A simple question to Zenimax about WWs (please ZOS, we want you to just say yes or no)

The question is simple:

Is the WW ever going to receive CONSIDERABLE buffs?

And by considerable I mean SUPER buffs, like, the ones it was supposed to have from the begining. Just making it on-par with human form isn't gonna solve anything since it would be still pointless (it's weaker than human form atm). It has to be much more powerfull than a human form to actually be of any use, since you waste a ult slot, spend 725 ult points in the transformation, gain weaknesses, spend 16 skill points, etc.

To put it in perspective, is the WW ever going to receive one of the following (or something alike)?

- Ultimate toggle on/off to transform whenever he wants as long as he likes for no cost (I wouldn't care if its stays right as it is now if this is implemented since it will be awesome)

- Double all his stats, including health, armor, spell resist, health regen. Well, those 4. Stamina can remain as it is to limit him a bit. Yes, I'm talking about DOUBLING all those 4, or AT LEAST +50% to those, nothing less.

- Get a full set of awesome active skills including a 1-time-use ultimate (per transformation). And by awesome I mean over-par skills, like dark talons powerful, you see?

These may seem excesive at first glance, but if you consider the piece of trash it is atm, you'll see it's not that much, really. The WW was terribly, TERRIBLY balanced from the beginning. Like, you ZOS should fire the people that balanced it for doing such a poor job. No kiddin'. Well yea, I'm kiddin', don't fire them, just move them to QA.

That's what the WW needs to become viable in PvP and in PvE since the devour nerf -yes, a bug fix that makes something weaker is still a nerf-. Not anything less than that. So, I repeat my questing:

Is it ever going to receive any of those?

Because if it's not, I feel I'm wasting my time and character's power by having the WW skill line.

Please I -and I'm sure many people as well- want an answer from the staff with yes or no.

Edited by dr_zed on May 28, 2014 1:04PM
  • PurpleFox
    Well of course not, next year maybe XD
    The sad truth Dr_Zed...sad indeed.
    But look! We have Dodge Roll!!!
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • biodragon
    Edited by biodragon on May 28, 2014 5:14PM
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