Caster Templar AOE help

Soul Shriven
Hi I am just about to hit veteran level, I have been using this for DPS

This build works great for single target but has zero AOE ability. I just hit 50 with restoration staff so I was thinking about using destruction staff or something as a second weapon. I have been playing around with destro and im finding it to be really weak compared to my single target build, even 3v1.

Does anyone know a good Templar, light armor, AOE build?

Any and all advise is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Best Answers

  • ErilAq
    I would use puncturing strikes (morph depending on your preference, I like biting jabs) with spear shards( I like to morph to blazing spear to stun) with a destro staff or 2hander. If you go destro run with impulse (morphed pulsar), and or wall of elements (I reaaally like unstable wall of elements). 2hander put points into cleave (morph into brawler for that damage shield) and put 2 into the passive momentum.

    your bar should look like
    1.) biting jabs
    2.) blazing spear
    3.) impulse/ brawler
    4.) unstable wall of elements/X (any ability)
    5.)X (any ability)

    you can also use mage/fighters guild abilities, but I like the class/weapon aoe's more, it just seems more fleshed out. and X ability is your preference ability. these builds should give you decent survivability while still dishing out the aoe dps. (as an aside, don't be worried if the target you're focusing on doesn't seem to take "hard" hits, it adds up quick. Also, learn when to block the special attacks, while those bad boys hurt and it can be easy to miss a mob when aoeing)
    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
    Answer ✓
  • Travail
    Well, I have some good news and some bad news with regards to your build. The bad news is, much of the Templar's AoE damage comes in morphs, morphs which you can't get because you have already morphed the abilities the other way (unless you want to respec.) Reflective Light (morph of Sun Fire) and Solar Barrage (morph of Solar Flare) are both good AoE abilities within the Templar's class skill lines.

    The good news is, you still have some very cheap options available to you. Since you are using Aurora Javelin, I know that you have also unlocked Puncturing Strikes. That is your cheapest option for AoE damage. It's one of the better AoE abilities in the game, especially for soloing/questing. The Radial Sweep ultimate in the Aedric Spear line is also good for soloing. Because it's so cheap (75 ultimate), you often build enough ultimate to use it every fight, assuming you are up against multiple mobs.

    Those are the best two options for you, right now. If you want to use Impulse from the Destruction Staff line, that's a great ability, but be aware that you're in for some pain while leveling up the staff skill line. It shouldn't take too long to level if you put each and every Destro Staff ability on your bar as you learn them, and keep them there (you gain experience in the skill line for each ability from that skill line on your active hotbar. The more abilities on your bar, the faster that skill line will level up.) I leveled my Destro Staff while in Coldharbour, from lvls 45-50, and found it was easiest if I relied mostly on Puncturing Strikes and Radial Sweep (mentioned above) for my damage, just keeping the Destro Staff skills on my bar to level the skill line as quickly as possible.

    The rewards are high for leveling a Destro Staff, as Impulse is one of the more powerful AoE attacks in the game, especially for farming. And, unless you want to start investing a bit into stamina, all of the other weapons are going to be weaker.

    There are other options, though. Cleave (two-handed weapon line) morphed into Carve gains you ultimate very quickly in AoE fights, which allows you to use Radial Sweep lots. That's a good combo for the Templar, and Cleave is the very first ability in the two-handed skill line, so it doesn't require much investment (in time or skill points) to learn. Since you're mostly using Cleave to gain ultimate, you don't need a huge investment into stamina, either. Get some +stamina food and you should be alright.

    So, I offer two builds:

    Destro Staff
    1. Biting Jabs (morph of Puncturing Strikes, Aedric Spear line)
    2. Honor the Dead
    3. Elemental Ring (morph of Impulse, Destruction Staff line)
    4. Elemental Drain (morph of Weakness to Elements, Destruction Staff line)
    5. Inner Light (morph of Magelight, Mage's Guild line)
    Ult = Crescent Sweep (morph of Radial Sweep)


    1. Biting Jabs (morph of Puncturing Strikes, Aedric Spear line)
    2. Honor the Dead
    3. Carve (morph of Cleave, two-handed line)
    4. Repentance (morph of Restoring Aura, Restorating Light line)
    5. Explosive Charge (morph of Focused Charge, Aedric Spear line)
    Ult = Crescent Sweep (morph of Radial Sweep, Aeidric Spear line)

    Those are probably your two best options. Keep your Restoration Staff on your secondary bar in both cases, so you can swap over and turtle if you get in over your head.

    The last thing I want to mention is Volcanic Rune. This is a morph of Fire Rune, found in the Mage's Guild skill line. It requires some work to get to this ability (you have to find a ton of lorebooks) but it's well worth it. This ability is an AoE knockdown, which basically trivializes any trash pull in the game, as well as any boss who isn't immune to CC. If you're having trouble with veteran content, go hunt lorebooks until you can learn this ability. Take the Volcanic Rune morph, and you won't be having trouble with VR content any longer.

    Answer ✓
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    Hi I am just about to hit veteran level, I have been using this for DPS

    This build works great for single target but has zero AOE ability. I just hit 50 with restoration staff so I was thinking about using destruction staff or something as a second weapon. I have been playing around with destro and im finding it to be really weak compared to my single target build, even 3v1.

    Does anyone know a good Templar, light armor, AOE build?

    Any and all advise is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    I would strongly advise NOT going destruction with templar. we already slightly struggle with resource management in longer fights. you already have great magica abilities at your disposal, you just need to ask do you really want to level fire staff all the way just to slot the impulse. the problem with relying around puncturing strikes is that they are garbage in pvp, it can be blocked and you are vulnerable during animation. I cant give to much advice because i go 5 heavy two light. thinking of going other way but with magica overcharged I just cant bring myself to trade the heavy bonus for light. a respec would help, bit the bullet and did it at 130 skill points:( but it will allow you to take all the morphs that aoe from a distance. if you did that then bow would compliment nicely, the first ability morphs to inturrupt, the scattershot is cone aoe which gets snare. if your healer then bow helps you stay back in dungeon or cryodill and support/ attack from much safer distance. think carefully and get someone to make you training of what weapon you choose.
    Answer ✓
  • Kressarkub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you all very much for the advice! This is what I asked for and then some.
  • pahlx
    Soul Shriven
    Ive been using this rotation for aoe and its worked so far (through v1)

    1. Solar barrage (spam this while blocking)
    2. Channeled focus (put this down after blazing spear for armor and a little mana)
    3. Volcanic rune (opener)
    4. Blazing spear (throw down before channeled focus, cc, dot, and chance to proc burning light)
    5. Biting jabs (finisher)
    U. Crescent sweep (use after solar barrage for extra damage)

    Im using restoration staff
    Edited by pahlx on May 27, 2014 4:16PM
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