Fix Absorb Shields!

Right now, when they fail to factor mitigation before absorbing damage, they are worthless!

A single hardened ward is falling off to 1-2 normal melee attacks from a veteran mob! Same goes with resto staff shield.

You need to fix these shields if you want them seeing any use.
  • alexj4596b14_ESO
    Crescent wrote: »
    Right now, when they fail to factor mitigation before absorbing damage, they are worthless!

    A single hardened ward is falling off to 1-2 normal melee attacks from a veteran mob! Same goes with resto staff shield.

    You need to fix these shields if you want them seeing any use.

    First I would like too say I'm a scorc tank, magicak based, light amour, sword and board and I use shields for damage reduction. I'm vet 5 I use hardened ward. My current tanking bar is inner fire(morphed), ring of preservation, degradation, hardened ward, and bound amour. I was tanking 2nd boss spendel clutch and if I applied the shield at the correct time and interval while blocking I was able too reduce the damage too almost 0 for his AoE attack. Shield are at this current moment in time used for reducing large hits base value and then Reducing it further through blocking and amour Ect. It's all about timing shields are not good for tanking or blocking damage from more then one npc CCs work much better for that. Just thought it would help some if you knew that.
  • Gilandred
    Why should armor mitigate damage taken from a surrounding magic shield? That wouldn't make any sense. If shields need to be buffed, then they can increase the amount of damage the shield takes before it breaks.
  • Crescent
    Gilandred wrote: »
    Why should armor mitigate damage taken from a surrounding magic shield? That wouldn't make any sense. If shields need to be buffed, then they can increase the amount of damage the shield takes before it breaks.

    Don't be stupid. Why shouldn't armor charr around your body and scar it all over when you take a fireball to the chest instead of remaining pristine?
  • Gilandred
    Crescent wrote: »
    Don't be stupid. Why shouldn't armor charr around your body and scar it all over when you take a fireball to the chest instead of remaining pristine?

    No need to be rude. I agree that those effects would also be cool, and more realistic.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    At least they are usefull when you play naked. ;)
  • Mephos
    A single hardened ward is falling off to 1-2 normal melee attacks from a veteran mob! Same goes with resto staff shield.

    so it protected you for about 600-800 dmg .. seems that it is working as it should. heals are also only about 600-800. if a shield would absorb 10 hits it would be WAY better than any heal out there.

    like you described it I don´t see any problems
  • Crescent
    Mephos wrote: »
    A single hardened ward is falling off to 1-2 normal melee attacks from a veteran mob! Same goes with resto staff shield.

    so it protected you for about 600-800 dmg .. seems that it is working as it should. heals are also only about 600-800. if a shield would absorb 10 hits it would be WAY better than any heal out there.

    like you described it I don´t see any problems

    Except a shield doesn't recover health, still leaving you vulnerable to getting executed as is the case in some boss mechanics, which I'm sure you have done nothing of.

    And if your heals are healing for 600-800 your heals suck.
  • Jeremy
    Crescent wrote: »
    Right now, when they fail to factor mitigation before absorbing damage, they are worthless!

    A single hardened ward is falling off to 1-2 normal melee attacks from a veteran mob! Same goes with resto staff shield.

    You need to fix these shields if you want them seeing any use.

    I wasn't impressed with restoration staff shield either.

    Perhaps some builds may find it useful. But I thought it was a waste of magicka.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 28, 2014 12:52PM
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Crescent wrote: »
    Right now, when they fail to factor mitigation before absorbing damage, they are worthless!

    A single hardened ward is falling off to 1-2 normal melee attacks from a veteran mob! Same goes with resto staff shield.

    You need to fix these shields if you want them seeing any use.

    I wasn't impressed with restoration staff shield either.

    Perhaps some builds may find it useful. But I thought it was a waste of magicka.

    its useful to buy you an extra couple of ticks of regen. or to heal that dps that cant figure out how to avoid aoes and is infrequently taking damage ( with the healing ward morph). its nowhere near as useful as rushed ceremony or either of its morphs. when really low on health healing ward is perhaps the most efficient heal.

    healing ward is also somewhat buggy out of combat. as it fails to trigger the heal occasionally when not in combat.
    Edited by Jeremy_gelber_ESO on May 28, 2014 2:23PM
  • Jeremy
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Crescent wrote: »
    Right now, when they fail to factor mitigation before absorbing damage, they are worthless!

