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Change in 1.1.2 That Accidently Hurt RP'ers

Hey guys,
First of all, I know the majority of players don't RP in ESO, so if this doesn't apply to you, please refrain from taking the time to troll about it. Thanks!

A change in the last patch made it so a shield was required for ALL s/sh skills (not just the one's that use a shield). Obviously, you can't shield bash without a shield, but before this patch, you could use things like puncture, and abilities that only required a one handed sword. Now using only a 1H weapon has no skills available to it as of this patch.

Forgive my use of the word 'obviously' again, from a practical standpoint it would always be better to use a shield, or dual wield, but that's not the point. If someone wants to use just a 1H weapon only for RP, challenge, or #yoloswag purposes, that should be our choice. Your last change (I assume accidentally) took that away.

Zeni -can this please be reverted? If not, can you please explain why and what the benefit is of removing 1H-only skills like puncture away without the use of shield?

Thanks for your time!

Dragon Tears RP guild, and RP'ers everywhere

PS. It's okay we still love you. Accidents happen! Just give us back our 1H only please.
Edited by Haxer on May 28, 2014 1:47PM
  • Liquid_Time
    Weird. Still able to do light and heavy attacks?
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`
       IGN: Liquid Past || Rank: V14 || Class: Nightblade || World Skill: Vampire
  • Urmi
    Well thats really stupid that they did that , I'm not a RP type of person but I still think thats really crappy to do it doesn't make it any more OP or less OP lol now its just annoying and you can't kill things with one weapon if you want to :/
  • Haxer
    Weird. Still able to do light and heavy attacks?

    Yes! You can still do light and heavy attacks.
  • Haxer
    Urmi wrote: »
    Well thats really stupid that they did that , I'm not a RP type of person but I still think thats really crappy to do it doesn't make it any more OP or less OP lol now its just annoying and you can't kill things with one weapon if you want to :/

    Exactly! It doesn't 'fix' anything, or balance anything. It's just a needless change, that I assume had to be accidental. Which makes sense, because someone playing competitively would either use a shield, or dual wield so they probably just forgot about us RP'ers. I'm hoping once they realize, it will be reverted.
  • Liquid_Time
    I would think this is a bug. The reason I say that is because what if you don't find a shield soon enough? When my friend started a few weeks ago he had to buy a shield just because he was unable to find one quickly enough.
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`
       IGN: Liquid Past || Rank: V14 || Class: Nightblade || World Skill: Vampire
  • doggie
    Put on a invisible shield, and it's fixed for RP purposes?
  • Aett_Thorn
    I'm hoping that eventually they add a one-handed skill line, which maybe includes a few "grapple"-like effects with the free hand. That plus complete unarmed combat are two skill lines they could add.
  • Haxer
    I would think this is a bug. The reason I say that is because what if you don't find a shield soon enough? When my friend started a few weeks ago he had to buy a shield just because he was unable to find one quickly enough.

    That's a great point, hadn't thought of that. Come to think of it, on my DK I remember not having a shield for quite a while for the same reason. Wouldn't want all those new players who are temporarily 1H only to not be able to use their first 2 skills that shouldn't need a shield. So maybe it's not just a RPer issue after all...
  • Haxer
    doggie wrote: »
    Put on a invisible shield, and it's fixed for RP purposes?

    Can't tell if kidding or serious...there is no invisible shield...right?

    There is no spoon?
  • Woogawoman
    On a somewhat related note, I noticed that if I have one hand/shield as my alternate weapon set, the shield takes damage and needs repair even if I never switch to it. So somehow the bad guys get to dent it even though I'm getting no benefit from it.
    Aetherium Oblivion Alliance - 40+ Mature Gamers Guild (NA)
  • reagen_lionel
    Ah man. Now thats just crap to hear.
  • Haxer
    Yeah, and just a fair warning, I've seen enough responses to raging butthurt threads so I'm not giving up here! If you can handle those jerks, this rage-free, polite, constructive, thread should be a walk in the park.

    Tell you what, I'll even settle for just "We're looking into it and will get back to you."
  • Haxer
    Thanks for taking the time to read <3
  • Haxer
    Still hoping for an answer here. Would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  • Marcusstratus
    - marcusstratus's wife speaking -

    I agree this is a problem! I recently made a character specializing in sword and shield and could not figure out why I couldn't use any of my skills - I skipped Coldharbour and thus did not start out with a cast-off shield, just a sword (maybe they've fixed that since then?). At first he was doing fine, but then suddenly I never seemed to be able to use any of my skills. When I finally received Darj's shield several quests later and equipped it my 'bugged' skills were suddenly available again and I realized what was going on. Not only did this make starting out much more difficult, but it certainly doesn't make sense to have to equip a shield for skills that don't even use it.

    I'm definitely annoyed from a role-playing standpoint as well. I was actually planning on making a sorcerer who sometimes uses a sword or dagger so I can switch between active skills that use magic and stamina, but a shield doesn't really fit with my picture of him, so the requirement of equipping a shield is rather frustrating. My idea is spell in one hand sword in the other... but that doesn't really work nicely while holding a shield, and I don't really want to see the shield on his back all the time either. I hope this is changed soon!
    Edited by Marcusstratus on June 5, 2014 6:32AM
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    Not an rp person but can def back your issue. I came across this by switching weaps and took a minute figure out I had not equipped a shield. Hope it was an accident for your purposes. RP'ers may not be a majority in game but GameGods know we need all the subs we can muster up to save this pile.

    Best wishes to you getting back your 1h only uses <3
  • ShedsHisTail
    Yeah, Zeni, can we get this fixed.
    All 15 of us are really upset.
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • Haxer
    The good news is guys, as someone above me brought up, they will essentially HAVE to fix this, because new players who start at the beginning with only 1H sword, and no shield, will put points into Puncture and Low Slash and won't be able to use them. And at level 3 they won't have many other options after putting a point in.

    So even though I wanted it back for other reasons, this ^ is why they will HAVE to fix it.
    Edited by Haxer on May 29, 2014 1:07AM
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