Exiting and re-entering Outfit station makes companion invisible

So, I've been experimenting with outfits/armour for my companion, but every single time I exit the Outfit station and re-enter it, the companion does not appear on the right side. I have to keep logging out and in again which makes it so damn frustrating. I've resorted to some costume and a colour; can't be bothered with Outfit station as long as this bug exists.

Please fix.
  • Kiyakotari
    I came to report this same bug, and also an addition to it - if you change the costume that your player character is wearing, they almost always have the same issue. So it seems to be a costumes display problem, not a companion specific issue. I've run into this on both PC-NA and PC-EU since the Vengeance event went live. I'm in PvE zones trying to adjust colors on costumes, not Cyro, and yes I do have ESO+.
  • BretonMage
    This bug affects companion outfits as well. Most of the companions I run with do not wear costumes, but the bug affects them when I click on them in the outfit station.

    Exactly as OP says, after exiting the first time, on re-activating the outfit station, it no longer "sees" your companion. I've sent a bug report.
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