Ideas how to level provisioning starting at V1?

Soul Shriven

I tried to start leveling provisioning at V1 (after finishing the first campaign) but I am stuck at level 11. Crates in cities are always Empty, and for those provisions I find at dungeons I must be missing recipes. I have just completed the first V1 zone and my skill didn't go up even by one.
Can anybody give me an advice how to best level it? (Just serious ones, please)
I am not willing to go again through all 1-50 content just to gather ingredients or spend hours fishing in trade guilds for a lucky recipe/stack of provisions I need. I want to level it along the way as I do content. Are there some stores for recipes or provision I missed?
People are saying that provisioning is really simple to level up.. Not in my experience. :/
Edited by Edward000 on May 21, 2014 10:32AM
  • Censorious
    You want to have your cake and eat it. (pun intended)

    If you've ignored provisioning right up to VR, it's a bit late to say you want to level it without repeating low levels.

    Anyway, I saved provisioning to VR levels and I just went back through the low levels, it took a couple of days, it's super-easy to level.
    If you are determined to do it the hard way, the VR zones actually contain low level provisioning materials and recipes, but you'll have to fight for them.

    Tip: Roll a new character and take it through the Coldharbour prison tutorial - there are thousands of grates, barrels, sacks and jars containing the low level materials and recipes that you can pass to your main.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Frcyr
    You will find a lot of low level material in Veteran zone, but they will change this.
    let there be darkness
    let there be blood tonight
    let there be riots
    come start the fires tonight
    Kreator - Civilization Collapse
  • ebunts14_ESO
    You can buy from guild store too. If someone puts them up for sale or spam chat.
  • Edward000
    Soul Shriven
    Censorious: I tried the Coldharbor grind but the provisions I find are for level 1 recipes and it would take ages to level it that way (seems like I need 20 dishes or so to get +1 in provisioning with these low-level mats). That's how I got to level 11 actually. :))

    Frycr: Yes, I am finding some low-level supplies, but I lack recipes to use them.

    ebuntsb_ESO: Guild store has only higer-level mats. For 4000 per 100-stack.

    Thanks for your answers. I'll drop provisioning, it's not worth my time at the moment. I was hoping that I might have missed something. I might pick it up later on if I ever decide to level up all crafts - apparently I would have to go through the completed zones again anyway.
  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    Too easy i went from 1 to 50 in 4 days.
    Just go back zone to zone farming boxes in cities that have a port (more boxes)
    As for recepies go to guild store and buy the green ones.
  • Edward000
    Soul Shriven
    I went back to starting zones, wasted two days of gametime in the content I have been in, and finally bored to hell I bought about 200-300 mats and got it to level 50. Story closed.
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