[Request] Loading screen time waster

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Hello forum,

I would like to make a request/idea for an addon. I haven't seen such a addon been made and I'm not sure how possible it is to make one but I've seen a couple old games have it.

The idea is this basickly a game within a game (Gameception) I myself am sometimes really annoyed by the loadingscreens especially whem going to Cyrodill and that's why i tought it would be nice to make a little minigame in the loading screen to consume our time. Like a pacman or spaceinvaders kinda deal.

That would be all if it has already been made could you please provide me a link if not there you have an idea/challenge what to make dear software developers :)
  • KalkS
    Get a "COMPUTER"!
  • Censorious
    I'd like a little macro to go through the screens for me while I go and make a cup of tea instead of having to sit there and press E to accept this, E to accept that. etc.

    Same with the startup screens that take far to long to get to the 'enter password' then select character and then press 'play'.
    I just want to turn it on and go for a walk while it goes through the unbelievably long startup process.

    Or (here's a thought) get rid of all those logo screens and just start the game.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • zgrssd
    Addons are only loaded and executed at the very last step of a UI (re)load.
    During the loading screens and before you logged in the (relevant part of the) UI simply does not exist.
    So it is simply not possible within the Game Design. And any solution that works with non-addon programms would either violate the TOS or could be used to create programms that violate the TOS (bots in particular). So we cannot help with those either.
    Edited by zgrssd on May 18, 2014 3:42PM
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • freche
    Censorious wrote: »
    Or (here's a thought) get rid of all those logo screens and just start the game.
    You can edit a ini file to get rid of them.
  • zgrssd
    freche wrote: »
    You can edit a ini file to get rid of them.
    If it is about skipping intro videos, direct editing of the settings file or using the Toolbox addon can do it.
    But nothing on the scale auf automatic login of Account and maybe Character, as far as I know.
    Edited by zgrssd on May 18, 2014 5:32PM
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
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