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Angof Gravesinger

Soul Shriven
So How do you beat this guy? I stay out of the rings with vines in them, but then he shoots these bird things at you that you can't dodge or block and they even fly through things. I can never get close enough because of the zombies and then when I do he comes out of his little vine cocoon he's in and kills me almost instantly. What the secret to killing this guy?
  • Sonic260
    If you haven't already, join the Undaunted and finish their quest to get the basin that increases your HP recovery, then place it between you and the ally mage to heal both of you. While she's alive, this splits zomibe attention between you and her.
  • Halefire
    Run away over to the light that toward the stairs, it's on the right side.

    It streams down from the opening from the ceiling.

    Worked for me in beta, may have just been lucky, though they {npc's} do mention to run into the light or something about that.
  • chrisub17_ESO104
    This fight is straight forward.

    He has a large ground based aoe that expands out from him. Get out of that.

    After that the mage tells you to stand in the light. You will see circles of light on the ground. You have a few seconds to get into the circle to avoid his insta kill ability. Being in the circle will keep you safe and heal you if I remember correctly.

    This repeats until you kill him.

    Kill the zombies as they come out. The boss doesn't really hit all that hard but the zombies will overwhelm you.

    As with most of these boss fights it's an endurance battle. It helps greatly to weapon swap to resto staff during the fight and keep a hot running. That will give you some breathing room.
  • Lanatireb17_ESO
    yeah. only that the zombies in VR content swarm you before you have any chance of killing them
  • Salacious
    wait till your level 30 come back and one hit the b!tch
  • martinb16_ESO80
    I have a hard time doing this. I am red/green colour blind and I cannot see the red AOE on the floor at all and eventually it kills me.
  • blahgameblahb14_ESO
    yeah. only that the zombies in VR content swarm you before you have any chance of killing them

    This is ridiculous in VR content with a 1H/Shield tank. The zombies don't die quickly and they swarm.
  • crislevin
    I have a hard time doing this. I am red/green colour blind and I cannot see the red AOE on the floor at all and eventually it kills me.

    Is okay, just pay attention to the increasing circle. Red or green.

    When the priest say "get to the light", run to the light circle.
  • Salacious
    I have a hard time doing this. I am red/green colour blind and I cannot see the red AOE on the floor at all and eventually it kills me.

    that doesn't affect us
  • nocturnalnb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Just kite the zombies up the stairs to get some breathing room and range dps the boss.
  • steveb16_ESO46
    I can only comment on the non VR encounter. I found it hard and frustrating at first only because I had not understood the mechanics. Once I realised that the zombies were the priority and I had to get into the light it was all fine.

    The Fighters Guild silver bolt attack practically one shots the zombies and therefore you have plenty of time to to get more damage on Angof.
  • Salacious
    This dude was super easy at level 15 on my templar. :D
  • acrimon86
    I admit that this guy was a bit tough to take down in VR content with sword/shield. The strategy I used to finally beat him was to start by ranging him and moving around so that the NPC mage chick got his attention when my HP was low. When he spawned zombies, I again moved away from him, switched to sword/shield and focused only on taking them out. Then I switched back to bow when they were all dead - rinse and repeat.

    Fight him conservatively, avoid AoEs, hang around in the lights, and you'll finish this boss off in no time.
  • digitalwizard
    I have a hard time doing this. I am red/green colour blind and I cannot see the red AOE on the floor at all and eventually it kills me.

    I am also red/green color deficient. I literally had to wait until I was level 21 and went back to kick his ass. However, even at that stage, he was one tough SOB. I'm playing as a NB with medium armor and my primary is a bow. I heavy shot him from far away then unloaded poison arrows until my stamina was exhausted. I then switched to dual wield and used up my assassination abilities until my magicka was out.

    The key is to kill those damn zombies. It's not the boss that will kill you; it's them. Just keep trying; you'll get it. It took me about 10 times.

    Watch for the colors on the ground to change to a darker shade and then hightail it to any of the four brighter circles around the middle of the area. For me, I was almost forced, it seemed, by an invisible object towards the circles. When I finally took this guy down, I literally had 3% health left.

