14 quests sounds like a lot...did you possibly miss a town?
I think the chains and bosses in the wilderness count as quests too
Just going to bump this, because it was hidden all the way over on page 5 of the forum, and I think it's a great idea. Even if the list was simply a text file, as others have said.
There is a big chance that those quest have been disabeled because they were to hard to fix for the moment (like the frog race in Auridon). The archievements have not been updated because those quest will be reinstated once they have time to fix/finish them.xsfkxnub19_ESO wrote: »I want to know if there is an addon that lists all the quests you've done so far, I really need it because I'm in shadowfen and I'm missing 14 quests and they are NO WHERE to be found. Been circling the map for hours and go into caves, dungeons, etc and it's no use.
With an addon like this, I could simply google the quests I haven't done and find out the locations without having to go through all this trouble..
Should point out to the OP that while 14 quests is on the high side to be missing in Shadowfen (so you have missed something), there is currently a bug whereby if you make certain choices in some quest it means other quests do not open up to you and this can leave you 1 or two quests short of the achievement amount. It's allegedly getting fixed with the craglorn patch..