    A single hardened ward is falling off to 1-2 normal melee attacks from a veteran mob! Same goes with resto staff shield.

    You need to fix these shields if you want them seeing any use.

    I wasn't impressed with restoration staff shield either.

    Perhaps some builds may find it useful. But I thought it was a waste of magicka.

    its useful to buy you an extra couple of ticks of regen. or to heal that dps that cant figure out how to avoid aoes and is infrequently taking damage ( with the healing ward morph). its nowhere near as useful as rushed ceremony or either of its morphs.

    I didn't keep it equipped long enough to morph it. So maybe that's part of the reason I thought it sucked so much. I'm inclined to believe a fellow Jeremy, so I might equip it again just to morph it and see. ^^
    Edited by Jeremy on May 28, 2014 2:38PM
  • jambam817_ESO
    its useful to buy you an extra couple of ticks of regen. or to heal that dps that cant figure out how to avoid aoes and is infrequently taking damage ( with the healing ward morph).
    I use it on my Nightblade Healer for this exact reason. It gives you a chance to tick a few more regen ticks and, MAYBE, find the dude that's dieing and do a Combat Prayer on him if i can.

    Sometimes I have great groups where no one is squishier than the other (those are always nice!) and then sometimes there is a squishy in the group and i have no idea how they are taking so much damage.
    Well maybe i do, I was pretty ignorant about dungeon combat in this game at first, much different than solo play. :)

    By the way, I'm a Jeremy too! So many Jeremy's!
    Edited by jambam817_ESO on May 28, 2014 7:51PM
  • Still_Mind
    Absorb shields need bigger pools, or they need cool effects when the shield pops - like an AoE knockdown, slow, ornon-negligible damage (Blazing isn't bad in this regard).
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Absorb shields need bigger pools, or they need cool effects when the shield pops - like an AoE knockdown, slow, ornon-negligible damage (Blazing isn't bad in this regard).

    healing ward will give you nearly a full health bar of pool if the target is nearly dead. its very near a 1-1 ratio of lost hp to shield and anything left on it after the 6 seconds is converted to a heal. on my sorc i've had it well over 1000hp of shield when i mistimed running from an aoe.

    its only when you precast healing ward that the shield size is miniscule. but if used as a combat buffer on a low health char its very effective. you just cant think of it like an eq rune or a wow ward.
    Edited by Jeremy_gelber_ESO on May 29, 2014 12:30AM
  • Crescent
    Yeah well Healing Ward also costs a metric ton of magicka for anyone who isn't stacking light armor passives with high levels of magicka. I'm soft capped with magicka on leather but casting a healing ward ends up eating a huge chunk of your mana as leather, which means less thundering presence uptime whereas using quick siphon with either rapid regen or illustrious healing ends up with more immediate health returns as DW leather player.

    It also has to do with the fact that Healing Ward has a healing component on top of an absorb that triples in effectiveness on low health targets whereas a 750ish point damage shield of Hardened Ward falls of in 2 hits because mobs already hit me for 240 dmg autoattacks through leather mitigation, without considering mitigation that number goes up considerably.
    Edited by Crescent on May 29, 2014 3:32AM
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    Crescent wrote: »
    Yeah well Healing Ward also costs a metric ton of magicka for anyone who isn't stacking light armor passives with high levels of magicka. I'm soft capped with magicka on leather but casting a healing ward ends up eating a huge chunk of your mana as leather, which means less thundering presence uptime whereas using quick siphon with either rapid regen or illustrious healing ends up with more immediate health returns as DW leather player.

    It also has to do with the fact that Healing Ward has a healing component on top of an absorb that triples in effectiveness on low health targets whereas a 750ish point damage shield of Hardened Ward falls of in 2 hits because mobs already hit me for 240 dmg autoattacks through leather mitigation, without considering mitigation that number goes up considerably.

    its been covered many times. light armor is always the best choice.
  • Darrett
    Crescent wrote: »
    Mephos wrote: »
    A single hardened ward is falling off to 1-2 normal melee attacks from a veteran mob! Same goes with resto staff shield.

    so it protected you for about 600-800 dmg .. seems that it is working as it should. heals are also only about 600-800. if a shield would absorb 10 hits it would be WAY better than any heal out there.

    like you described it I don´t see any problems

    Except a shield doesn't recover health, still leaving you vulnerable to getting executed as is the case in some boss mechanics, which I'm sure you have done nothing of.

