So when I came to TESO, thinking I could play the game how I wanted too; I was so wrong. Later on after level 43, began noticing I was dying way to much and figured it was the lack of a ultimate. So I spent a single skill point in shadow section for cloak of darkness and got shadow up to 50 for the ultimate. It was fine until I got to Rank 2 content and I was dying a lot.
I started out with Bow and DW tree line only but now, comparing them to the class skills, they are no where near on par with damage or crowd control offering plus with the morphing boosts.
I began reading up on what works with what and found many players went with critical bursts and critical damage increase; having playing MMOs for many years this combo always get nerfed in the long haul to balance things for PvP or if it makes PvE Bosses die to quickly. However ignoring that major detail, I don't like the idea on how weak the weapon skills are. I went through most of TESO, solo mode, just with weapon skill trees, but now in Vet content it seems I am forced to use the class skills if I want to continue to solo, which sucks.
I am not happy I spent my early access and most of my free month subscription to find this out later in the long haul that this doesn't work. Yet what upsets me the most is that lack of customization of playing the game how you want, as advertised. I refuse to skill up the other trees just because they are there to skill up but still, I believe the weapon skill lines should have their own ultimate and more utility use if you choose not to focus on class skills.
Otherwise I hate to say it but, while I love Elder Scrolls, I don't see wasting money on a monthly subscription if I am going to be frustrated and forced to play different skill set up because other skills are broken or not really useful.