Is there an addon that lists the quests you've completed?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I want to know if there is an addon that lists all the quests you've done so far, I really need it because I'm in shadowfen and I'm missing 14 quests and they are NO WHERE to be found. Been circling the map for hours and go into caves, dungeons, etc and it's no use.

With an addon like this, I could simply google the quests I haven't done and find out the locations without having to go through all this trouble..
Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19
  • seanolan
    Oh, this would be awesome...I love this idea.
  • Almay
    14 quests sounds like a lot...did you possibly miss a town?
  • Zabus
    Almay wrote: »
    14 quests sounds like a lot...did you possibly miss a town?

    I highly doubt it. It's down to 11 now, but I've been circling the map for hours on end without finding a single quest giver. I really hate Shadowfen.

    Edited by Zabus on April 13, 2014 6:21AM
    Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
    Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
    Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
    Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
    Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19
  • brandon
    I think the chains and bosses in the wilderness count as quests too
  • Zabus
    brandon wrote: »
    I think the chains and bosses in the wilderness count as quests too

    As long as it has a quest marker it counts, I've been everywhere and there seems to be no more quests. I'm starting to struggle in the next level because I'm not at the level that I should be.

    Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
    Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
    Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
    Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
    Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19
  • markvo1987
    im in the same boat in greenshade i have missed like all the lvl 28 quests
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Oh yes, I'd love to have this too!
    Always handy to have a reference to past missions, especially for those times when you're asked by friends and have forgotten the finer points.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • darthbelanb14_ESO
    Or maybe a mod that records the quests you complete to a txt file, if that's possible.
  • barigood54_ESO
    I agree with the need to track completed quests, for lots of reasons...even a txt file would work.
  • baratron
    Just going to bump this, because it was hidden all the way over on page 5 of the forum, and I think it's a great idea. Even if the list was simply a text file, as others have said.
    Guildmaster of the UESP Guild on the North American PC/Mac Server 2200+ CP & also found on the European PC/Mac Server 1700+ CP

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    Jadisa al-Belkarth - Redguard Arcanist looking for a role

    NA-only characters:
    Martin Draconis - Imperial Sorceror Healer (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Arzhela Petit - Breton Dragonknight Healer (Daggerfall Covenant) level 50
    Bjornolfr Steel-Shaper - Nord Dragonknight Crafter & Not-Much-Damage Dealer (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
    Verandis Bloodraven - Altmer Nightblade Healer & clone of Count Verandis Ravenwatch (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Gethin Oakrun - Bosmer Nightblade Thief & terrible Tank (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
  • scratchnsniff
    Try the add on house of winter(HoW) quest journal.
    It will not track quest already completed, but will track all quest going forward. It is a really cool add-on

    There is a way to import quest you have complete already but read the description n minion.
    Edited by scratchnsniff on May 16, 2014 4:20AM
    They call me the magic man.
    *** Now you see me***
    *** Now you don't ***
  • Zabus
    baratron wrote: »
    Just going to bump this, because it was hidden all the way over on page 5 of the forum, and I think it's a great idea. Even if the list was simply a text file, as others have said.

    Yeah I think it'd be a great thing to have.
    Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
    Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
    Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
    Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
    Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19
  • zgrssd
    I want to know if there is an addon that lists all the quests you've done so far, I really need it because I'm in shadowfen and I'm missing 14 quests and they are NO WHERE to be found. Been circling the map for hours and go into caves, dungeons, etc and it's no use.

    With an addon like this, I could simply google the quests I haven't done and find out the locations without having to go through all this trouble..
    There is a big chance that those quest have been disabeled because they were to hard to fix for the moment (like the frog race in Auridon). The archievements have not been updated because those quest will be reinstated once they have time to fix/finish them.

    It should be trivial to track quests you finish and store them into a Saved Variable using the Quest Events (Added and removed in particular).
    Displaying and filtering this data in a meaningfull way would propably be the hard part.
    There does not seem to be a way to figure out wich quests you already compelted - only what is travelign through your Journal while the addon is on.
    Edited by zgrssd on May 16, 2014 9:43PM
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yeah this would totally make it easier to get those achivs.

    I love both the lorebook and the skyshard addons.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Ferro219
    Soul Shriven
    There is an addon that tracks quest completion. Unfortunately, the api does not offer a function to show previously completed quests, so it can only log from the moment you start using it.
  • Drakzon
    You can also try the "Undiscovered" add-on from ESO UI or Minion. It will show alll the points of interest and quest hubs. Only mention it since your are having issues finding the ones you are missing.
    Edited by Drakzon on May 19, 2014 11:53AM
  • Lywen
    On HoW - If you know what quests you did, you can mark them as completed.
  • Swampster
    Should point out to the OP that while 14 quests is on the high side to be missing in Shadowfen (so you have missed something), there is currently a bug whereby if you make certain choices in some quest it means other quests do not open up to you and this can leave you 1 or two quests short of the achievement amount. It's allegedly getting fixed with the craglorn patch..
    Swampriel - Nightblade (Archer Build) - Ebonheart Pact - Veteran
    Swampess - DragonKnight - Eboheart Pact - Lowbie Faceroller
  • Zabus
    Swampster wrote: »
    Should point out to the OP that while 14 quests is on the high side to be missing in Shadowfen (so you have missed something), there is currently a bug whereby if you make certain choices in some quest it means other quests do not open up to you and this can leave you 1 or two quests short of the achievement amount. It's allegedly getting fixed with the craglorn patch..

    Got them all already, but an addon like this would be nice.
    Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
    Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
    Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
    Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
    Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19
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