And now invisibility is useless.

Thanks for Craglorn: Patch of Wtf-ery.

So we all know Nightblades are nigh terrible. Let's be honest that when engaging a group, most of you would stealth in, probably one shot one and use shadowy disguise/dark cloak as much as you could while picking off the others for a safe encounter. This strategy is pretty much all we had unless our build had CC up the wazoo.

Well with Craglorn, that's no longer possible. After going invisible 3 times, mobs reset. You can try and counter-act this by rolling away at a safe distance after 2 times, and then keeping that up. BUT WAIT... THERE'S MORE. Because sorry, that won't really work either. Turns out, mobs have a skewed attack speed when this comes into play and will pummel you with ranged attacks within that 1-2 seconds of roll-dodging away. AND, when you do finally pop back into invisibility, the mobs will just keep attacking you. Even if you're decked out in attack speed (which I've tested) the moment you land a damaging attack out of stealth, within the same second each and every enemy will strike you. There's no longer a sort of "grace period" of the 3 seconds you have once gaining invisibility. Before: Invisible, 1, Hit, 2, Come Out, 3, Enemy's go "AH! I see you!", 4, Invisible again [repeat]. Now: Invisible, 1, Hit, Enemy's are already waiting for you, and aren't the least bit deterred, 2, You're dying.

People familiar with invisibility will know that having a dot on you (or the enemy) will cause you to break stealth early and be seen earlier. Also, an ill-timing of going invisible will have you getting hit, canceling your invisibility right then and there. The way it works now, is that you're simply screwed 100% of the time. Enemies find and pummel you in and out of invisibility.

Going invisible has become nearly useless. It's only sure-fire use now is to spam in an attempt to evade a group of mobs. Except... some can somehow sniff you out anyway, and will attack you still... So yeah, it's practically useless now.

Shadowy Disguise is no longer viable beyond its first use into a fight/strategy, and Dark Cloak is barely any better.

So... intended?

Tangent: Wtf lag...
  • dracobains_ESO
    All of the tricks Nightblades were using to grind quests have been nerfed. Get used to it or find another game I suppose.
    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • jambam817_ESO
    All of the tricks Nightblades were using to grind quests have been nerfed. Get used to it or find another game I suppose.

    you mean play the game? Yes, yes they were.
    However, I'm not a sneaky stealthy assasin type. Im a Nightblade caster.
    I have noticed how shoddy invis is now, but it had always had its problems.
    If this continues to get nerfed into the ground, there's going to be some unhappy players out there.

    I'm already seriously considering a TEMPLAR over my nightblade, and the NB just hit 45 :(
  • Therium104
    Eormenric wrote: »
    Thanks for Craglorn: Patch of Wtf-ery.

    So we all know Nightblades are nigh terrible. Let's be honest that when engaging a group, most of you would stealth in, probably one shot one and use shadowy disguise/dark cloak as much as you could while picking off the others for a safe encounter. This strategy is pretty much all we had unless our build had CC up the wazoo.I

    Well with Craglorn, that's no longer possible. After going invisible 3 times, mobs reset. You can try and counter-act this by rolling away at a safe distance after 2 times, and then keeping that up. BUT WAIT... THERE'S MORE. Because sorry, that won't really work either. Turns out, mobs have a skewed attack speed when this comes into play and will pummel you with ranged attacks within that 1-2 seconds of roll-dodging away. AND, when you do finally pop back into invisibility, the mobs will just keep attacking you. Even if you're decked out in attack speed (which I've tested) the moment you land a damaging attack out of stealth, within the same second each and every enemy will strike you. There's no longer a sort of "grace period" of the 3 seconds you have once gaining invisibility. Before: Invisible, 1, Hit, 2, Come Out, 3, Enemy's go "AH! I see you!", 4, Invisible again [repeat]. Now: Invisible, 1, Hit, Enemy's are already waiting for you, and aren't the least bit deterred, 2, You're dying.

    People familiar with invisibility will know that having a dot on you (or the enemy) will cause you to break stealth early and be seen earlier. Also, an ill-timing of going invisible will have you getting hit, canceling your invisibility right then and there. The way it works now, is that you're simply screwed 100% of the time. Enemies find and pummel you in and out of invisibility.

    Going invisible has become nearly useless. It's only sure-fire use now is to spam in an attempt to evade a group of mobs. Except... some can somehow sniff you out anyway, and will attack you still... So yeah, it's practically useless now.

    Shadowy Disguise is no longer viable beyond its first use into a fight/strategy, and Dark Cloak is barely any better.

    So... intended?

    Tangent: Wtf lag...

    One of the many things wrong with your post is the premise that one shotting something is "balanced". Hmmmmm.
  • Evergreen
    All of the tricks Nightblades were using to grind quests have been nerfed. Get used to it or find another game I suppose.

    You could show a little empathy considering all the problems with the Nightblade class.
    Edited by Evergreen on May 23, 2014 10:08PM
  • Lynx7386
    So wait a minute, invisibility causes combat to reset now?

