Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

How many are left?

Guild wise? game wise? This is a mega server yes? Where is everyone?
So the grumblings has started and the guild isn't as full as before. The drive to get to v-10 has slowed down on just about every guild member I know. All those that have reached v-10 are u waiting for craglorn? and do u feel theres no need to log on?
Am at v-5 atm and by god its painfull get to v-10, Am running out of steam. The questing is tedious and painfull. I have done a fair bit of grinding and questing mostly solo and can understand perfectly why ppl dont want to do it.
Are u guys having a break? or are u done with the game?
Personally I have payed up for 180 days and I regret doing that. But its done now. The cash has been taken and I have decided to stick with it for the moment.
  • Sorpaijen_ESO
    Swing by any bank and you'll see where everyone is --- there's routinely a crowd of several dozen stacked in front of the banker. The crafting areas also occasionally will be packed with folk. Out in the wild, not so much. But that's as it should be (and how I like it).

    Of course I'm just in my low to mid 20s on my three main characters; maybe things get even more thin later on. Possibly because so many of us ARE still in our sub-30s. :)
  • Tarwin
    I will admit I'm in 2 guilds that state about 200 people each. I never see more than 10 on at a time and zero chat. I have little hope of selling my wares on either as I see 20+ items of everything I try to sell. Guess time to join another, which I'll align with beginning my life in PvP in 3 levels
    Edited by Tarwin on May 15, 2014 7:32PM
  • Mothanos
    At this rate we can all see where its going to end.
    Fixes are slow, some shoulnt even be ingame as it was reported many beta's ago.
    False promises from Zenimax and a average mmo to begin with.
    Tediously long solo questing and no other viable means to level up is making people going trough a burnout state.
    Public dungeons / dolmans / world bosses are a joke....slapped together and extremely boring instead of epic and getting that feeling MOREMOREMOREMORE !!!!

    Many people left in big disapointment.
    Revieuws of ESO are groundslamming it into the ground with good reason.
    One big pile of mess from top to bottom.

    They murdered this IP, and now they are reaping what they sow.
    Tons and tons of people quiting leaving a sour taste of a cashgrab.

    I felt cheated by Zenimax as its not even a shadow of what it should have been.
    I even think this mmo is beyond repairmode....

    Time will tell, but if you still think this mmo is a succes then you need to wake up or need a reality check.
    What an abomination Zenimax created sigh....

    Glad i dint bought the Imperial Cash grab box as i would feel even more sad.
    Or bought this game for my wife and son....

    Words cannot discribe how i feel as i expected an mmo that reached for the stars and kicked every other themepark mmo out of the water after listening to the developers and looking to the trailers.

    They should feel ashamed to release a mmo in this state....even beta runned much better then 7 weeks post launch.
    But !!! Craglorn will fit it !!! after you payed a new sub for a month !!!

    Thanks but no thanks.
  • Milrik
    Soul Shriven
    I see people all the time while questing and exploring. Im only part of one small/medium guild so cant tell about the other. There is always people in public dungeons and anchors.
  • achimb16_ESO3
    Our small (because we're picky) guild is still growing, people waiting outside the guild hall to get invited. Most are still in the 30s level range, some above, some below that. Most of them are in game every evening after work.
    Some of us use Macs and have to cope with crashes a lot, but we're not giving up hope yet (though getting impatient by now ...).
    Same with broken or unreliable quests or instances that have to be done over and over again until the whole group gets the quest objectives in there - hopefully all of that will be fixed eventually.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yeah , i might need to exchange my trade guilds for new ones to cut the first month leavers and such.

    Oh well , should not be hard to find 4 new trade guilds.
    Mothanos wrote: »
    Many people left in big disapointment.
    Revieuws of ESO are groundslamming it into the ground with good reason.
    One big pile of mess from top to bottom.

    They murdered this IP, and now they are reaping what they sow.
    Tons and tons of people quiting leaving a sour taste of a cashgrab.

    I felt cheated by Zenimax as its not even a shadow of what it should have been.
    I even think this mmo is beyond repairmode....

    Lets be fair here.

    No ES game ever gets out without LOTS of bugs , they just patch it later , hell the community patches it for them :P.

    Still i do agree with you when it comes to feeling cheated , mostly because i trusted too much lols.

    I actually made a templar because i believed in that class wont tell your role crap , i never regreted my class choice in a MMO before. There is always a first time heh.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on May 16, 2014 10:16AM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Samiri
    People will always leave in the beginning because the game is just not for them. I my self was near a burnout state. I then realised why Am I pushing it so much? There is no need to try and Hit V10, I will get there eventually and it does not matter if its tomorrow or if its in 2 weeks.

    In the 4 Guilds I am in we have a lot of active members in the 3 of them. The last one is an all girls guild and not so much active, but its expected :)
  • daniel.lagerbladb16_ESO
    ~VT2 here(ran into the grind wall), all the fun was nerfed to zero, and soon they nerf my shield bash to) , i'm out as for my whole guild, payed for 1 more month but likely never play again. sry, but have fun
    Edited by daniel.lagerbladb16_ESO on May 16, 2014 10:18AM
  • xramirez535b14_ESO
    I still see TOO many people running around every public dungeon and on every quest I do that requires a boss at the end. :/
  • Ohioastro
    I'm in three large trading guilds - 2 growing, one static. Motto: experiences vary. For those complaining: I hope you find something that you enjoy. I think that this game is great; I'm having a lot of fun; and I didn't rush through to vet 10, so I'm not burned out. On your next game, try not playing it 10 hours a day. You'll like it more.
  • Gaudrath
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    I'm in three large trading guilds - 2 growing, one static. Motto: experiences vary. For those complaining: I hope you find something that you enjoy. I think that this game is great; I'm having a lot of fun; and I didn't rush through to vet 10, so I'm not burned out. On your next game, try not playing it 10 hours a day. You'll like it more.

    This. No one can blame a game for burnout. Bugs, yes, burnout, never. It's all on the player. It's impossible to create a game that is so interesting and engaging it would prevent burnout when players plow through 3 months worth of content in a couple of weeks, then have nothing else to do but sit and moan how the game got stale and boring.
  • Yakidafi
    Subed another 180!
    I am in 3 trade guilds 2 active one 100 members but not so active.
    I still see alot of players, v3 soon, sometimes too many!

    every anchor is overcrowded :)
    Atleast 2-3 other in public dungeons.

    I laugh at the bashing posts above ;) obviously this game is not for you, who believes in the clearly 'cinematic' trailers!?
    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
  • Chomppa
    I still see people in Glenumbra and Auridon and I still see people waiting on werewolf and vampire bites so I'm pretty sure there are still people around .
    :):D:(;):\:o:s:p:'(:|B):#o:)<3 (*) >:)
  • ZiRM
    I dunno but it's a friggin ghost town in here. Where is everyone because they certainly aren't on when I'm on.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
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