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is biting jabs best skill in the game?

It does AOE, great damage, four times of chance for crit, knock back, and instant cast, unlike talons or lightening flood, which have annoying animations upon cast.

This is practically the only skill a temp needs for attack, got me to cold harbour at L38 and breeze through it now.
  • vicNBitis
    It's definitely the most obnoxious. I made the mistake of grouping with a Templar for a disgustingly productive DK cheese-fest in Hectahame Grotto. Never do that again. Ears are still buzzing.
  • Axer
    Um no.
    It's a very powerful skill at lower lvl.

    But by VR, it teeters out and becoms barely adequate. Deals far less dps then what a DK can do with many skils, and is only barely on bar with what sorcerers can do at long range.

    Some wrong points:
    It's absolutely not instant. It's a channelled ability. In a game this fast pacced it's actually very risky to use due ot this. Almost every other class skill in the game that is for dps is INSTANT.. Which allows you to block while using it. Not this one. It's a relatively slow channel, which you cant block during.

    And unlike talons you say? From DK? lol what? Talons is notoriously one of the fastest instant casts in the game, and you can cast it with impunity while blocking. If you cancle the animation with a righclick its INSANELY fast, like a 50 millisecond fast. And unlike a channel ability like the spear, no partial damage is lost if interupted.

    It also doesn't really knock back.
    It has a extremely short ~200 millisecond stagger/interupt, if the fourth hit hits, on a single enemy, not aoe. Many mobs seem to just ignore this as well, even non bosses.

    The reason it's "the only skill" is because all of our other dps skills are utterly horrible.

    Without this, templars would be a broken class.
    Edited by Axer on May 21, 2014 10:42AM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Nox_Aeterna

    That was a good one OP , no really , good one :P.

    No really , are you serious? Of all skills in this game , many of which are clearly unbalanced , you think biting jabs is the best in the game?

    mate , im a templar vr9 , and i dont think biting jabs is even the templars best skill :P.

    Still , this was a fine joke hehe.

    PS: That knock back is only on 1 enemy , so yeah , you better be rdy to interrupt the cast to block if you dont want to get murdered by heavy atks.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Thechemicals
    Im vr3 templar. Templar is the only class that can make most of its skills work in vr pve and pvp. biting jabs weakens a bit in vr but is repowered by solar flare. Its passive dmg hit makes it good it most builds. However it doesnt get much play once you get a real aoe cc called volcanic rune.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • crislevin
    well, thats good to know it weakens at V3 and above.

    Still, consider this, how many V5-V10 are there? Vast majority people will not ever go over V1 before quitting, so it seems like a extremely powerful skill for most people.
  • Calgrissom
    V10 Templar I Play a tank primarily. Jabs is still one of our best DPS option and one of the only execute style abilities Templars get. Solar Barrage + Jabs will do a pretty fair amount of damage. Against a low health boss jabs on one of the highest damage abilities we have actually. I still find it a completely viable ability at V10. One thing you need to learn when using jabs is that you need to center the mob you want to knock back. when engaging large packs I try to center jabs on a caster and spam.

    With the way Min maxing works in this game some abilities become more viable depending on you passives armor build and traits taken. I have a high magica pool for a plate wearer this means I get a pretty extreme amount of damage out of my spell abilities while not sacrificing survivability.

    At V10 with Stamina and magica food My stats sit at 2300Hp 1996 Magica and 1990 Sta. This is with 6 heavy 1 light. Imperial race.
  • randomriffyrocksprerb18_ESO
    The weapon is only as good as the warrior who wields it...
  • crislevin
    Calgrissom wrote: »
    At V10 with Stamina and magica food My stats sit at 2300Hp 1996 Magica and 1990 Sta. This is with 6 heavy 1 light. Imperial race.

    thanks, the numbers are good to know for sure.
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    lets put it this way. I bumped into a guy in cryodill in a campaign where his alliance had all the scrolls all keeps and emporer bonus, he was v4 me v3, he was spamming jabbs and I stomped all over him. I was laughing to myself from being so surprised he slotted it in pvp. I also am a Templar. dont forget in pvp your opponent can just block it, preventing a lot of damage and the knockback.
    ps whoever said people wont get past vet they will quit, have you even played pvp in a busy campaign? i feel like I see at least 75% vet
  • crislevin
    lets put it this way. I bumped into a guy in cryodill in a campaign where his alliance had all the scrolls all keeps and emporer bonus, he was v4 me v3, he was spamming jabbs and I stomped all over him. I was laughing to myself from being so surprised he slotted it in pvp. I also am a Templar. dont forget in pvp your opponent can just block it, preventing a lot of damage and the knockback.
    ps whoever said people wont get past vet they will quit, have you even played pvp in a busy campaign? i feel like I see at least 75% vet

    yeah right, how many players you actually seen in that place, it practically deserted in most of the times. far from the dream of "we can do 200 players on screen!" lol
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    Still one of my favorite skills espically with the final Healing staff skill morph known as Siphon Spirit, since that grants on EACH HIT 1% of your max MP in addition to the healing, allowing you to spam it even longer while healing yourself if you take damage.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Calgrissom
    lets put it this way. I bumped into a guy in cryodill in a campaign where his alliance had all the scrolls all keeps and emporer bonus, he was v4 me v3, he was spamming jabbs and I stomped all over him. I was laughing to myself from being so surprised he slotted it in pvp. I also am a Templar. dont forget in pvp your opponent can just block it, preventing a lot of damage and the knockback.
    ps whoever said people wont get past vet they will quit, have you even played pvp in a busy campaign? i feel like I see at least 75% vet

    When I shield assault you to the ground and jabs spam you 2x before you get up we will see if your laughing. you wont be able to block it and you will be stumbled on the 2nd jabs attack.
  • Crescent
    Biting Jabs is ridiculously strong. Templar damage is really high and comboing something like bites with a elemental wall and blazing shield does metric tons of damage to groups of mobs.

    Only DK can beat templar AoE class skills.

    P.S. Impulse is not a class skill so I don't want to hear whines about Impulse.
    Edited by Crescent on May 22, 2014 7:13PM
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