Before we start, I think NB's needs to get buffed a bit.
But here is an example on how to confuse skill abilities, set bonuses etc with class abilities, and easily fall for the mistake of thinking the class is the issue:
"So I saw this Nightblade video here the other day, and he used Resto staff combined with Destro staff. He also used Furnace set which restores 10% magicka every 5 second when struck by melee."
"He could get as much magicka and health as he wanted with the Resto Staff ability Spirit Siphon together with the NB ability Siphoning Strikes, with his Furnace Set light armor bonus.
Those 2 abilities together gave him unlimited magicka so he could spam everything he wanted, including heals."
"The Nightblade class is "clearly" overpowered when it is possible to get unlimited magicka with the Resto/Destro build, Furnace light armor set (10% magicka proc every 5 second) and use the Resto ability "Spirit Siphon" to spam abilities nonstop!"
"This "clearly" is only because of the class alone, and not because of resto ability/furnace set..!"
"Please nerf Nightblades since they can use the powerful Spirit Siphon (resto staff) ability and the overpowered Furnace Set to do crazy overpowered things in conjunction with their own class abilities!"
If you didnt get the point of the post:
The point here is to take what you see with a grain of salt, and not ALWAYS assume it's "automatically" the class that is the real problem.
It's often an ability from another skill line being the issue, like Spirit Siphon and Furnace Set (giving unlimited magicka) currently is.
Like Bash was before nerf, like Batswarm was before nerf, like Impulse spam was before nerf and so on.
These videos also always consist of players using overpowered Set Bonuses, like Furnace set!
If people spend a few more seconds trying to relate and understand how the mechanics and abilities work together, and which ones is class abilities and not class abilities, then there will be less confusion, and less outcries from misunderstanding mechanics and how they work, and saying class ability X is OP, when it's really weapon ability Y that affects it in a bad way.
Just think back, and remember the: "omg nerf X class, bash is too strong!"...
Edited by monkeymystic on May 27, 2014 7:08PM