elemental drain - nerfed so hard


not only did it get reduced magicka return (24 down from like 47)

but it no longer works with abilities that aren't really dots (flames of oblivion, cinder storm, to name 2....btw, they're not dots because they don't stick on the target, you have to move around to attack with them, imo at least)

killed most of my dps builds

are those really considered dots (which they really shouldn't be, engulfing flames and unstable flame are dots, not cinder storm / foo) or is this some kind of bug?

either way this patch is killing my spirit lol

sure i'll adjust, but man, they made that ability so worthless
Edited by rotatorkuf on May 23, 2014 12:53AM
  • Erock25
    rotatorkuf wrote: »

    sure i'll adjust, but man, they made that ability so worthless

    By worthless do you mean balanced between the classes? Look at how many dots are in Sorc, Temp, and NB class skills and compare to DK. We are all now equal when it comes to elemental drain.
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  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Flames of oblivon and cinder storms are dots. Just because they are AOE and dont stick on the target doesnt mean they arent DoTs. The initial hit of engulfing flames and unstable flame is not a dot and so that initial hit will return magica, but not the dot afterword.
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