Finally.... My Elder Scrolls Moment

  • Phantax
    OP this is my Elder Scrolls moment for youymvijgphyiyx.bmp

    That's just wrong... in so many ways ! (funny

    PS. Remind me to keep my mouth closed next time I have to swim across a lake or river !

    Edited by Phantax on May 17, 2014 6:56AM
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Phantax
    Blackwidow wrote: »

    So, your moment was seeing a building? ROFLMAO! :D

    I was expecting this big story that would bring me back to TES and all the fond moments of those games. Not some screen shots of ruins that I have see 100s of times in ESO. :)

    Its a shame you didn't put as much effort into understanding my post as you did into your sarcasm. The point was not actually the building, it was the view, or more specifically what the view offered.

    A ruins to be explored, a road leading into the distance. These things offered adventure, surprise, untold riches, maybe even death. They were there before my eyes, waiting to be discovered. The anticipation of what they offered was my Elder Scrolls moment, not just the jaw dropping beauty of the view !

    Edited by Phantax on May 17, 2014 6:55AM
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • tipper709ub17_ESO
    Your moment is a great one. Titled well as it's just a moment and the topic didn't say big story. Trolls will be trolls, and It's refreshing to see a post like this instead of the common fare that's out there now. Thank you for posting it.
  • Blackwidow
    Phantax wrote: »
    Its a shame you didn't put as much effort into understanding my post as you did into your sarcasm. The point was not actually the building, it was the view, or more specifically what the view offered.

    I was not being sarcastic.

    I think it is a shame that your moment was just a view.
    A ruins to be explored, a road leading into the distance. These things offered adventure, surprise, untold riches, maybe even death. They were there before my eyes, waiting to be discovered. The anticipation of what they offered was my Elder Scrolls moment, not just the jaw dropping beauty of the view !

    Yes, the ESO potential is the problem. It is all potential.

    Go explore those ruins. See how much TES you get out of them compared to Oblivion.

    Look, I'm glad you had your moment. I guess I am sad for you that, that was your moment. That potential moment and not an actual real adventure.

  • pronkg
    Blackwidow wrote: »

    I was not being sarcastic.

    I think it is a shame that your moment was just a view.

    Yes, the ESO potential is the problem. It is all potential.

    Go explore those ruins. See how much TES you get out of them compared to Oblivion.

    Look, I'm glad you had your moment. I guess I am sad for you that, that was your moment. That potential moment and not an actual real adventure.

    Eehm are you really trying to tell OP that his perspective of having fun is wrong because your is different?

    That sounds really arrogant to me
  • PharmaChief
    I wish i could agree with most people in this discussion but i don't. I love this game but its the quests, the small stories and the crafting i like.
    Exploration isn't this games strong suit. That is because whenever i find an old ruin i know exactly what to expect(a public dungeon that is copied and pasted exactly as the last one). Also no real treasure to be found, the random chests are nothing importand and give nothing i can't find another way. Also no interesting people to meet unless they are connected to a quest, no wandering traders with exotic items(they all sell the same useless staff).Even cities serve no other purpose than crafting and going to bank.
    Maybe when i am vr levels and i can walk around the world without level limitations i will change my mind but until now i never feel any reason to go out exploring.(skyshards are the only exception).
  • pronkg
    I wish i could agree with most people in this discussion but i don't. I love this game but its the quests, the small stories and the crafting i like.
    Exploration isn't this games strong suit. That is because whenever i find an old ruin i know exactly what to expect(a public dungeon that is copied and pasted exactly as the last one). Also no real treasure to be found, the random chests are nothing importand and give nothing i can't find another way. Also no interesting people to meet unless they are connected to a quest, no wandering traders with exotic items(they all sell the same useless staff).Even cities serve no other purpose than crafting and going to bank.
    Maybe when i am vr levels and i can walk around the world without level limitations i will change my mind but until now i never feel any reason to go out exploring.(skyshards are the only exception).

    I have to agree to some point. Though as OP I still seem to enjoy it very much.
    But said many times to friends I wish the dungeons to be bigger and different.

    So far the best experience with dungeons in ESO was hunting for sky shards in cyrodill (on the other factions side). It's dangerous and challenging I'd love to see more reasons to sneak into risky areas in cyrodill.
  • pronkg
    First pic is in stormhaven right? :p
    Edited by pronkg on May 17, 2014 8:07AM
  • Blackwidow
    pronkg wrote: »

    Eehm are you really trying to tell OP that his perspective of having fun is wrong because your is different?

    That sounds really arrogant to me

    That is not even close to what I was saying.
  • Noswell
    My favorites are the artist's easels set up in places that are like a "scenic view" marker. Whenever I come across one I wish there was some kind of emote to sit down and paint for a while :)
  • Loxy37
    Yeah ive loved it from my very first beta which seems like a long time ago (Jan 2014). I have always explored every nook and cranny in every MMO regardless of if they are really designed for it. I always think that if I was a programmer of MMOs that I would hide things in the most obscure regions of the maps just for people like me.
  • daneyulebub17_ESO
    Blackwidow wrote: »

    So, your moment was seeing a building? ROFLMAO! :D

    I was expecting this big story that would bring me back to TES and all the fond moments of those games. Not some screen shots of ruins that I have see 100s of times in ESO. :)

    Wow, a full page and half of thoughtful comments before a [snip] one finally pops in!

    I think I just had my ESO forum moment!

    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on May 17, 2014 12:43PM
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  • Loxy37

    Wow, a full page and half of thoughtful comments before a [snip] one finally pops in!

    I think I just had my ESO forum moment!

