problem right now.

    I wont reroll and i wont play a half assed class either.


    Quit the game.

    Still , it annoys me to see them nerf things that were already not that good , like the bitting jabs.

    IF say the Sorcerer was the best DPS/Tank/ would that be fair to the other classes.

    Same goes for Templar we are the best healers why SHOULD we be the best Tanks? CAN we tank SURE are we the best......probably not but the difference isn't so huge that you turn down Templar tanks as fast as you get them.

    Templars bring a lot of utility other tanks CANT. Imagine how good a Templar tank would be if Devs finally got Honor the Dead working properly. Sun Shield can be a real life saver the difference between life or death. Restoring Aura makes Stamina Management a breeze and HELPS the rest of the group if they are close enough.
  • sommazzatoreb14_ESO
    Y, ditch the templar. Anyone saying its not a screwed class says so because one of two things. Either they are playing the templar in non-vet levels, or they are laying the templar without any templar skills on their bar. Its a lame class with nothing to offer but heals in smaller groups.

    For your own sake, reroll and play a night blade or a DK if you wanna play a tank or dps. Even as a healer you can use the resto staff. The templar is a flop.
    Khale Justice - V14 Breton Templar (Rank 17)
    Sommozzatore - V14 Imperial Nightblade (Rank 16)
    Sommazzatore - 46 Wood Elf Sorc (Rank 6)
    Nazeem Ula'q - 35 Dark Elf DK (Rank 3)
    100 CPS
  • deathcoyrwb17_ESO
    Just my opinion as a VR12 Templar who has done Trials and plays Tank, Healer and DPS roles in Trials and PvP. Templars are not the optimal class for any role except Healing, to a certain extend, yes, to a certain extend!!!

    This does not mean you cannot do it, but its just that other classes do it better. We can do Healing quite well in PvE and PvP but Sorc Healers are also on par with us on that aspect as well as they have way more utility with their CCs and Support skills thus a bigger advantage in PvP Healing. We have quite a number of Support skills that boost our utility but its makes us more of jack of all trades rather than having the ability to specialize and excel into the different roles like other classes.

    Don't get me wrong, having Templars in any party is good due to their support skills but you do not need that many Templars in the party when it would be best to have more of other classes to raise the overall party/raid performance in PvE and PvP.

    So i'll say it again we can fullfill all roles but are not the best performer in the said roles. Take it as you will.
    Edited by deathcoyrwb17_ESO on May 25, 2014 2:42PM
  • Zolyok
    After 2 month i'm gone to a new character
    In my opinion templar are :
    The best PVE healer
    Pretty good Tank
    Average PvP healer
    But even if we are not very bad dps we still are the worst dps of all 4 classes

    We should be able to fill any role (like any class ) but actually the game is resumed to DK and Sorc, the nightbale even bugged can be more useful than Templar.

    There is not event the slightest intent of balancing, just look at NB it's crazy that they're still so bugged.
    Edited by Zolyok on May 28, 2014 11:36PM
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    im confused about people saying dont be a templar for heals. yeah i use rapid regen and keep it up all the time and the bulk of my healing comes from it. yeah breath of life is magika hungry but it will pull your groups butt outta the fire when used. practiced incantation is amazing. restoring aura will keep your tanks (and anyone else that bothers to block) happy.

    sure your not going to be putting big dps numbers up with a loaded healing bar. but if you cant keep people standing as a templar you're not going to do it on any other class either.

  • Natjur
    Level 1 - 50 all classes are fine and everything is easy mode
    V1-V10 it gets alot harder
    V10+ things break

    The the reason templars break is resource management. All Templar skills have high mana costs, but unlike all other classes, Templars don't have a good mana recovery tool. (we had it in beta, it was taken away and not replaced)

    V10+ Templars still make OK healers (Sorc's and NB's are better healers in trails due to having endless mana)
    V10+ Templars still make good tanks in a group.

    But they have very low dps and suck at anything solo.

    At end game, trials is about speed and to get the best rewards, you want to do it in the least amount of time, this means, Templar Tank (DK with reflex mana armor is better), the rest DK and Sorcs (you can swap one sorc for a NB who heals)

    So if you are playing a Templar below 50, keep going, you will still have fun leveling a templar (but DK and Sorc are more fun)

    At V1-V10 you will find it harder and need to get a good build/rotation and may need a passing DK or Sorc to help you out on some bosses (the DK and Sorc will not need any help, they will just solo it and you 'tag' along)

    A V10+, if you do groups, you will have to be the tank or healer, your not DPS anymore as you will suck
    If you want a go at trails.... you might get a group that is farming the first boss, but if you want to be in a full run and your not going to be the main tank..... roll a DK or Sorc

    Hopefully, the dev's FIX this, but that is how it stands at the moment (in my view).

    P.S. Do not roll a NB, they are worst off then us
    Edited by Natjur on May 29, 2014 9:34PM
  • pecheckler
    Templars suck at everything except inefficient burst healing, and with the nerf to equilibrium (now preventing self-healing for 4 seconds), and they are much worse.

    The only other role I view templars at being as efficient at is tanking, but when doing so it is necessary to use a crutch like volcanic rune to CC, something that DK tanks have no issue with.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Dudis
    I ran a bow/1h/medium build from lvl 1 - vr10 and then tried a destro/1h/light build. I now swap between the two but generally run 2h with my bow setup.

    I know templars are supposed to be bad atm and i know we can't pull off some of the crazy stuff a DK can but I still feel it's possible to beat pretty much anyone in an 1v1.
    Hell I duelled an Emperor Sorc for like 3 minutes that just kept bolting away until my DK friend showed up and we killed him together...

    Edit: I don't zerg btw, at all.
    Edited by Dudis on May 30, 2014 9:55AM
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