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Templar bug: Decreased run speed after killing with biting jabs/puncturing strikes.

I am frequently if not all the time now experienced a decrease in run speed (like the slowness associated with blocking after killing an enemy with puncturing strikes... The spear still stays in my hand and my run speed is brought down atleast 50 % for about 10 seconds. It gets annoying VERY fast... Anyone else experience this?? I know its tough to bring every bug to the attention of the eso devs.
  • Sansu87
    I have this exact same bug and yes, it is very annoying. I'm dying all the time, because I can't run away from enemies. Have you noticed that you can't even loot bodies or swap your weapon during this bug?
  • Sansu87
    I just realised that this is related to Phantom Guilt quest. The problem dissappeared after finishing it.
  • Tolio
    I had a thread to that issue and have already submitted a ticket ingame. The manual workaround is to open inventory and than close it- atleast that always ends this behavious for me. Still pretty annoying.
  • Oneidas
    You can also press the "." key twice. This will fix the issue. Still very annoying. Should be a high priority fix.
  • Doubledoh
    I also have this bug. I guess I'll try to complete that Phantom Guilt quest.
  • Daknar
    Soul Shriven
    I also have this issue with the spear still present/decreased run speed/inability to loot or press "E" in quests. Attacking someone else will usually fix it for me, I'll try all the suggestions above, from the inventory to the "." to finishing this horrible quest if it is the problem. I'm 12 days past the initial post, hopefully fixed soon for others!
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yup , i also had this , kinda "long" time ago now heh , but completing the quest did remove it.

    Man , i wish that spirit would shut up so much.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Hellkath
    Have the same! so happy to see it's not something I'm doing wrong lol..
    Very annoying as I am constantly using the charge skill from the lance line and it seems to be associated with it in my case... can't pick up objects OR run afterwerds.
  • Murmeltier
    Sansu87 wrote: »
    I just realised that this is related to Phantom Guilt quest. The problem dissappeared after finishing it.

    Which Quest is this, i dont know the Phantom Guild?

    For the Problem i have a Little Help. You could dodge/roll forward and after that you can move at normal Speed. You see the Lance in the Hand some Seconds after that, it is not fine but it helps to move normal after that Bug.

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