Which Heals Crit after Patch 1.2 ?


in the Patchnotes it says, some Skills that cant do Crits before, can crit now. Which Heals from the Restostaff or the Templerskills can crit now?

I think it is important to know because i can choose Magelight or other Buffs to enchant my Equip for Crit. Some Passives gives a Bonus too but i dont know which Spells here affected.

MFG Murmeltier.
  • Tankqull
    all templar heals and restostaff heals which are not some kind of returning proceffect (e.g. force siphon and morphs or healing ward)
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Murmeltier
    That is really cool! So all the Templer Heals and Restostaff Heals can crit now, so the Hots from the Skill Regeneration can crit too? I read something about that but i am not sure.

    MFG Murmeltier.
  • Tankqull
    jep everything including hots untill they break it again like a few patches ago...
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Murmeltier
    jep everything including hots untill they break it again like a few patches ago...

    This shouldnt happen, it is too important to help a Group to Survive. Teso hits hard.

    Thank you for this Info, i will fear every incoming Patch now. No, that was a Joke but i hope really Zenimax dont touch the Crits on Heals, if they work correct now.

    MFG Murmeltier.
  • audabon2013
    Even ground Aoe hots are critting now? Both templar and resto?

    Cant wait to get home to see for myself.
  • StealthStalker
    I've yet to see ground target heals crit.
  • nukelusb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    My Grand Healing crits about 30% of the time it ticks. I have slightly over 30% spell crit so everything checks out.
  • Dubah
    The only heal that is not critting at this time out of templar/restoration staff is the regeneration morph Mutagen, anyone else able to confirm if regeneration or the other morph is critting?
  • StealthStalker
    Rapid Regen/Mutagen has always crit for me, both before and after the patch.
  • Dubah
    Sounds good, ive never seen it crit lol, so maybe im not paying attention.
  • Solomon_Cato
    @Dubah & @StealthStalker : Yes Mutagen, as stalker noted, was critting for me before the patch (been in Disney World for a week, have not got in during the new patch yet). It was the only heal that was critting for me pre-patch (sorcerer healer), so I refrained from using Inner Light. Now with the fix I will definitely find a spot for Inner Light on my bar.
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