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Werewolf packleader buffed!

I seriously hope the cost for this ult is something that will make people happy and they didnt just make it go from 925 for 800 or something like that.
  • whatsername908
    Last I read, and if nothing's been changed since this was testing on the PTS, the ultimate has been reduced to 725 (how generous). But really, is this ONLY for Pack Leader? Are we forgetting about everyone else...? Please tell me it was a typo in the patch notes.
    Edited by whatsername908 on May 22, 2014 5:56PM
  • Elyna
    Last I read, and if nothing's been changed since this was testing on the PTS, the ultimate has been reduced to 725 (how generous). But really, is this ONLY for Pack Leader? Are we forgetting about everyone else...? Please tell me it was a typo in the patch notes.

    Oh. 725...... Thats... something I guess. Still wish they made Werewolf a toggle or something >_>
  • Jsatrzab
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah, sad that they dont refund skill points :]
  • Halorin
    It's really hard not to question Zenimax Online's competency when they show they are looking at the werewolf line but are consciously choosing to leave it in such a lackluster and unimpressive state.

    The problems with this skill line have been more than adequately documented by others. It's sad and humorous to me that werewolves as a class is still such a step down in performance when compared to what can be accomplished in human form.
  • Oronell
    Last I read, and if nothing's been changed since this was testing on the PTS, the ultimate has been reduced to 725 (how generous). But really, is this ONLY for Pack Leader? Are we forgetting about everyone else...? Please tell me it was a typo in the patch notes.

    Probably intentional, so there will be some use for the Pack Leader passive that allows others to gain ultimate faster.
  • Brittany_Joy
    There was a livestream yesterday on Wednesday 21. The streamer asked Paul Sage about werewolves and Paul knows they are weak but said "It is still prematurely to be talking about the werewolf changes...They are not in this patch" Perhaps they have werewolf changes in the works and the ultimate reduction was like what Konk said which is just a short run change.
  • MockingCat
    I'm glad they fixed one of the needed WW braking bugs in this patch. If it is 725 ult at lest they lowered the cost a bit, its still a bit high for the current stat of the WW in my opinion but still a good change.
  • Bigswanga
    Soul Shriven
    I would disagree with the comment "It is still prematurely to be talking about the werewolf changes..." For the die hard wolf lovers we are just having to sit and wait for the much needed changes to some around.
  • Brittany_Joy
    I noticed I can dodge while in werewolf form now. It does a lil animation of me dropping to all fours for a second.
  • PurpleFox
    I noticed I can dodge while in werewolf form now. It does a lil animation of me dropping to all fours for a second.

    :open_mouth: No way! Also, still at 96% download ;-;
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Sakiri
    I havent tested that but with 2/2 power stone on my Sorc, werewolf berserker is 617 ultimate at rank 3.
  • Zhoyzu
    they didnt fix the rest of the bugs that prevent werewolf from being viable outside of hircines shrine
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • shinkicker444rwb17_ESO
    725 Ult cost is still to much for an Ultimate that is a downgrade to base skills and other ultimates. Christ, I was hoping for something like 400 Ult, what a god damn joke. How utterly out of touch are they....

    edit: the cost isn't just pack leader, its berserker to (which is what I have).

    edit 2: not that it matters considering VR mobs apparently now do twice the amount of damage and have double the HP prior to the patch. If that's true than if WW were FREE I wouldn't use it.
    Edited by shinkicker444rwb17_ESO on May 23, 2014 2:09AM
  • Jade_Knightblazerb14_ESO
    Its true, WW can now Roll :) That is one feature added, time for the Sneak ability...

    Now only if this new *roll* animation was used for sprinting.... (since you run on all fours).

    ZOS, please tell the animation Artist to allow WW to sprint on all fours, and add in a tumble or something else for the Dodge (Maybe something that looks like we break our CC bonds).
    Edited by Jade_Knightblazerb14_ESO on May 23, 2014 3:46AM
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