Multiple Velocious Curse

Soul Shriven
Hi all,

Could anyone provide evidence one way or the other on whether or not multiple sorc's using Velocious Curse on the same mob will cancel out?

Could Zenimax please provide clarity (most ridiculous tooltip phrasing ever) on what the INTENDED mechanic for curse is (1 per mob or 1 per sorc) and whether or not it is correctly working?

  • Censorious
    It's pretty standard in MMOs for this sort of DoT to be 'per character'.
    You have one curse to use regardless of what everyone else is doing and you can put it on whatever target you please - but only one target.

    If it were 1 per mob, you'd be able to curse several targets - which you can't.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Rhuarc
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, this is exactly what I would expect, except that this ability is the only 'curse' in the game as far as I know, so the expectation of 1 curse per character appears to be redundant?

    The general consensus appears to be that multiple sorcs CANNOT use Velocious Curse as they will constantly reset each others' curse. I would love if someone could provide some evidence to prove this finally! Then all we need is for Zenimax to kindly inform us of how this SHOULD be working and if we can expect a change.
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    multiple of the same "debuffs" appear to overwrite each other. meaning only 1 velocious curse is active on the mob at the same time. where as an explosive curse and a velocious appear to be able to stack. multiple poisons overwrite each other. as do bleeds.

    on the other side. multiple rapid regens overwrite , from different casters, but a rapid regen and a mutagen stack.

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