    And if your heals are healing for 600-800 your heals suck.

    How much does a good heal heal for? Lingering Ritual only does around 600 or so on the initial cast without a crit, unless they're in a Purifying Ritual AE from what I've seen. Granted at higher VRs it would go up, but saying that 800 is low seems to be an exaggeration.
  • Crescent
    Crescent wrote: »
    Yeah well Healing Ward also costs a metric ton of magicka for anyone who isn't stacking light armor passives with high levels of magicka. I'm soft capped with magicka on leather but casting a healing ward ends up eating a huge chunk of your mana as leather, which means less thundering presence uptime whereas using quick siphon with either rapid regen or illustrious healing ends up with more immediate health returns as DW leather player.

    It also has to do with the fact that Healing Ward has a healing component on top of an absorb that triples in effectiveness on low health targets whereas a 750ish point damage shield of Hardened Ward falls of in 2 hits because mobs already hit me for 240 dmg autoattacks through leather mitigation, without considering mitigation that number goes up considerably.

    its been covered many times. light armor is always the best choice.

    Try light armor as a melee sorcerer and see how much crit surge heals you with a weapon crit chance of 6-11%

    Crit surge is the only real healing sorcerer has, and to function it needs armor stacking. If you're not going to be a crystal shard/force shock spammer with magelight, you will not survive in light armor.
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    i have.
    Crescent wrote: »
    Crescent wrote: »
    Yeah well Healing Ward also costs a metric ton of magicka for anyone who isn't stacking light armor passives with high levels of magicka. I'm soft capped with magicka on leather but casting a healing ward ends up eating a huge chunk of your mana as leather, which means less thundering presence uptime whereas using quick siphon with either rapid regen or illustrious healing ends up with more immediate health returns as DW leather player.

    It also has to do with the fact that Healing Ward has a healing component on top of an absorb that triples in effectiveness on low health targets whereas a 750ish point damage shield of Hardened Ward falls of in 2 hits because mobs already hit me for 240 dmg autoattacks through leather mitigation, without considering mitigation that number goes up considerably.

    its been covered many times. light armor is always the best choice.

    Try light armor as a melee sorcerer and see how much crit surge heals you with a weapon crit chance of 6-11%

    Crit surge is the only real healing sorcerer has, and to function it needs armor stacking. If you're not going to be a crystal shard/force shock spammer with magelight, you will not survive in light armor.
    i have
    step 1 aquire 2x rings of decrease physical harm. now your softcapped on armor. and still able to run magika furnace. or i im running willows path, warlock, seducer.
    step 2. pulsar crits of spell crit so currently mines 47.3. crit surge heals on any crit. find 6 mobs. make em angry. hold block down and spam pulsar. when down to 25% finish off stragglers with endless fury. walk away with full hp and mag.
  • Crescent
    Yeah that sounds like a melee sorcerer alright lol. Some people are just obtuse.
    Edited by Crescent on May 29, 2014 7:18AM
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    Crescent wrote: »
    Yeah that sounds like a melee sorcerer alright lol. Some people are just obtuse.
    my bad. i forget that people roll sorcs to use all 3 melee skills they have.
    Edited by Jeremy_gelber_ESO on May 29, 2014 1:44PM
  • Crescent
    Crescent wrote: »
    Yeah that sounds like a melee sorcerer alright lol. Some people are just obtuse.
    my bad. i forget that people roll sorcs to use all 3 melee skills they have.

    Much like DK's?

    Or you mean the 3 weaponskill lines with 5 skills each they have access to?
  • Obscure
    Well they are a bit behind the power curve in terms of mitigation of damage. DoT's are the real nemesis to damage shields as they will rapidly tick it away without being relatively damage reduced as they would be against health. For example, my Dunmer DK barely notices flame damage DoT's, but when I use Frag Shield while effected by them the damage shield just dissolves. The damage it would have done to my Dunmer DK would have been vastly less than the amount it actually did due to the use of my damage shield. In that scenario any healing skill trumps the effectiveness of a damage shield, and likely no skill would've been needed at all as most Dunmer can laugh at flame DoTs.

