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How are you keeping up with all the research?

Currently I am using add-ons to ensure I don't sell or break down something I will need later but it does not help me much for alts. I wanted to know if someone has come up with a template for a spreadsheet or some other form of document to show the character and what they are researching. Even an app would be good if there is one.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I use 3 addons to control my research.

    "Research Assistant"
    "AI Research Grid"

    They help a lot.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Traisa
    I use Research Assistant and AI Research Grid too. But, I'm also using my own Excel Spreadsheet to keep up with things I have researched, soon to be researched, and noted research items on an alt account. My bag space is precious so, I keep all potential research materials held on an alt account until I need them, and then transfer a few into my bank, and research from there. Being highly organized works well for me. :)
  • Ravvin
    Soul Shriven
    I use 2 mods for this; Research Assistant and AI Research Grid, both from the ESOUI site.
    Research Assistant shows me whether the current character has already researched the trait from an item and AI Research Grid lets me check what any alts have researched. I have my blacksmith on one alt and carpentry and clothing on another, so I also need to check occasionally who needs which Motif books when they find them. Research Grid shows you what they have learned and its really easy to use.
  • Mansome
    I just tried the AI research grid and all I can say is WoW, this has helped me a ton got get organized. Man if the dude that wrote this could make it just dump the output to a spreadsheet this would be the best add-on like ever.
  • Avidus
    I have a book next to my computer and I wrote down the traits I need and just cross them off. Best Mod ever!
  • Buppas
    Soul Shriven
    I simply created a google doc for it, which I also then used a tool to shorten link so I can link to it ingame when advertising my crafting (did this before I found out about any addons ingame for tracking research, and can't be bothered changing now tbh), URL:
    feel free to just rip it off if you want!
  • Sharee
    I just go with the flow without worrying about dismantling something i haven't researched yet. If it is in the game i will find it again, i'm here for the long run.
  • miakellyb16_ESO
    Avidus wrote: »
    I have a book next to my computer and I wrote down the traits I need and just cross them off. Best Mod ever!

    more or less that
    The things i say are my thoughts and don't reflect any group i'm part of.
    That said, do you have cookies?
    player of
    • Ahaná
    • Tears of Night
    • Ekahi
  • Enkil
    I made a table with all the traits and check then off as they are done. If I find an item with an unknown trait, I put than item's name in the field and bank it on an alt so I know that I can deconstruct any further loot I get with that trait.
  • AlexDougherty
    Mansome wrote: »
    Currently I am using add-ons to ensure I don't sell or break down something I will need later but it does not help me much for alts. I wanted to know if someone has come up with a template for a spreadsheet or some other form of document to show the character and what they are researching. Even an app would be good if there is one.

    Spreadsheet would do it, currently I just check the research window when I'm at a craft station, if the trait is there to be researched, and it doesn't belong to an item I want to keep, I research it.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • phaneub17_ESO
    I'm only using Harven's Trait and Style identifier addon.

    At the moment I'm only researching what I really need, so for like Blacksmithing I'm only doing 1h Sword and 2h Sword with all the heavy armor pieces; so far I have 8/8 2h Sword down and I'm only missing Training for 1h Swords. Most of my heavy armor pieces are 6/8 or 7/8 done. For Clothing I'm only doing Light Armor and skipping Medium leather completely, I'll go back and do those after all my cloth is done which too are mostly 6/8 or 7/8 on all pieces. Woodworking I only did Bows, Flame Staff, Resto Staff, and Shield. Bow, Resto Staff, and Shield are on their 8/8 trait in research right now. By next Tuesday I can create Eyes of Mara Resto Staves.

    If I did every weapon and armor type, it would have been completely chaotic and far more time consuming. By only choosing what I know are popular or commonly used, I get all I need right away.
  • Lupinemw
    I have the add on's but also a google doc for when I'm not at my PC and also its handy when you want to trade Traits I can say to people look here for what I have.

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  • Stonesthrow
    Personally not a fan of non-essential add-ons for many reasons, so….

    I have an Excel chart printed out with everything in the same order as the game (98% anyway, see patch notes) to make keeping track a breeze. I plan on having everything on one guy when all is said and done so this is even easier.

    I am collecting one of everything I need, having my main research the important pieces for himself first.

    Check off what I have done on my main.

    I then had my 5 alt/mules research all the remaining pieces with substantially quicker research times.

    Checked off which mule has what item.

    When a timer frees up on my main, I quickly craft what it is I need using the mule and throw it in the bank for the main to access.

    No inventory/storage issues and you can make a wider range of items for guild members who need them or to trade for what you still need a lot sooner.

    Works like a charm.
  • Doskias
    NA Server Daggerfall Covenant
    Master Crafter Weapons, Armor, Potions,Glyphs, Food Coming soon
  • Food4Thought
    I will be the first to admit that the addon approach is probably the smart way to deal with this issue.

    As for myself, I did do a spreadsheet but I eventually got tired of updating it.

    Now, I simply let the crafting system do the managing for me. But this only can work once you managed to get the majority of the research done on your character (which I have).

    How do I do it?

