Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

ESO Improvements

So I would like to make a list of thing that could further improve Elder Scroll Online.
1.Be able to organize my bank passably with tabs or at least be able to move things around.This way I'm not looking ever where for one thing.
2..Have a way to change my character looks hair,face,and body ex.
3.Add a search option in the banks and inventory.
These are just some example I would like to hear ever else ideas.
  • Cogo
    torinsoul wrote: »
    So I would like to make a list of thing that could further improve Elder Scroll Online.
    1.Be able to organize my bank passably with tabs or at least be able to move things around.This way I'm not looking ever where for one thing.
    2..Have a way to change my character looks hair,face,and body ex.
    3.Add a search option in the banks and inventory.
    These are just some example I would like to hear ever else ideas.

    Another person who havnt bothered to read anything the Zenimax is releasing of what they are doing.

    Every single point you have are adressed, some come in Patch 1.1, some in 1.2.

    Also, there are restictions that Zenimax been very clear on from the start. You choose, but you live with your choices. Changing the character look you do by things thats possible. like dye, changing gear, costumes and even if they have not mentioned it, changing your haircut could be possible.

    Changing your

    1. Move things around in the bank is a problem Zeni working with. It got abused by duping, and this simply was a fast solution to fix it. a guildleader I manage the bank almost hours a day, but rather that then have people abusing a bug and ruin the economy. This will be fixed.

    3 Search options is in the works. READ the Zenimax upcoming news.

    I am all for any time of question. Hell, I probebly ask the most stupid questions of anyone I know, but asking about stuff thats CLEARLY stated in very easy accessable Maybe look among what the gamemakers are doing before you complain about it.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Well, there should be something for those of us who created our characters when Character Creation was bugged out, and wouldn't let us zoom in on the faces of our first one on a server. Mine came out looking all right, but I've heard some others didn't like it when they could zoom into that character's face.
  • Cogo
    Well, there should be something for those of us who created our characters when Character Creation was bugged out, and wouldn't let us zoom in on the faces of our first one on a server. Mine came out looking all right, but I've heard some others didn't like it when they could zoom into that character's face.

    I was one of the first player on day 1, 5 days prelaunch, and I had that same problem.

    Guess what, I tried to make another char and woooo. it was just the FIRST that couldnt zoom in. And they fixed that quite fast.

    Ever tried to solve a possible problem yourself?
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • torinsoul
    I wanted to hear others ideas that could make the game better.I'm sure I could come up with a hole list of things my self.I'm sure half of them have all ready been thought of.Some things are all ready been done with addons.I thoughts this could be a fun topic for people to discuses and perhaps hear ideas that haven't been done.So don't take things so serous and if you read my post all the way.It says these are just some examples and I would like to hear others ideas.
  • Ashchild
    These are things that will improve the game -for me-. :)

    Choice of walking/running animations within character creation. The male-walk looks oddly stiff to me.

    A contentious issue: delay or toggle in becoming full albino if you're a vampire. Especially for beast-races. I liked the story behind vampirism for ESO, as it fits that theme of Molag Bal's children returning for vengeance. But my wonderful black-khahiit doesn't look so wonderful anymore. So scrap that. :pensive: Pure-white should be evident only in stage 3-4.

    Far better information in character tab. I have 1200 what does that mean? What does 300 fire resistance do for me? Am I immune? I have no idea what's going on. I love the clean interface, but I'd like to hover over numbers and get damage reduction percentages or something. :pensive:

    Groupable solo-quests. If my friend cannot beat Molag Bal, I want to help them.

    Being able to respec the last skill-point spent (perhaps within a certain time limit). The next skillpoint allocation, makes the last one permanently memorised. This way we can test our morphs, overcome vague descriptions, and doubt, as well as overcome complaints about expensive respec costs. Yet, we still maintain a sense of growing identity.

    WAY CHEAPER REPAIR COSTS! I can never bring myself to commit any enchantments upon armor or shields prior to vet levels as its a huge money sink to maintain. :(

    Despite improvements: maintain the game's difficulty.
    Edited by Ashchild on May 20, 2014 7:57AM
  • torinsoul
    Well I can say about vamps and there resist.Fire resist caps at 50% fire resist so 300 isn't really doing any thing.You should invest into a 1k fire resist ring.They currently run about 2.5k ish gp.I my self am a vamp to but I have a dark elf and they have a fire resist passive.At max level I think it gives me 1.7k fire resist and that's probably about 30% reisst.I think I could ware a 1k resist ring and cap the 50% but I don't have much problem with fire atm.As far as being pail white I don't really like it my self.Yet now I am very inserted in what a khajiit vamp looks liken now lol.For the final quest to kill molag bal I can tell you a very simple trick to beat it.First you must lure molag bal down to the steps.If you keep him there only 2 dragons will spawn at the steps instead of a heard.You can kite molag bal around at the bottom of the steps if needed.As well you can run back thru the hole in the wall if you get low health.But be care full spending to much time on the other side can repawn molag bal back to full health.Now tool tip info in this game really dose suck but there is a addon.Yet this addon is no prefect it dose give way more info then default tool tip.Well there is two I would say get first being Soft cap info from Shinni.Next Harven's Extended Stats by Harven.These can be found at do like the idea of some kinda of grace period for skill resets would be nice.I do find my self resetting my skill quit a bit.Repairing don't bother me much.I repair ever time I bank and it averages 700gp to 1k gp.I am a vet 3 and all so have 100 inv. spaces.Ok enof rambling for me thank for the reply hope some of this helps you out :smile:
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Cogo wrote: »
    Well, there should be something for those of us who created our characters when Character Creation was bugged out, and wouldn't let us zoom in on the faces of our first one on a server. Mine came out looking all right, but I've heard some others didn't like it when they could zoom into that character's face.

    I was one of the first player on day 1, 5 days prelaunch, and I had that same problem.

    Guess what, I tried to make another char and woooo. it was just the FIRST that couldnt zoom in. And they fixed that quite fast.

    Ever tried to solve a possible problem yourself?

    All the time. But I didn't go in for lots of alts; it was three weeks after that when I made my nightblade, and I could zoom in. I also only have ONE character on EU, also made during early access when the feature was bugged.

    I'm also not a computer "wizzard". And no, since I took the Templar up to 15 and spent time on him, I would rather fix him than start over (and that includes dumping skill points into places other than where he has them now.)

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