    I wouldn't say they need to be buffed though, since as they are there's a real risk of them becoming abused if they were substantially more powerful. It's important to remember all skills can be spammed in ESO, and the spamming of a damage shield (such as Fragmented Shield) that basically just grants additional HP with all the normal reductions involved, would become more potent than healing when measured against skills like Green Dragons Blood. IMO all that is needed to be done is for damage shields to be looked at on a case by case basis and determined if they need to be incrementally increased in shield value or decreased in skill cost. Personally I think skills like Frag Shield and Sun Shield should simply be made less expensive skills.
  • Halrloprillalar
    agreed with the OP
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    Crescent wrote: »
    Crescent wrote: »
    Yeah that sounds like a melee sorcerer alright lol. Some people are just obtuse.
    my bad. i forget that people roll sorcs to use all 3 melee skills they have.

    Much like DK's?

    Or you mean the 3 weaponskill lines with 5 skills each they have access to?
    no i meant class skills.

    you will notice most dk stills have less than a 10m range.
    you will notice almost all sorc skills have greater than a 10m range

    you will notice all classes except sorcs have a class skill that regenerates stamina.

    you will notice all classes except sorcs have a class skill to close the distance to the opponent. you will also notice sorcs are the only class that has a skill to increase the distance from the opponent.
    Edited by Jeremy_gelber_ESO on May 30, 2014 1:39AM
  • Crescent
    Crescent wrote: »
    Crescent wrote: »
    Yeah that sounds like a melee sorcerer alright lol. Some people are just obtuse.
    my bad. i forget that people roll sorcs to use all 3 melee skills they have.

    Much like DK's?

    Or you mean the 3 weaponskill lines with 5 skills each they have access to?
    no i meant class skills.

    you will notice most dk stills have less than a 10m range.
    you will notice almost all sorc skills have greater than a 10m range

    you will notice all classes except sorcs have a class skill that regenerates stamina.

    you will notice all classes except sorcs have a class skill to close the distance to the opponent. you will also notice sorcs are the only class that has a skill to increase the distance from the opponent.

    Bolt Escape is as much a distance closer as a gap creator. And while much of the DK skills are short range, they have ranged skills. Sort of how like sorcerers only have 2 ranged nukes and the rest are close quarter skills like daedric mines and encase, and the familiar needs melee range, and bound armaments is a melee skill, and so is surge, and storm form doesn't do damage from range but damage from melee.

    But talk out of your ass by all means. Most of those classes don't even use skills to regenerate stamina because stamina skills are cheap to use to begin with. All classes use more magicka based skills than they use stamina ones. Stamina lines like a whirlwind morph also has stamina return, and a sorcerer can use the vamp skill drain essence to regen stamina.
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    Crescent wrote: »
    Crescent wrote: »
    Crescent wrote: »
    Yeah that sounds like a melee sorcerer alright lol. Some people are just obtuse.
    my bad. i forget that people roll sorcs to use all 3 melee skills they have.

    Much like DK's?

    Or you mean the 3 weaponskill lines with 5 skills each they have access to?
    no i meant class skills.

    you will notice most dk stills have less than a 10m range.
    you will notice almost all sorc skills have greater than a 10m range

    you will notice all classes except sorcs have a class skill that regenerates stamina.

    you will notice all classes except sorcs have a class skill to close the distance to the opponent. you will also notice sorcs are the only class that has a skill to increase the distance from the opponent.

    Bolt Escape is as much a distance closer as a gap creator. And while much of the DK skills are short range, they have ranged skills. Sort of how like sorcerers only have 2 ranged nukes and the rest are close quarter skills like daedric mines and encase, and the familiar needs melee range, and bound armaments is a melee skill, and so is surge, and storm form doesn't do damage from range but damage from melee.

    But talk out of your ass by all means. Most of those classes don't even use skills to regenerate stamina because stamina skills are cheap to use to begin with. All classes use more magicka based skills than they use stamina ones. Stamina lines like a whirlwind morph also has stamina return, and a sorcerer can use the vamp skill drain essence to regen stamina.

    surge, lightning form, and bound armor. congrats you named all 3 melee skills.

    daedric mine is a melee skill?

    melee temps arent using repentance? night blades arent using the siphoning strikes line? dk's arent using green dragon blood over coagulating? and im talking out of my ass?
  • Crescent
    If you can't grasp why Daedric Mines is a melee skill, you're a waste of time. Bye.
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