    This really *** nightblade tanks.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Eormenric
    One of the many things wrong with your post is the premise that one shotting something is "balanced". Hmmmmm.

    The only thing wrong here is that you thought I said one-shotting was balanced.

    If you want my experience on it, Shadowy Disguise's 100% crit chance, with a very strong ability such as Veiled Strike, is a balanced combo given its cost and worth for the specific class. Nightblade had this one thing. Now it has nothing going for it.
    All of the tricks Nightblades were using to grind quests have been nerfed. Get used to it or find another game I suppose.

    Fair advice and I've taken it. Sub canceled (have not gotten any improvements with this Craglorn patch like I expected) and fun is not being had by me anymore. Not a complaint, nor do I seek attention for my plans, just saying.
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Im really having hard time deciding if this is incompetence or them being outright hostile towards the NB players...
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on May 24, 2014 8:49AM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    Another NB QQ about his class that cannot solo a GROUP area.

    I would like to have half your abilities on my Templar. Your spells cost also, which are significantly less, doing more damage and greater CC capabilities.
    While your self heal cost almost nothing.
    Edited by p_tsakirisb16_ESO on May 24, 2014 7:07AM
  • andersan
    Another NB QQ about his class that cannot solo a GROUP area.

    I would like to have half your abilities on my Templar. Your spells cost also, which are significantly less, doing more damage and greater CC capabilities.
    While your self heal cost almost nothing.

    I'm far away from my pc for a few days so I can't test but isn't he talking about regular packs out in the world or solo dungeons and not group areas?
    Edited by andersan on May 24, 2014 7:22AM
  • vicNBitis
    andersan wrote: »
    I'm far away from my pc for a few days so I can't test but isn't he talking about regular packs out in the world or solo dungeons and not group areas?

    Yeah, OP was obviously about Craglorn the patch and not specifically about the area. But, in general, it's usually a safe bet to ignore anyone that uses "QQ" in a sentence.
  • andersan
    Craglorn mobs normally should ignore you if you cloak I would have assumed. if not, hopefully just a bug. You should have yourself a group to back you up though so I wouldn't consider this a game breaking issue. There are much worse things to *** about as a NB than this.
  • DeLindsay
    Not only is Shadowy Disguise causing mobs to reset post patch but more and more mobs just see right through it, even when I'm overleved for the content. I went into a VR1 zone to finish up some quests (I'm VR5) since VR6+ was completely impossible after patch and even random normal mobs in the zone didn't care that I went invisible, they just kept right on attacking.

    Also, even though this isn't NB specific, it seems 1.1.2 normal white attacks have up to a 75% miss rate now. I've died multiple times because I literally cannot hit the enemy, unless I use an ability that costs Stam/Mag (both of which I'm overcharged) and I burn those until empty just trying to stay alive. ZoS says they fixed the accidental difficulty boost to all VR zones as of 9pm EST but I've been on since that time and have been 1-shot by a frost caster who hit me for ~2600. This was a normal mob mind you and I'm about 300 overcharged in Resists.

    Moral of the story, yeah NB's are an even bigger pain post patch due to game mechanic problems that weren't there pre-1.1.2.
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Another NB QQ about his class that cannot solo a GROUP area.

    Another non-NB replying to posts he hasnt read properly regarding a class he has no clue about.
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on May 24, 2014 1:40PM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • dracobains_ESO
    Evergreen wrote: »
    All of the tricks Nightblades were using to grind quests have been nerfed. Get used to it or find another game I suppose.

    You could show a little empathy considering all the problems with the Nightblade class.

    LOL.. Nightblade is the only thing I play so I am all empathy. I was being sarcastic in my previous post.

    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • Ilterendi
    Just reroll a DK. That's obviously the class we're supposed to play our way...
  • Evergreen
    Evergreen wrote: »
    All of the tricks Nightblades were using to grind quests have been nerfed. Get used to it or find another game I suppose.

    You could show a little empathy considering all the problems with the Nightblade class.

    LOL.. Nightblade is the only thing I play so I am all empathy. I was being sarcastic in my previous post.

    That makes sense considering your other posts. I really wish we could get an ETA on upcoming fixes for the Nightblades to balance out the extreme nerfs we took to Deathstroke and Shades. Increased stamina cost to flying blade was a nerf to those dual wield Nightblades out there (currently using dual wield myself for regular mobs).
  • Grim13
    Evergreen wrote: »
    Evergreen wrote: »
    All of the tricks Nightblades were using to grind quests have been nerfed. Get used to it or find another game I suppose.

    You could show a little empathy considering all the problems with the Nightblade class.

    LOL.. Nightblade is the only thing I play so I am all empathy. I was being sarcastic in my previous post.

    That makes sense considering your other posts. I really wish we could get an ETA on upcoming fixes for the Nightblades to balance out the extreme nerfs we took to Deathstroke and Shades. Increased stamina cost to flying blade was a nerf to those dual wield Nightblades out there (currently using dual wield myself for regular mobs).

    ETA: $15-$30...
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