    After a round of dungeon / quest running I go to town and look to see if I have any new traits on the equipment I picked up. Most of the time it is no now. When I do get a new trait, it is usually on a quest reward item. So all I do is note that the medium chest piece has a trait I need to learn and deconstruct all of the rest.

    Even though I am now at the point where the average training time frame is over two weeks per item, it is still rare when I pickup a new trait item. Managing inventory space with deconstruction isn't all that difficult now.

    But how would I recommend a new player to start crafting?

    1. Avoid what I did and attempt all of the crafting lines at the same time.
    2. Start gathering items when you have quite a bit of free time to play. If you can knock out quite a few 6 or 12 hour training sessions in a weekend, this is a good thing.
    3. Get an addon.
    4. Get a mule alt to free up space.
    5. If your focus is on more than one of (clothier, woodworking, and blacksmithing) then ignore the other crafting lines initially. Save the inventory space for when you depleted your line of training items.
  • kewl
    1. Avoid what I did and attempt all of the crafting lines at the same time.

    This is great advice. It took me three weeks to give up on storing all research items and mats. Also, I couldn't afford unlimited bag and bank upgrades, across four mules. I scaled research back to the weapons and apparel my main and alts use. I also started using addons to help manage all facets of crafting:

    Helpful addons:
  • Draaconis
    I break down the ones that I am never going to research and ones that are no longer researchable for the stuff I am working on. Example: I will never smith so all metal stuff gets broken down or sold. I work on clothing, but I don't care about leather so all of the medium stuff goes right off the top. Then it's just a matter of clicking on each thing a breaking down what is not researchable in that category.
  • robertsian87b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Doskias wrote: »

    Craftstore is by far the most helpful for trait research in my opinion. If you haven't tried it yet, do it! Its incredible. I used to spend so much time with my excel sheet on a laptop next to my gaming PC... My wife would make so much fun of me (haha, understandably so if I took a step back to look at the situation). But CraftStore takes the whole spreadsheet need out of the equation (for what I used it for).

    I do still use research assistant as well... although even that is hardly needed anymore because Craftstore will put a tooltip on the unique items that you should save for research. Pretty slick.

    I am not affiliated with any add-on developers by the way :)
  • VampiricOmen
    I use the following addons:

    Research Assistant, ResearchTracker, AI Research Grid, CraftStore and now ItemSaver. I've lost count of how many times I've sold or deconstructed a trait I wanted for later.

    Research Assistant for the markers on items, ResearchTracker for the little ui timer, AI Research Grid and CraftStore to bring up a cohesive list of all traits currently known. I'll probably cut down to just the two trackers eventually.

    Ultimately though, my most used crafting tracker of a sort is an excel spreadsheet with colour coded cells. I keep it open when playing and alt-tab out of the game if I'm unsure if I have the trait or not (I store unknown traits on an alt character). Prior to making a spreadsheet, research management was a nightmare for me.

    I've started researching the harder to find traits on my trait holder character, just so that I am able to send people who need those traits within six hours or so, instead of four days. I think it'll also help me manage the items as I deconstruct greens and sell whites... most of my trait items are green and deconstructing them by accident is annoying.

    Lockpicking chests has provided me with a good portion of the hard to find traits, in starter zones no less! Already known traits get sold or deconstructed,
  • Moonchilde
    I have a crafter parked at a forge. I farm with 2 other characters. When they are full, I load all their weapons/armor into the bank. Log in with blacksmith, and look at what I can deconstruct: any researchables I set aside, and break down the rest. That is my list of research tasks.

    The list backs up, but what can you do? When everything is known, there won't be a queue anymore.
  • reggielee
    I dont really sweat the timer, this game is going to be a long ride and in the end all the research will be done. I do concentrate on the armor and weapons for my char first if I can. Daily I check in to see which are ready and if i have the item needed for research, if I cant research something I dont check again till the next day. I vendor all items regardless if I can research them at a later date as its easy to get more items.

    this casual view to researching I have already gotten 3-4 traits in armor blacksmithing, light armor, restor staff, some other staffs, 2 traits on shield. I would research the long last needed trait for my desired armor type before doing the quicker ones in some other area tho

    my point is.. dont sweat it.. it will be done. Prob sooner than you would want and there will be nothing left to do

    I really dont know why I am bothering, I have yet to craft me any gear, currently almost 40, prob will never use it to any advantage. the crafted sets dont really thrill me what i have yet seen, tho there may be ones later down the road

    if we could craft for cosmetic reason that would at least appeal to me more, being able to wear nice looking crafted gear as a wardrobe and use the mish mash sets for stats.
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • huntgod_ESO
    HEre is a pro tip to free up space.

    Use alts to research items of traits you won't get to for a while, they can do them in 6 hours a pop if you stick to 1 trait to item type, then when you need it, they craft a lvl1 version which you can then research with the main crafter.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • PageFrame
    Soul Shriven
    I made myself a printable check sheet/quick reference. I hate flipping back and forth trying to remember which traits I need on which items.

    ESO Fashion actually put it up on their guide pages (I used their info to put it together).
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