Can't progress Gold Road main questline

  • zsquared8080
    I have same problem, i hope it's not because i have done necrom main quest with my arcanist...... normaly i do all with my main, but when Necrom come, i up my arcanist by doing the main quest.
    Hope i don't have to do again Necrom with my main, really boring if it's that :(

    It is 100% that. You must have completed the Necrom story on the same character to finish the last two quests listed in the Champion of the Gold Road achievement. I just finished a second run of Gold Road story on the EU server, and was blocked until I finished the Necrom story first.

    Interestingly, they did leave the last Gold Road story quest off the list for Champion of the Gold Road (the wrap up and celebrate quest), which they included in Necrom. So it seems like they acknowledge there are some quests they wanted to leave off. They just didn't leave off enough.
  • LoneWandererBud
    Soul Shriven
    I could be wrong but my understanding is that in order to get the West Weald / Gold Road epilogue quest to be accessible, you first need to do the following on the SAME character, in any order:
    • Necrom prologue
    • Necrom main questline
    • Necrom epilogue
    • West Weald prologue
    • West Weald main questline
    Then the West Weald epilogue should trigger, although I'm not sure where or who to talk to. I hope/assume Leramil will just appear somewhere in Skingrad with a quest marker. Will try tonight.
    Edited by LoneWandererBud on July 2, 2024 4:53PM
  • zsquared8080
    I could be wrong but my understanding is that in order to get the West Weald / Gold Road epilogue quest to be accessible, you first need to do the following on the SAME character, in any order:
    • Necrom prologue
    • Necrom main questline
    • Necrom epilogue
    • West Weald prologue
    • West Weald main questline
    Then the West Weald epilogue should trigger, although I'm not sure where or who to talk to. I hope/assume Leramil will just appear somewhere in Skingrad with a quest marker. Will try tonight.

    I just completed Champion of the Gold Road from scratch on EU, since the Xbox achievement didn't pop when I completed it on NA.

    I can confirm that I repeated the Necrom main questline and the West Weald main questline, and then could access the last two quests for Champion of the Gold Road. I didn't do any prologue quests. I'm also not sure what you mean by the Necrom epilogue. For clarity, you need the quests mentioned in the Champion of Apocrypha achievement, on the same character. When this is done, you talk to Scruut, the small watcher, on the second floor of Beragon's townhouse, to start the second to last quest.
  • DMuehlhausen
    Not to bring up a dead post, but has this been fixed? I went through everything on it from what I can tell and it's not completing.

    Wouldn't really care except there is a spell color change tied to the achievement.
  • LootAllTheStuff
    Everything on the same character, or between 2 or more characters? It needs to be the first, because it's story quest lines.
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