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Why is Inhale getting nerfed?

From the 1.1 Craglorn PTS notes:
Inhale (and morphs): This ability’s initial life drain morphs can now hit a maximum of three targets. This also applies to Inhale’s morphs.
Was there something OP about Inhale that I was not aware of? In my experience, the healing did not scale well enough with the number of enemies for it to do something crazy enough to warrant a nerf.

What prompted this?
  • Crescent
    What prompted them to nerf the first rank of a useless werewolf passive? Who knows ;p
  • JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO
    ZOS nerfing things for no reason or explanation I hope they make an article or video explaining their reasoning
  • dragoaskani
    Soul Shriven
    From the 1.1 Craglorn PTS notes:
    Inhale (and morphs): This ability’s initial life drain morphs can now hit a maximum of three targets. This also applies to Inhale’s morphs.
    Was there something OP about Inhale that I was not aware of? In my experience, the healing did not scale well enough with the number of enemies for it to do something crazy enough to warrant a nerf.

    What prompted this?
    Notice the word initial? that would imply it will hit more targets as it ranks up. (dunno how many at rank 4 though)
  • TheJadeFist
    Well if it makes you feel better night blades gota, morph an aoe damaging move into healing and no damage to have something close to it.
  • Teloran
    The issue was that it gave DKs far too much survivability against zergs. It was very difficult to kill a DK using it without actually having the whole group focus him down. Expect similar changes to other uncapped AoE drain skills (Devouring Swarm and Surge healing) in future patches. This was just the easiest mechanically to nerf.
  • beravinprb19_ESO
    Indeed. With this skill and a few others, DKs could solo things like Farms and Mines, etc. It also made them very difficult to kill with the right build. I can't discuss it from the PvE side of things, as I prefer to use other abilities. That said, it was quite the problem in PvP.
    Edited by beravinprb19_ESO on April 27, 2014 10:33AM
  • Maverick827
    I'm not sure how long I'll be able to stand my character getting destroyed in PvE because of PvP nerfs. I hope Zenimax finds a more amiable solution to supposed PvP issues, because I'm really enjoying this game (for now...).
  • Xsorus
    The heal on inhale is actually pretty awful, You can use Absorb Magic Defensive Posture Morph and it'll heal for around 600 every single time.

  • imobius
    Soul Shriven
    Inhale is getting nerfed because DK emporers are immortal.

    Inhale spam on a raid of people = unkillable.
  • davidhorstub17_ESO
    Edited by davidhorstub17_ESO on May 17, 2014 7:42PM
  • Travail
    That guy's getting way too many resources back. He doesn't go OOM despite the fact that he is almost always casting during the fight (and using no pots that I saw.) That's definitely something else the devs need to look at. Some classes have resource management that lets them cast forever and a day (item set bonuses also heavily factor in.) That's definitely factoring into the imbalances we see in ESO.

    Edited by Travail on May 18, 2014 8:42AM
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    From the 1.1 Craglorn PTS notes:
    Inhale (and morphs): This ability’s initial life drain morphs can now hit a maximum of three targets. This also applies to Inhale’s morphs.
    Was there something OP about Inhale that I was not aware of? In my experience, the healing did not scale well enough with the number of enemies for it to do something crazy enough to warrant a nerf.

    What prompted this?
    Notice the word initial? that would imply it will hit more targets as it ranks up. (dunno how many at rank 4 though)

    Inhale is a 2 part attack.

    1) absorb HP from surrounding foes
    2.5 secs later
    2) deal magic damage to surrounding foes.

    They imply that they will be making part 1 hit a max of 3 without touching part 2's target limit.
  • Infraction
    Its not all PvP getting DK's beat up with the bat. They are running group oriented content solo in PvE. Doing things other classes could only hope for.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    I do hope they know tho that making inhale target only 3 things will make the interrupt morph of it even more meh then it already is. They better plan on making it specifically hit the enemy that requires interrupting at the time, because i'll hate it even more than I already do right now.

