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An Unorthodox Way to Beat Lyris Doppelganger as a Templar

(NOTE: When responding, please don't include spoilers for further story content. This is as far as I have gotten in the game and may be as far as others reading a thread like this have gotten.)

Templar, Level 33, Attributes = 19 M, 13 H, 0 S.

I was utterly clueless the first time I fought her, but figured out the "OMG, healing orbs! Kill them, KILL them!" thing on my second try.

But I continued to have trouble on further attempts, even knowing the "trick". As a Templar, I don't have much in the way of wide area of effect, which made it hard to take down all the healing orbs. Plus, being a Templar means being constantly out of magicka in long fights because we have no resource management. With no resource management and no low magicka offensive spells, it is very easy to waste a lot of magicka killing off the orbs and be left with nothing. Then you are in big trouble.

What eventually worked for me as a Templar:

1). Use as little magicka and stamina as possible actually fighting the Lyris Doppelganger. This sounds crazy, but bear with me.
2). Use magicka to heal yourself and only to heal yourself. Templars are good at this! Take advantage of it. We don't have to worry about running out of potions.
3). Don't wait until the last second to heal! You will be stunned/immobilized frequently and unable to cast spells. Hoarding magicka to heal will not be much use if you are stunned and unable to cast the healing spell as you approach death! Keep your health up so you can survive through the stuns.
4). Use stamina to dodge Lyris Doppelganger's attacks and hunt down and kill the healing orbs. I used vanilla bash (right mouse + left mouse, not the Power Bash ability). The orbs go down pretty easy, but there are a lot of them. If you are not using 1H+S, you may have enough power to kill them with a light attack and use no stamina! Good. That leaves you more stamina to run and dodge.
5). Radial Sweep does not use much ultimate, only 75. I only have to kill 2 or 3 orbs to recharge it. As soon as it is charged, I turned toward Lyris (because I have the morph that does more damage to enemies in front of you) and hit R. It'll likely take out any orbs you missed, too. Don't use Nova. It does a lot of damage, but costs too much Ultimate. Radial Sweep actually does more damage per ultimate.

Repeat until she is dead.

Basically: Magicka to heal, Stamina to kill the orbs and dodge/run, orb killing to recharge ultimate, Radial Sweep Ultimate to kill Lyris Doppelganger.

Good luck. It takes forever, but I could not find any other way to kill her as a Templar.

Oh yeah, after I beat her, I followed the arrow and swear it took me back the way I came! When I got back to the Harborage and realized I had come out the way I went in, I panicked that I was going to have to kill her again when I went back. Thankfully, she was still dead when I returned. I have a lot of patience, but having to kill Lyris Doppelganger *again* might have broken me. :-)
  • Dekkameron
    In that instance, i was disapointed that the "torturer daedric" wasn't a bit harder. It was almost anti-climatic.
    - Veteran Combat Librarian -
  • crislevin
    I went in as a temp at 37, bashed her through, she didn't even generate one orb. Lol
  • Dagoth_Rac
    crislevin wrote: »
    I went in as a temp at 37, bashed her through, she didn't even generate one orb. Lol

    That is what I did to Doshia! It is the best approach for enemies like this, and Templars can dish out a good deal of damage in a short amount of time. But I cannot come close to dishing out the damage to kill Lyris Doppelganger before running out of resources. She has like 7500 health.

    Can you please go into detail about how you did it? I explained at length the strategy and tactics and skills I used. Hopefully it gives others having problems new ideas about how to beat her. Maybe your approach would help others, but "I beat her," is not as useful as, "This is how I beat her."

  • crislevin
    i really don't see anything special, just biting jabs, while keep an eye on the magicka and HP, use potion and rushed ceremony whenever needed (life down 1/3).

    Bash her whenever she attempt to wave her arms to do any type of spells.

    I think the major factor is I was at L37, which surely helped a great deal.
  • Sakiri
    A tip, when the harvester chokes you, right then left mouse button as if you're going to interrupt.

    Breaks you out of it.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Sakiri wrote: »
    A tip, when the harvester chokes you, right then left mouse button as if you're going to interrupt.

    Breaks you out of it.

    Sweet! Does that apply to stun/immobilize/disorient in general? Or just the particular choke attack that these enemies perform?

  • Moomins
    I did it as a Templar (with full heavy armor) using the following tactics:

    1. Get up nice and close before starting
    2. Hit her with purifying light
    3. Hit her with biting jabs
    4. Hit her with silver leash
    5. Rinse and repeat.

    Purifying light is great because not only do you heal, but so does the real Lyris, meaning that she keeps hacking away at the naga. Hitting her with biting jabs and silver leash did the best damage for me, the biting jabs was especially good for knocking out the orbs as they appeared around her. Just keep hacking away, and ensure that you keep Lyris healthy, and you'll kill the naga by the skin of your teeth. It took two tries to get this working, the second time I just missed by casting purifying light too late. Of course everyone's build is slightly different, as are play styles, but ti worked for me.
    Edited by Moomins on May 13, 2014 5:03PM
    "Dragons? Oh, they're everywhere! You must fly very high to see most of them, though. The ones nearer the ground are very hard to see, being invisible."
    M'aiq the Liar
  • SootyTX
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    A tip, when the harvester chokes you, right then left mouse button as if you're going to interrupt.

    Breaks you out of it.

    Sweet! Does that apply to stun/immobilize/disorient in general? Or just the particular choke attack that these enemies perform?

    That is the CC break for any hard stun (check https://youtube.com/watch?v=6oMCHmPHp0U for a good tutorial on CC. It's not something that's covered in-game anywhere that I've seen, and an awful lot of players have no idea it exists even up into the 30s and 40s

    Edited by SootyTX on May 14, 2014 4:00PM
  • Anvos
    Simpliest way for Templars to deal with the harvester enemies is to get the aoe upgrade on spear shards and then time the lauch of the spears with the harvester in the center of the aoe to hit them all shortly before they heal the harvester.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Anvos wrote: »
    Simpliest way for Templars to deal with the harvester enemies is to get the aoe upgrade on spear shards and then time the lauch of the spears with the harvester in the center of the aoe to hit them all shortly before they heal the harvester.

    Good tip. I have not unlocked Spear Shards, but have a few Skill Points saved up and could unlock it. I have used Explosive Charge as a quasi-AoE, but having a true ranged AoE is not a bad idea. However, isn't Spear Shards AoE immediately? Do I really need to morph it?

  • Gaudrath
    In general, don't melee Harvesters. You can't dodge their "grasping hands" attack if you're in melee range, and that's their big hitter.

    Also, bow makes short work of those orbs. Staff too, but a bit more clumsy. No need to run after them.
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