Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

NIghtblade fixes need to be a top priority - Dev response if possible

  • Talketzanto
    anyone know what they are changing about IMPALE next patch? I heard it was a nerf....
  • Evergreen
    anyone know what they are changing about IMPALE next patch? I heard it was a nerf....

    Considering the PTS server is mostly populated with the old beta tester community I really wouldn't be surprised. The PTS server and forums need to be opened up the to whole subscribing community so we can get a more rational consensus among players.
  • Chelo
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    Nightblades are fine in pvp and pve.

    Assassin / medium armour melee is perfectly viable.

    That guy is also abusing vampire abilities more than dual wield or nightblade class skills.

    Not everyone is a vampire, nor should they be required to be.


    NOT ONCE did i use a single vampire ability on that video... Except to feed in the intro (which does no damage)

    I don't have any of the vampire abilities on my hotbars. And i feed every 30 mins to maintain stage 1. My vampirism is for roleplay purposes.

    All my kills come from skill and the dw+nb abilities.

    Whats your next excuse?

    99% of the time you knocked people off their horses and you attacked from stealth.

    Why don't you make a video where you're doing that in a group? Nightblades aren't fine, go fight VR10 DKs/Sorcs and see what happens when they out survive your opener when they're NOT knocked off horses... Anyone knocked off is easy AP.

    Well done for finding the one role everyone can do and is only effective in 1v1 random encounters.

    Nothing to see here folks, move further on.

    People's logic in this game always amaze me lol, guess what? he is playing like an assassin because he actualy build for being an assassin, he suppose to attack from stealth 99% of the time and do it against vulnerable targets (like people ridding horses)...

    If he want to fight groups, he should build for AoE, if he want to be in the front line and facetank targets, he should build for being a tank... He is doing what he suppose to do with his build.

    From the other side, what you are suggesting its like having a bow and fight in melee close combat.

    Guess what? you cant be the master of everything in an MMO, people are failing in this game because they doesnt have clear objectives about how to build their characters... Try to focus is just one thing and try do it as well as possible...

    He is focusing on single target dmg from stealth as an assassin playstyle and he is doing it well, you dont see him trying to fight groups or trying to tank because he DONT suppose to do that!!!

    The same thing happend when people are chosing classes, they pick NB but they want to have the same aoe/cc as a DK so why didnt you pick a DK in the first place? *** with this logic...

    They want to have the same selfhealing as a templar? So why didnt you pick a templar in the first place?... For real, dont know whats happening inside people's mind...
  • Sanguisaevum
    Pretty much what the above poster said. I saw a lot of posts complaining that NB cant be played as a medium armour melee assassin.

    I agree that the NB needs work when it comes to large scale pvp, and that many of its abilities need fixing, but the video clearly shows that medium armour, melee assassin NBs are perfectly viable.
  • Jaxom
    Chelo wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    Nightblades are fine in pvp and pve.

    Assassin / medium armour melee is perfectly viable.

    That guy is also abusing vampire abilities more than dual wield or nightblade class skills.

    Not everyone is a vampire, nor should they be required to be.


    NOT ONCE did i use a single vampire ability on that video... Except to feed in the intro (which does no damage)

    I don't have any of the vampire abilities on my hotbars. And i feed every 30 mins to maintain stage 1. My vampirism is for roleplay purposes.

    All my kills come from skill and the dw+nb abilities.

    Whats your next excuse?

    99% of the time you knocked people off their horses and you attacked from stealth.

    Why don't you make a video where you're doing that in a group? Nightblades aren't fine, go fight VR10 DKs/Sorcs and see what happens when they out survive your opener when they're NOT knocked off horses... Anyone knocked off is easy AP.

    Well done for finding the one role everyone can do and is only effective in 1v1 random encounters.

    Nothing to see here folks, move further on.

    People's logic in this game always amaze me lol, guess what? he is playing like an assassin because he actualy build for being an assassin, he suppose to attack from stealth 99% of the time and do it against vulnerable targets (like people ridding horses)...

    If he want to fight groups, he should build for AoE, if he want to be in the front line and facetank targets, he should build for being a tank... He is doing what he suppose to do with his build.

    From the other side, what you are suggesting its like having a bow and fight in melee close combat.

    Guess what? you cant be the master of everything in an MMO, people are failing in this game because they doesnt have clear objectives about how to build their characters... Try to focus is just one thing and try do it as well as possible...

    He is focusing on single target dmg from stealth as an assassin playstyle and he is doing it well, you dont see him trying to fight groups or trying to tank because he DONT suppose to do that!!!

    The same thing happend when people are chosing classes, they pick NB but they want to have the same aoe/cc as a DK so why didnt you pick a DK in the first place? *** with this logic...

    They want to have the same selfhealing as a templar? So why didnt you pick a templar in the first place?... For real, dont know whats happening inside people's mind...

    I agree with everything you said until you used DK as an example. I'm sorry but that's apples and oranges. DK can do just about ANYTHING better than a NB, plain and simple. Yes, he picked a stealthy 1v1 nb and it works (most of the time). The prob is that the NB is so broken that there are really only a few builds that work in veteran rank so you are pigeonholed into one or forever deal with very frustrating gameplay. DK can be just about anything it wants and excel at it. I think that is what people are getting at. Maybe I'm wrong.
  • glitchmaster999
    Jaxom wrote: »
    Chelo wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    Nightblades are fine in pvp and pve.

