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Nightblade Dual Wield PvP Video

Just my first go at an ESO video. Feedback and comments welcome. Currently getting more footage for a 2nd.
  • SilvyrNixe
    What skills did you use in your two hot bars? It looks like a lot of fun :3
    "Real courage is not to give up hope, even in the most terrible darkness, and to carry on." -The Sight by David Clement-Davies
  • Sanguisaevum
    Thanks for watching!

    It is fun, my bars are...

    Bar 1 - blood craze, heated blades, concealed weapon, leaching strikes, dark cloak. Soul harvest.

    Bar 2 - Flying blade, Piercing Mark, Impale, concealed weapon, dark cloak. Soul strike.
    Edited by Sanguisaevum on May 20, 2014 9:32PM
  • SilvyrNixe
    Thanks <3 I'd like to give your build a try, mostly because I'm aiming for PvP as well once I finally get to V1 :3
    "Real courage is not to give up hope, even in the most terrible darkness, and to carry on." -The Sight by David Clement-Davies
  • Aphilas
    Hmm. Isn't heated blades+heavy attack animation cancelling spam better than blood craze+light attack spam?
    Also, not a crit build? Why? You can easily reach 45% crit chance as DW NB without sacrificing much. 50%+ as khajiit. Those 36-40 meters range flying blades are so much more tasty when they crit bad cloth users for 600.
    Edited by Aphilas on May 21, 2014 9:53AM
  • CapuchinSeven
    Great vid but I'd think you'd want more crit as well. Also have you considered Dawnbreaker, morphed you're adding 10% passive damage from all sources which takes the edge off of the reduction you're taking from Siphoning Strikes.

    I find they slot well with each other, you're getting all the bonus of the heal and stam/magic return with a much lower downside.
  • Aphilas
    Great vid but I'd think you'd want more crit as well. Also have you considered Dawnbreaker, morphed you're adding 10% passive damage from all sources which takes the edge off of the reduction you're taking from Siphoning Strikes.

    I find they slot well with each other, you're getting all the bonus of the heal and stam/magic return with a much lower downside.
    13% at rank 4, isn't it? And yeah, I'd definatly get that combo if I was NB.
  • Gisgo
    Dawnbreaker only buffs weapon power.
    Its good on a stamina build, not sure how well it would fit the OP's skillbar.
    I use it without siphoning strikes and it kicks some serious ass before you run out of stamina.

    Now i need to respec to try heated blades!
    Edited by Gisgo on May 21, 2014 2:31PM
  • CapuchinSeven
    Aphilas wrote: »
    Great vid but I'd think you'd want more crit as well. Also have you considered Dawnbreaker, morphed you're adding 10% passive damage from all sources which takes the edge off of the reduction you're taking from Siphoning Strikes.

    I find they slot well with each other, you're getting all the bonus of the heal and stam/magic return with a much lower downside.
    13% at rank 4, isn't it? And yeah, I'd definatly get that combo if I was NB.

    Yeah I think you're right actually, it's more than worth dropping the "-50% to healing" from the Assassination Ultimate, although I do love that, but then Dawnbeaker hits hard as well.

    To cover what you asked before, he's likely using light attacks because he's running SA and he wants the health/stam/magic procs.
    Edited by CapuchinSeven on May 21, 2014 2:38PM
  • CapuchinSeven
    Gisgo wrote: »
    Dawnbreaker only buffs weapon power.
    Its good on a stamina build, not sure how well it would fit the OP's skillbar.
    I use it without siphoning strikes and it kicks some serious ass before you run out of stamina.

    Now i need to respec to try heated blades!

    Yeah you're right, the tooltip is slightly misleading, but the change does show it's weapon damage.

    Heated Blade is okay for the extra damage on next hit, but is situational as a defence buff as it's only for melee.
  • Erock25
    All I saw was a bunch of flying blade spam on people being unhorsed.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Sanguisaevum
    Light attacks for the resource recovery, yes.

    Ill look into dawn breaker, thanks.

    And if thats all you saw... Your blind. Did you get caught by my heated blades?

    Thanks for watching all.
  • Aphilas
    Heated Blade is okay for the extra damage on next hit, but is situational as a defence buff as it's only for melee.
    I'm not sure about you, but it just brings me unlimited amount of pleasure to see people continuing to spam shield bash even if they haven't hit me with it for the last 5+ seconds. Every single one of them talons + shield bash monkeys keep trying until they slowly die.
    I'm DK myself btw.
    Edited by Aphilas on May 21, 2014 10:19PM
  • Sanguisaevum
    Oh god yes. You can almost taste the confusion.

    "But this ALWAYS works"




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