What authors think about a werewolf and what is its future?

I have questions about Werewolves to ESO Team because maybe werewolf weaknesses are part of "bigger" plan:

1. What was the purpose of creating a skill line of werewolf (philosophy and how you achieved it your opinion in a skill line)? Please do not just link to an article about a werewolf.

2. Do you plan to modify the skill lines in some significant way, improve existing or abandon?

3. Are you planning any extensions to PvE strongly associated with the line of werewolves / vampires? (name extension or approximate (non-binding) dates)

Interested only specific answers.
Response like "Yes, soon" without specifics is a waste of server memory. Because "soon" in corporate PR can be 6 days, 6 months or 6 years.
Edited by biodragon on May 28, 2014 8:13PM
  • Khazaad
    I like your audacity. Since you're not going to get the response you want from the people you want I'll help with the awkward silence.

    I considered becoming WW because if you realize exactly how crummy they are, one can assume that they'll only get better.

    They WILL get improved but your question isn't very honest. You want to know when they'll be improved to a standard you've already had in mind. "Improvements" are evolutionary and it's reasonable to hope for better before ideal.
  • Drasn
    I think you are asking a bit much. With so many other glaring issues at hand, the inadequacies of the WW line are most likely at the bottom of a very long list.
  • Falmer
    Well, they are likely only to ever remain mediocre at best. Left to those who actually want to roleplay the part.

    Vampires offer only a slight benefit and look how many of those are around. Unfortunately, the only way to make sure not everyone is a werewolf or vampire is to keep their benefit low.
  • Diaboli
    biodragon wrote: »
    I have questions about Werewolves to ESO Team ......
    Allow me to stand in here:

    1: Because it's cool. It's an Elder Scrolls game, and all of the others aside from Oblivion had them.

    2: Of course they will.

    3: I doubt it, but man wouldn't that be cool?

    I hope I was specific enough.
    If I throw a dog a bone, I don't care to know how it tastes... - Brick Top
  • Zhoyzu
    I think you are asking a bit much. With so many other glaring issues at hand, the inadequacies of the WW line are most likely at the bottom of a very long list.
    considering the major issues are empty pvp servers because they refuse to do anything about the caltrops exploit and a WHOLE skill line being completely broken and obsolete. it would seem like WW should be on the top of the list as its being the broken skill line.

    the other issues are people not being to log in and its an account lock out.

    any other issues are caused by people using add ons and arent a priority.

    were wolf was broken way before day one so it should be a priority.
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
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