Main Story, Dark Anchors, and Molag Bal

I realize this might be a spoileriffic question, but I'm a little reluctant to go forward without know the answer.

When we finish the main story quest and the Coldharbour chain, and defeat Molag Bal, do the Dark Anchors remain? Can we continue to take them out? Do they appear in the veteran areas and Cyrodiil? or should I finish all the DA-related achievements before going after Molag Bal?

Thanks very much!
  • Morimizo
    The Dark Anchors do indeed remain, both in your current alliance and available to clear in the veteran areas. I'm not aware of any achievements that would be locked/lost due to completing quests in any particular order.

    So go give that milk-drinker a good kicking for all of us, eh?
    Edited by Morimizo on May 18, 2014 6:57PM
  • ViciousMink
    Many thanks for that! I've run into a few situations where quests and achievements got blocked unexpectedly, and I wasn't sure how the defeat of Molag Bal would affect the Dark Anchors. But now I can indeed go kick him in the horns and tail, and I go now to do exactly that. =)
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