    My wife thought I was crazy when I celebrated my victory, cussing out the dead video game boss as he lay dead. LOL
    "My name is digitalwizard and I am an ESO addict!"
  • trahe
    Kill the zombies. Your chances to damage Angof are few and far between so you might as well kill the zombies. It helps. When you can attack Angof, attack him. I found that keeping the woman between me and Angof worked... and killing the zombies so they don't bother the woman worked. The fight was long but he eventually died.

    Oh, and tell your wife that nearly everyone celebrates killing that giant vine planting ass.
    Edited by trahe on April 30, 2014 11:53PM
  • padmortensenb16_ESO
    This one on VR!!... But, as Trathe said...try to keep the woman between you and boss, and kill off zombies as they spawn. If you stay behind the woman as much as you can, you won't have to far to go when the circles spawn...too far away, and you won't make it into them..stewpid snare ;) and ofc...avoid ground aoe + bring pots/heal :)
    People have got to learn: if they don't have cookies in the cookie jar, they can't eat cookies.
  • Hypersillyman
    I will now provide you with the ultimate means of defeating him. Bring friends with you. This is not, as far as I know, a forced solo fight. You can group up on him. Maybe not the ideal solution, but it's what I would do. That, or out-level him by 4-5 levels and come back. Bosses like this are all about the mechanics. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the mechanics are just going to get you every time. I've run across a couple of bosses like this. They present a mechanical nightmare that some people are just physically incapable of overcoming. There is nothing wrong with that. At all. It just happens sometimes. Maybe it shouldn't, but it does. It sucks that it happens, but at least you can go get help.

    As to the color blindness issue. My cousin had this problem in a number of games. Most recently, he had to deal with it in ESO, GW2 and Wildstar, which use similar ability telegraph mechanics. He found an interesting way around it. He started adjusting the colors on his monitor. He just messed with the settings until he found a color scheme that allowed him to see the ability telegraph on the ground despite not being able to see the original color in which they appear. You might want to try that. Just remember the original settings so you can put it back when you no longer need it. He forgot his original settings and couldn't re-set them. It took him a second to understand why we were laughing.

    It's not our fault the T-rex was bright orange. Not our fault at all. :)
    LFG Fippy Darkpaw. PST.
  • Demonsmaw
    Just did this as VR. Used a healing staff (I suppose a destruction staff would work but I find a healing one requires less effort to have a continuous ranged attack with) and stayed around the stairs. Used summon shade. siphon, silver bolts, and soul strike to wear him down. The part about getting to the light took a bit to understand but once I got the hang of the fight it was easy.
    Edited by Demonsmaw on May 13, 2014 10:46AM
    Veteran Dark Elf Nightblade initially working for the Ebonheart Pact.
    A wanderlust adventurer with no desire for empire-ship.
    Pact Hero, Covenant Hero, Master Wizard, Fighters Guild Victor
  • sagesourceb16_ESO
    I did this as a level 13 sorcerer, leather armor. First try. And I'm not particularly good at boss battles.

    How? I think I stumbled on the trick -- by pure accident, mind you. All I did was keep on summoning Clannfear. They rush Angof, keep him busy, and allow you to get rid of the zombies and then wear Angof down. He kills one, send another. They aren't that expensive, and Angof takes a while to kill them. The zombies usually don't help him; they're too busy trying to get me.

    Then, when it was time to say good-bye, I plopped a conjured Storm Atronach down right in his face. He lasted perhaps two minutes.

    The thing that came closest to killing me, as a relatively low-level figure, was Angof's damned birdies. I was glad I had reinforced my health rather than my magicka before starting out. (And will someone please remind Zenimax of what "clipping" means? Having projectiles sail right through six feet of stone is a very cheap shot, and I'm not talking about money.)

    I can only imagine how easy the fight would have been if my sorcerer had been able to summon Winged Twilights as well. I don't like the fact that these fights so often hinge on some sort of gimmick, but I am glad when I stumble across said gimmicks!
    Edited by sagesourceb16_ESO on May 19, 2014 8:00PM
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