    Yeah people like that will never get it. They see content, devour it and then complain that this isn't a Elder Scrolls game. I prefer to take in every little thing that the designers have crammed into the game. I never got bored of seeing the throat of the world in Skyrim and every time I passed by, I had fond memories of watching the game in videos pre-launch and thinking how I couldn't wait to go there.
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on May 17, 2014 12:44PM
  • Badh0rse
    Glad to see you are having so much fun! This game is perfect for someone who just wants to kick around and smell the roses. :) You should update this thread with more pics of your adventures as time goes on.
  • Bleakraven
    I get plenty of these Elder Scrolls moments because I am not just following markers and/or skipping quest dialogue. I actually look around, go off the roads and explore, even if there isn't a marker on my compass. :)
  • traigusb14_ESO2
    OP this is my Elder Scrolls moment for youymvijgphyiyx.bmp

    Someone has to drink that water you know...
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    OP this is my Elder Scrolls moment for youymvijgphyiyx.bmp

    Hah! That's actually a nice pic.

    However, I'm glad my husband had just left when I came across it. He might stop believing what I say I do with the computer all day.

    The reflection kind of makes it look naughtier than what it is ....

    But I still like it. >;)
  • Cogo
    Outstanding post OP! You really understood what this game is about. Those who rushed to highest level I bet never had anything close to this experience.

    Keep playing! You will have a lot of these moments in different ways.
    Just dont make the mistake and use addons that shows you where every quest are and especially where all the skyshards are.

    I played every day since 5 days early release. Only on my main, and still, I get happy like a kid getting ice cream every time I run into a skyshard, or find one by using the hints in the lorebook!

    Happy playing!
    Edited by Cogo on May 17, 2014 7:47PM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
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    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

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  • thorntk421
    I will never understand the thinking of the people that rush to endgame within couple weeks of launch then *** and moan that there is nothing to do..
    It's even worse when they spew vitriol at people who say they are enjoying the game and having a blast!
    I know everyone plays the game differently and that's fine. Just don't "beat" the game and then *** there is nothing left to do only 6 weeks into launch.
    I'm mostly a solo player who doesn't even do much pvp. So, I know Craiglorn and most of Cyrodiil isn't going to be for me and, I accept that not *** and moan that I can't play all of the game. The game isn't gonna be for everyone if you don't like it move on..
  • Evergnar
    The big bridge & waterfall between Greenshade & Malabal Tor one of my favs.
  • Moonscythe
    I'm definitely a pick a direction and run kind of person and I always get lost in the scenery in Tamriel no matter which version it is. Of course there can be drawbacks. Practically out of the gate in Skyrim, I bested a bandit ambush, got an awesome pair of boots from the chest then wandered on down the road and stopped to gape at a waterfall. A sabre cat ate me and I hadn't saved so I lost my awesome boots. But that waterfall was still worth it.

    Just before the close of the final beta weekend, I was in Davon's Watch and had done all I intended to do so I hopped on my horse to take a ride through the countryside as I always like to do. That was perhaps not the best place to do that however. I got mired in the lava flows and died from an attack I couldn't avoid. I just wanted to ride into the sunset!
    Scura di Notte - Altmer Nightblade (gear)
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    Sanna yos'Phalen - Altmer Sorcerer (provisioning)
    Cosima di Mattina -Altmer Sorcerer
    Naria Andrano - Dunmer Templar
    Luca della Serata - Redguard Templar
  • Blackwidow
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    Yeah people like that will never get it. They see content, devour it and then complain that this isn't a Elder Scrolls game.

    I devour it?

    You mean I rush through it?

    No. That is not me at all.

    I stop to read each book. I explore every single area and then explore it again.

    However, this game fell way short of a true TES game.
    I prefer to take in every little thing that the designers have crammed into the game.

    Yes, good for you. You play ESO the "right way". :wink:
    I never got bored of seeing the throat of the world in Skyrim and every time I passed by, I had fond memories of watching the game in videos pre-launch and thinking how I couldn't wait to go there.

    I have fond memories of Skyrim as well. Which is why ESO makes me sad when I think of it as a TES game.
    Edited by Blackwidow on May 17, 2014 11:10PM
  • reggielee
    yes! my absolute favorite thing to do is empty my bags and then set off to just explore, find that wondrous nook in the middle of nowhere and sit for a minute listening to the wind and the birds. lovely
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Those are some great screenshots OP, but not to sound like an ass...why is this in the Customer Support section?
    House Nyssara (NA)
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  • babylon
    Those are some great screenshots OP, but not to sound like an ass...why is this in the Customer Support section?

    This is effectively the General Chat forum, because of how messed up the forum layout is. Even the mods don't bring the topic rule down on us unless it's something that complains about the game and makes it look bad.
  • Noswell
    babylon wrote: »

    JFC dude, my eyes.
    Edited by Noswell on May 18, 2014 5:48AM
  • babylon
    Noswell wrote: »

    JFC dude, my eyes.

    Yet you couldn't stop staring :3

  • gladen5rwb17_ESO
    I found a nice coastal spot, /sitchair and drank in the sun. Someone came past and asked what I was doing. I said "Sun bathing". He laughed and set up a chair next to me. We sat there like that for a good ten minutes. He packed up his chair and said "That felt great, now I can get back to that quest".

    It was a lovely moment.
  • nhisso
    Not to be a "debbie downer" here, but you're making it sound like you can go explore and find neat stuff or hidden quests or something. I've explored every inch of the maps I've done. Yeah, there's some pretty spots, but hardly an Elder Scrolls moment. You will find ALMOST every quest by being lead to them. Your exploration doesn't find you in caves or other explorable areas with loot or enemies or side quests (aside from chests). Sorry, but I don't see the "happiness" here lol.
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