    Note that I hate it because I thought the skill would stun targets around me for 2 seconds, but instead it only stuns enemies that were casting something when it hit it. May be useful at times but usually situational attacks end up somehow falling short of the ones that do its effects 100% of the time...
  • Sarevok
    Infraction wrote: »
    Its not all PvP getting DK's beat up with the bat. They are running group oriented content solo in PvE. Doing things other classes could only hope for.

    My sorcerer can solo group oriented content so it's not just DK's. Also I know of a NB that can also do the same.

    I'm also getting rather pissed off at ZOS nerfing abilities based on PvP feedback which in-turn destroys that class in PvE. You would think by now companies running these MMO's would wake-up to that. GW2 managed to keep their balancing of PvP and PvE seperate so why can't the rest follow suit?

    Edited by Sarevok on May 22, 2014 2:03AM
  • Wifeaggro13
    From the 1.1 Craglorn PTS notes:
    Inhale (and morphs): This ability’s initial life drain morphs can now hit a maximum of three targets. This also applies to Inhale’s morphs.
    Was there something OP about Inhale that I was not aware of? In my experience, the healing did not scale well enough with the number of enemies for it to do something crazy enough to warrant a nerf.

    What prompted this?

  • Wifeaggro13

    From the *** looks of it they need to nerf the destruction staff impulse , light armor passives, and spiked armor.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Infraction wrote: »
    Its not all PvP getting DK's beat up with the bat. They are running group oriented content solo in PvE. Doing things other classes could only hope for.
    And it has nothing to with the class it has to do with the build. You take away light armor from a DK and the class is equal to the other classes aside from Nightblade that needs a serious boost. The reason why they can solo that group content is because spike armor brings them to armor cap while having the ridiculous mana reserves light armor provides,then spamming AOES' to build ulti points for banner spamming. Heavy and medium don't come anywhere near light armor and the passives it recieves. if anything they should completely remove spike armor . fix the stamina issues in medium, and penalize Dragon knights in light armor builds restricting the max magica for them by 500 points of more then 3 pieces of light is equipped. All the inhale does is penalize Stamina based builds , the healing of it is *** your better of with green dragon blood.

    I truly dont think the devs understand where the imbalances are. you put a DK in heavy armor and he cant solo VR dungeons.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Travail wrote: »
    That guy's getting way too many resources back. He doesn't go OOM despite the fact that he is almost always casting during the fight (and using no pots that I saw.) That's definitely something else the devs need to look at. Some classes have resource management that lets them cast forever and a day (item set bonuses also heavily factor in.) That's definitely factoring into the imbalances we see in ESO.

    its the light armor passives matched with certain sets. also magica soft caps are not functioning correctly with reduction jewelry.
  • CapuchinSeven
    It's not so much the light armour, rather the set bonuses from some sets AND the light armour.
  • Yasha

    I want to see how a melee based character does this.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Yasha wrote: »

    I want to see how a melee based character does this.
    They dont , you put on medium or heavy, and a DK or sorc would die faster then a templar .

  • Still_Mind
    Two words. Magicka Furnace. It is simply too strong. It either needs to be reduced to 3-5%, or the internal cooldown must be increased to 20 secs.

    Light armour passives also considerably more functional than heavy, and, to a lesser extent, medium. In my view, there are two main reasons for this - first, the relevance of Magicka-oriented skills and the abundant utility tolls on Stamina (CC break, dodge roll, sprint, block, interrupt - all of this is expensive, and most of this is used by all playstyles, at least situationally). Second, the sheer power of cost reduction mechanics.

    As for the Inhale nerf, I can see where ZOE is coming from, I suppose, but, pre-nerf, it had good utility and meh damage. Post-nerf, it'll have meh utility and meh damage. A good opportunity to either make it cheaper, or increase the damage.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
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