    Assassin / medium armour melee is perfectly viable.

    That guy is also abusing vampire abilities more than dual wield or nightblade class skills.

    Not everyone is a vampire, nor should they be required to be.


    NOT ONCE did i use a single vampire ability on that video... Except to feed in the intro (which does no damage)

    I don't have any of the vampire abilities on my hotbars. And i feed every 30 mins to maintain stage 1. My vampirism is for roleplay purposes.

    All my kills come from skill and the dw+nb abilities.

    Whats your next excuse?

    99% of the time you knocked people off their horses and you attacked from stealth.

    Why don't you make a video where you're doing that in a group? Nightblades aren't fine, go fight VR10 DKs/Sorcs and see what happens when they out survive your opener when they're NOT knocked off horses... Anyone knocked off is easy AP.

    Well done for finding the one role everyone can do and is only effective in 1v1 random encounters.

    Nothing to see here folks, move further on.

    People's logic in this game always amaze me lol, guess what? he is playing like an assassin because he actualy build for being an assassin, he suppose to attack from stealth 99% of the time and do it against vulnerable targets (like people ridding horses)...

    If he want to fight groups, he should build for AoE, if he want to be in the front line and facetank targets, he should build for being a tank... He is doing what he suppose to do with his build.

    From the other side, what you are suggesting its like having a bow and fight in melee close combat.

    Guess what? you cant be the master of everything in an MMO, people are failing in this game because they doesnt have clear objectives about how to build their characters... Try to focus is just one thing and try do it as well as possible...

    He is focusing on single target dmg from stealth as an assassin playstyle and he is doing it well, you dont see him trying to fight groups or trying to tank because he DONT suppose to do that!!!

    The same thing happend when people are chosing classes, they pick NB but they want to have the same aoe/cc as a DK so why didnt you pick a DK in the first place? *** with this logic...

    They want to have the same selfhealing as a templar? So why didnt you pick a templar in the first place?... For real, dont know whats happening inside people's mind...

    I agree with everything you said until you used DK as an example. I'm sorry but that's apples and oranges. DK can do just about ANYTHING better than a NB, plain and simple. Yes, he picked a stealthy 1v1 nb and it works (most of the time). The prob is that the NB is so broken that there are really only a few builds that work in veteran rank so you are pigeonholed into one or forever deal with very frustrating gameplay. DK can be just about anything it wants and excel at it. I think that is what people are getting at. Maybe I'm wrong.

    Definatelly, you hit the nail on the head there. Thank you for summing it up :)
  • Chelo
    Jaxom wrote: »
    Chelo wrote: »
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    Nightblades are fine in pvp and pve.

    Assassin / medium armour melee is perfectly viable.

    That guy is also abusing vampire abilities more than dual wield or nightblade class skills.

    Not everyone is a vampire, nor should they be required to be.


    NOT ONCE did i use a single vampire ability on that video... Except to feed in the intro (which does no damage)

    I don't have any of the vampire abilities on my hotbars. And i feed every 30 mins to maintain stage 1. My vampirism is for roleplay purposes.

    All my kills come from skill and the dw+nb abilities.

    Whats your next excuse?

    99% of the time you knocked people off their horses and you attacked from stealth.

    Why don't you make a video where you're doing that in a group? Nightblades aren't fine, go fight VR10 DKs/Sorcs and see what happens when they out survive your opener when they're NOT knocked off horses... Anyone knocked off is easy AP.

    Well done for finding the one role everyone can do and is only effective in 1v1 random encounters.

    Nothing to see here folks, move further on.

    People's logic in this game always amaze me lol, guess what? he is playing like an assassin because he actualy build for being an assassin, he suppose to attack from stealth 99% of the time and do it against vulnerable targets (like people ridding horses)...

    If he want to fight groups, he should build for AoE, if he want to be in the front line and facetank targets, he should build for being a tank... He is doing what he suppose to do with his build.

    From the other side, what you are suggesting its like having a bow and fight in melee close combat.

    Guess what? you cant be the master of everything in an MMO, people are failing in this game because they doesnt have clear objectives about how to build their characters... Try to focus is just one thing and try do it as well as possible...

    He is focusing on single target dmg from stealth as an assassin playstyle and he is doing it well, you dont see him trying to fight groups or trying to tank because he DONT suppose to do that!!!

    The same thing happend when people are chosing classes, they pick NB but they want to have the same aoe/cc as a DK so why didnt you pick a DK in the first place? *** with this logic...

    They want to have the same selfhealing as a templar? So why didnt you pick a templar in the first place?... For real, dont know whats happening inside people's mind...

    I agree with everything you said until you used DK as an example. I'm sorry but that's apples and oranges. DK can do just about ANYTHING better than a NB, plain and simple. Yes, he picked a stealthy 1v1 nb and it works (most of the time). The prob is that the NB is so broken that there are really only a few builds that work in veteran rank so you are pigeonholed into one or forever deal with very frustrating gameplay. DK can be just about anything it wants and excel at it. I think that is what people are getting at. Maybe I'm wrong.

    You are right about that but in a perfect world without bugs, DK still a different playstyle than a NB and a NB suppose to have the highest single target burst dmg in the game but not necessary the best cc, as I said before ''in a perfect world''... Like templar suppose to have the best selfhealing, different classes mean different playstyles and different adventages for each class.
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