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Nightblade tank help

Im trying to create a nightblade tank, I had ideas about it and read a lot of guides and info about it. Im using heavy 5 light 2, sword and board but confused on secondary..
I have duel wield foe the aoe.. but im worried of the lack of aoe cc for dungeons, would lotus fan be better? Im basicly doing a siphon tank, but aoe cc is lackluster..
Some people say destro staff others bow others dw..
I love tanking always have in mmos, made a NB because the class looked good and had the potential to tank similar to others. I thought everyone would roll DK as its also OP at present so I like challenge lol.

  • Aoifesan
    As a Nightblade tank, you'll probably want to go to both bars dedicated to Tanking/ AOEing.

    You can do it based on Class Abilities and 1h/shield.
    Use 1 Bar for Taunt CC and sustain. Use Bar 2 for AoE + Finishers +Sustain.

    Incidentally you can also tank with Medium Armor as a Nightblade as the Shadow Cloak ability will at rank 4 get you easily over the Armor / Spell Resistance Caps and the Stamina Regen for Medium will help with all the blocking and rolling you'll want to do.
  • kitsinni
    I use Volcanic Runes, Whirlwind, Immovable, Leeching Strikes and Drain Essense with Veil of Blades Ultimate.

    I start with throwing off some Volcanic runes to CC and give the DPS a chance to do some damage, pop immovable so I don't get knocked down and for extra armor, Whirlwind spamming light attacks between. If I run out of Stamina I use Drain Essence and back to Whirlwind. If I wasn't Vampire I would probably use one of the drain power morphs or Refreshing Path.
  • Laranoye
    Yes, but what abilities? We actually have aoe cc for tanking? Also shadow cloak how does that increase armor and spell res? O.o or do you mean by just confusing mobs thinking your still there when your invis ? :)
  • Laranoye
    Also I am a vampire. :)
  • Laranoye
    Thanks Kitsinni I need to get volcanic rune by the sound of it lol only decent aoe cc apparantly
  • kitsinni
    Yea we are kinda screwed for CC but that is a great skill.
  • Laranoye
    Do you find you tank trash well? Ive read alot we are pretty damn good at boss tanking but trash meh...
  • kitsinni
    I think it works pretty well. Honeslty with the new changes to the radius of talons I'm not sure DK will be all that much better. I have not seen if whirlwind hits less targets now with AE changes yet. With the Morph whirwind hits a very wide area. In this game groups have to learn the tank isn't going to always hold 100% of the agro on everything. Some of these VR dungeon pulls are 10+ mobs some will get away it is just how it is.

    My healer was a bit concerned because we always had a DK tank running with us. He didn't think my AE bar would work. After a few runs with less deaths on trash pulls he is completely fine with it.

    Boss tanking is pretty much about knowing when to block and when to move. It isn't really that hard for any class.
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